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The New Face Of The BNP

NaziHunter | 17.08.2006 20:15 | Anti-racism | South Coast

After the collapse of the 'British People's Party', Saltdean Nazi Sid Williamson has thrown in his lot with the BNP. While he's previously denounced the BNP as 'jew-lovers', 'race-traitors', etc the only real surprise is that his membership application appears to have passed by Nick Griffin's beady eye - Or has it?

The Saltdean Beast
The Saltdean Beast

Nick Griffin may have done his best over the past few years to falsely conceal his fascist past, and lie to the British electorate about the true nature of the British National Party, but the BNP remains as much a fascist organization as it ever was. If proof were needed (which it really shouldn't be), we need look no further than the recent acceptance into the ranks of the BNP of Peter 'Sid Williamson, ex 'National Inspector' and 'National Recruitment Officer' of the Hitlerite British People's Party.

After fuhrer Eddy Morrison's dismal showing in the local elections, and his subsequent further descent into alcoholism and resignation as leader of the BPP, the Nazi party was left in the shaking hands of Kevin 'Gluebag' Watmough. Since the BPP had proved to be one of the biggest farces in British fascist history (which really is saying something) and was sinking faster than the Titanic, the ambitious Williamson jumped ship.

After being re-buffed by the fascist Nationalist Alliance, 'The Saltdean Sofa-Soaker', as Williamson is known by fellow Nazis, briefly considered a future in the Klu Klux Klan before applying for membership of the British National Party, apparently on the advice of his old (really old) ex-blackshirt mentor, John 'Griff' Wood.

Williamson, as UK moderator of the Nazi forum VNN, has vociferously slated the BNP and Griffin in particular, as liberals and race-traitors throughout his tenure. But while incredibly stupid, this relative newcomer to the fascist right has ambitions far beyond his intelligence, as well as his personal capabilities.

With Williamson's track-record as a buffoon without equal, who can always be guaranteed to put his jackboot in his over-large mouth, one might have thought the cautious and crafty Griffin might have considered he needed 'The Saltdean Beast' like he needed one less eye. But, Williamson's BNP membership has been approved, and other Nazis who have been ragging him mercilessly appear to have been reigned in.

Since applying for BNP membership, Williamson has been busy deleting his most outrageous ramblings from VNN, but the man (posting as 'southcoastnationalist' on VNN and 'StGeorgeIsCross' on Stormfront) really is so stupid he can't help himself.

While Nick Griffin is unlikely to be grooming Williamson for power within the BNP as energetically as Sid pursues his own grooming activities, (or as energetically as Martin Webster groomed both Griffin and Williamson), the BNP leader must be getting careless if he considers 'The Saltdean Sofa-Soaker' to be an asset. Among other things, with Sid's track-record it seems very unlikely that even the female dregs of the BNP would want to work with him, certainly not after the White Nationalist Party's Ursula Rogers' ordeal at his hands. We also doubt that anyone will be inviting him to sleep over on their sofa.

Sid may have removed his sieg-heiling avatar from VNN, but there are too many skeltons to hide, even in the recent past of this vile Nazi. Here are some of Sid's 'words of wisdom'. INDYMEDIA READERS ARE WARNED THAT THEY CONTAIN EXPLICITLY RACIST OPINIONS.

Sid Williamson, one more Nazi in the fascist BNP.

On elections: “There is a good reason to stand in elections, think about it. If there are only a few thousand or even a few hundred votes for the WN organisation, then the scum know how much we don't want them here. How else do we get a voice that cannot be denied?”

On Jews: “Jews are the most butt ugly things on planet earth. Not since Thalidamide was given to pregnant women was there ever an uglier spectical than a kike, male or female, kikes are ugly fucking scum.”

On the Holocaust: “The Hollohoax.”

On Turkish people: “The Germans don't want the fuckin Turks, and neither do we!!!”

On homosexuality: “Death to all faggots!”

On multiculturalism: “These non white's are non Brits, they speak of a multicultural society here in Great Britain this is of course bollocks. If one community (i.e. the indigenous white British community), has to hide its traditional symbols of celebration in favour of another, (i.e. the hoards of Muslim invaders and their offspring), then how can they possibly refer to it as multicultural. Multiculturism is bad enough in itself, but the selective multiculturism enforced by British ZOG is both hypocritical, and bigoted. The end game is genocide, first they destroy the very building blocks of our society, and then they turn us into aliens in our own country, sooner or later they know these policies will bring about our demise. And just like the red squirrel, we will be extinct in this country.”

