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Saltdean Nazi On MySpace

Deacon | 18.08.2006 11:35 | Anti-racism | South Coast

Saltdean Nazi Sid Williamson on MySpace

I note that Saltdean Nazi Sid Williamson now has his own MySpace page:



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Worra laff

18.08.2006 12:51

You have to feel sorry for the poor drunken slob...

Oh fuck it, no you don't. :-)

- Homepage:

stop taking the piss

18.08.2006 15:00

judging by his iq, your talking of the next leader of the bnp here... heil sid

nosey barker

oh the bnp

19.08.2006 00:20

if only the british left were put under the spotlight

what a freak show

your father

Freak Show

19.08.2006 09:04

"if only the british left were put under the spotlight"

Like it isn't on Redwatch? Even if the best they can come up with is a few trade unionists and anti-war dedmonstrators for the most part.

But there've been enough photos of the Fash posted on here to show who the real banjo-pluckers are!! And barely a week goes by when there isn't a BNP paedophile getting arrested. Why do you think Sid is known as 'The Saltdean Beast'?

Your Mother


19.08.2006 14:24

That is even funnier than the BPP site! What a twat!!


Do you mind!

19.08.2006 14:40

I will have you lot know that i was once accused of being a paedophile, by Saltdeans edition of Argus. I made legal threats about this and they removed the article and apologised. Yet they dont realise that the act I was accused of actually happened.
As for my incontinence, do you blame me, come on lads i have had my tubes sewn up so my live in fat girlfriend wont have to put up with more of my brats.
The alsohol abuse is something i need to keep me away from reality, I am not a NAZI, or a National Socialist. I just cant seem to decide as to how do I actually make friends in the "real world".
I am a sad case, why do you think I live in Brighton, in a council property, rent paid for etc etc. Getting free dole money and claiming sickness benefits.

Who wants to work when you can get everything free, ask my mates Morrison & Watmough. Theyre doing the same, Morrison lives for the alcohol & Watmough lives to put more glue in his bag & hide from debtors.

Oh dea got to go now "Searchlight" is on the phone Eddy & Kev have given me more information that I can pass onto them.

Yours Peter Williamson aka "Saltdean Sofa Soaker"

Saltdean Soaker


03.09.2006 10:37

Boo! Sid's account has been deleted.