On trade unions: “1979 was THE time for British nationalism, we could have had it all. The laboour/liberal alliance had made a real fuckin mess. The trade unions run everything. There were three workers for every job in industry, most of which had been nationalised. The National Front was massive at the time, then came Margaret Fuckin Thatcher. She said she would beat down the unions, she fuckin did too. I remember the greedy bastards in Scunthorpe, steel workers striking for a twenty percent wage rise, yes twenty percent!”

On repatriation: “Enforced repatriation IS on our policy list.”

On David Copeland: “Copeland did what so many of us would love to do. Seems he had less to lose than most of us. But in his shoes, and with his bottle? I think he is a bloody hero.”

On World War 2: “Had we chose to side with "the forces of light, against the darkness in a holy war", this place wouldn't be so full of wogs. And the Kikes wouldn't be pulling any strings.”

On the EU: “The EU is a massive red machine that aims to take over nation states and turn Europe into another Soviet Union.” On tolerance: “We are for Aryan White Power, nothing else will do. Niggers, Mongrels, Jews, Paki's, Chinks, Turks, Homosexuals, Lesbians, we hate them all, as we do to an even greater extent red bastards.”

On immigration: “The ideology of white nationalism is the same as was the original BNP. A Great Britain occupied by the indigenous white population, with the obvious shortage of labour being met by white European immigrants. Not Jews, Not Paki's, Not Nignogs, and deffinately not homosexuals.”

On European migrant labour: “If there was a choice. Keep the Paki's and Niggers, or replace them with Pole's, Germans, Italians, or any other Aryan. Would it not be preferable to do the latter?”

On the recent rape of two teenage girls (one of whom was murdered): “Painting little crack whores white is like painting the rest of us black. If those lasses were coon bait then they were already lost. The fact their coon mates killed them should serve as a warning to all young whites, not to hang with niggers. Let other white youngsters see the reality of life, warts n'all. Making up excuses for them and holding them up as poor little white race victims is an insult. An insult to REAL white victims of the silverback scum that walks our streets!”

On the 2005 Kashmir earthquake: “Itz all good – dead paki’s!!” On Brighton Pride: “Don’t be straight or white in Brighton. If you are a wog or a poof, then Brighton city council will bend over backwards for you, pun intended. The city already has the reputation for the biggest gay pride fesival, now look! It makes me sick!!!”

On the arrest of Nazi Ernst Zundel in Austria: “It just gets worse doesn't it? Arrested in the mighty Adolf Hitler's birthplace. ZOG are scum. May all their babies be born dead!”

On the death of Labour MP Tony Banks: “Look at that geezers schnozzle, surely he was also a Kike? Anyway, hears hoping for many more dead red bastards in 2006.”

On Nazi propagandist William Joyce AKA Lord Haw-Haw: “A proud and brave man. Resolute and steadfast in his beliefs until the very end.”

On inter-racial relationships: “OI NIGGER! Now tell me what you are going to do about it coon boy. You say you have a white partner? Well that person is now damaged goods, any white who screws a nigger is a non white forever more. You have infected this person (male or female) with your stinking nigger cock. You are vermin and should be treated as such. The fact you boast about screwing whites makes you the first nigger on the list for the firing squad. You understanding me boy?”

On gun control (to an American Nazi): “You guys are so damn lucky you are already armed. In the UK laws will soon be passed to stop people owning sharp kitchen knives!!”

On dead Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic: “Milosevic obviously had his heart in the right place, he wanted Serbia to be free of the Gypos and Muslims. RIP Slobodan Milosevic!”

On Winston Churchill: “Adolf Hitler new that the closest Aryan race to the Germans was the British. He didn't want a war with us. It was our sick zog government, Churchill in particular, that was hell bent on a war with him.”

On Nazism and the British public: “The ideology of National Socialism is still hard to sell to the brainwashed British public.”

On the death of black youngster Damilola Taylor: “Why the fuck should we care about a dead spooklet?”

On racial violence in Birmingham: “The Paki's and the Niggers are killing each other on the streets of Birmingham tonight. This could well be the state of things to come. Personaly the longer this goes on the better I'll feel, and if it spreads, then thats great. Just think, dead coons and dead Joe's, and nothing to do with us. Maybe there is a god (or something of the like.)”

On ‘political activism’: “I hear she is quite partial to a bit of dog shit through her letterbox! HE HE!” On litter: Brighton & Hove city council have just hired a team to remove 'racist stickers'. Looks like me n Buster will have to work a little faster!”

On Peter Mandelson: “A Jewish homosexual with a taste for mud men? Fire the ovens!!”

On barrister Sarah Mansoon: “Another bloody mud!”



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Try this link

17.08.2006 20:39

BNP natural allies...

anti zionist

Showing the BNP up for what they are

17.08.2006 22:53

Thanks NaziHunter. Good article and a lot of memorable quotes from the fat moron himself. We'll mirror this over on the blog.

Any organisation that wants a pig-ignorant nazi scumbag like Williamson with them is showing precisely what they really support. He's a real piece of work and the fact that Griffin seems to find him an acceptable member to join the ranks kinda gives the lie to all this 'we're not racist' bullshit they throw up all the time.

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

Hitler or Blakey?

18.08.2006 10:16

Seems Sid has been busy reinventing himself. Now he's grown a comedy moustache just like his hero. Though I'm not sure if he thinks he looks like Adolf or Blakey off 'On The Buses.



18.08.2006 11:32

I notice that Sid even has his own MySpace page now:


Poor Old Sid.

19.08.2006 00:24

Even the nazis don't like him.

Covert Undercover have done a nice line in taking the piss out of this freak.

Plant Pot

Don't attack the far-right.

19.08.2006 00:26



We all know that the attacks on Lebanon are merely a front for BLAIRS WAR AGINST THE MUSLIMS.

Iran will be next.

Blair will not stop until he has murdered ALL the Muslims in the Middle East for oil.



19.08.2006 09:07

You should post up a thread about it.



19.08.2006 09:10

"Covert Undercover have done a nice line in taking the piss out of this freak."

Yes, a shame they seem to have bottle it recently. And it appears that Tommy and Sid had nothing much to say to each other at the RWB.


Griffin & Williamson

19.08.2006 09:39

Griffin can't plead ignorance about the idiotic Williamson, he is more than well aware of his politics, not least since Griffin personally visited Williamson at his Saltdean home prior to approving his application. Since Williamson has publicly slagged Griffin for being everything from a "Jew-loving traitor" to being homosexual, one wonders if they made up over a bottle of baby lotion in the way that they've both performed for old NF leader Martin Webster.



19.08.2006 09:47

Didn't Williamson boast about putting dogshit through Sharon Ebanks letterbox?

JAck Sprat


19.08.2006 10:37

In Williamson's eyes that is a legitimate act. It was obviously inspired by race

Plant Pot


19.08.2006 11:17

Yes, as with Griggin in the past, Williamson has said some vicious things about her, not least calling her a 'golliwog' (and a lot worse) and saying she had been born too close to the tar-brush. He may be a simpleton, but he's a really nasty piece of work.


RWB festival

19.08.2006 14:46

Yes Surfer you are correct. The fat soafer soaker & clubfoot tommy did meet up at the RWB festival. And as rightly predicted, there was no punchup. Maybe they were too scared in case more Muslims came along & joined in.
Seems Tommy Williams & Peter Williamson are nothing but FAKE INTERNET NAZI WARRIORS.
All they seem to do is slander & bitch about people on the Internet, yet when confronted with whoever is being bitched at the time, they stay stum and say nothing.

Maybe this is how the NAZIS work thesedays.

Lesbian Shaggers
Club Foot
I cant see my feet or my toys

Now come on you twats out there, get the rope & play cowboys & indians hanging in the trees.

Hula Hoop


20.08.2006 19:42

Better to be a patriot than some form of faggot left-wing poof. It's limp-wristed faggots like you who are screwing up this country, piece by piece. Soon, once this great nation has "diversified" enough, the number of wogs will outnumber the white British patriots. Just don't come crying to me when your family has been raped and murdered by niggers, just looking to steal some money to pay for crack.



21.08.2006 01:43

A typically thoughtful posting from a demented Nazi. 'Poof'?! LOL! Why do you think Williamson has had a 'leg up' the WN ladder from Martin Webster? Williamson and his pal Buster have been up to all sorts, rumour has it on the Brighton scene that Buster likes to receive swollen goods to Nazi marching music! And Sid is a paedophile FFS!

Roger N Out

i'm a foreigner

21.08.2006 10:36

I am a foreigner and I haven't raped or murdered anyone in their beds. Is it compulsory, maybe as part of visa regulations or something?

Irish Lass

Stealing jobs?

21.08.2006 10:44

My job was advertised in the local paper recently and hardly anyone applied for it, and of those who did, none of them were foreign. It's outrageous, I almost had to apply for it myself. No one appears to be willing to take my job when offered it on a plate, let alone steal it from me. Maybe of those people who are worried about their jobs being taken off them think about who actually owns them. I don't think it is you, the individual, but your employer and they can do what they like with them. Its them that you should be targetting.



21.08.2006 11:01

Yes thats right, rumour has it. It's all well and good debating over rumour, but how about some of you lefties look at the facts for once.

1) Niggers are more likely to commit crimes than white peole FACT. Black people take up 10% of Britain's prison space, while only taking up 5% of the contries population.

2) One in four people in prison are from a "minority" ethnic group

Go on, argue over these facts if you want, while some Wog creeps up behind you and rapes your White children.

Seig Heil


no platform for the fash.

21.08.2006 11:57

why is scum like tus666 allowed to post comments here? Not to mention comments including the words "niggers", "wog", "faggot" etc etc? NO PLATFORM FOR THE FASCISTS.

and tus666, whilst we're here, blacks people do not make up 5% of the country. If anything the figures point to institutional racism, rather than any inclination of certain races towards crime.

Original article is sound, good work comrade. Shouldn't come as much of a surprise that they welcome yet another disgusting nazi into their ranks.

Far Left Polak.

Far Left Polak

Thick fascists

21.08.2006 17:05

Hopefully the fascist filth posted above will soon be removed, but as with the OP it shows the level of intelligence of the average Nazi, and (should anyone forget it) the sort of scum that are in the BNP.

As for Sid Williamson, one only has to look at his latest ravings on the fascist VNN forum to see that as the OP predicted he can always be guaranteed to stick his jackboot in his mouth. Anyone who is so mind-numbingly stupid as to hold such moronic opinions is not going to have the sense to keep those opinions to themselves. Williamson is an idiot of the first order, and deserves to get what all Nazis have coming to them.


How do we know he is a member?

28.08.2006 11:30

How do we know he is a member? Have we got access to the membership records or is it just the usual speculation. Or just the usual nonsense from dickheads on the left having a dig at a dickhead on the right?



30.08.2006 09:43

We KNOW he is a member you moron. He posts on Stormfront as StGeorgeIsCross and on Vanguard News Network as Southcoastnationalist.

Black N Red


30.08.2006 09:47

Are you the same Stu whose been spending time with the BNP at the Northern Green Gathering? You want to decide which side of the fence you're on before you get the fence up your fucking arse.


Williamson on VNN

30.08.2006 15:51

Williamson is now posting (and moderating) as 'For Britain' on VNN, and has deleted all his previous (now politically inconvenient) posts.



31.08.2006 10:58

Yez I know I am a sad state of affairz. I have mastered the alcohol & zofa zoaking wonderfully.
I still bitch and tell liez about people. But come on thiz iz all im good at.
Yez Tommy & I both met up at the RWB gig recently and both of uz cowered at the thought of a fight. So what we did was make up and are very much friendz again. Regardlezz of all the liez we have spread around about eachother & other people.

Give me a break...........................I am on the dole "willingly".
I abuse VNN to defend myself, anyone who disagreez with me on VNN gets automatically banned, and then they cant respond to what I have written about them.

I am 2 faced, im a lazy fat git that cannot see his toez.

Im really an undercover antinazi, but nobody has yet managed to suss this out.

Leave me alone

Peter Williamson aka "For Britain" VNN Super Moderator.

For Britain

"Super Moderator"

02.09.2006 10:47

I see you've again fallen out with and banned your old Mentor Griff Wood AKA John Woodstein Sid, didn't take long did it?


Leaflets in Worthing

02.09.2006 11:27

A mate of mine got this BPP leaflet through his door a while back in Worthing. First sign of any fash activity for years.

If Williamson is in the BNP now and he was the only one who used to post this crap, who could it be? The ghost of John Tyndall come back to haunt us socialists?



04.09.2006 09:51

Kevin Watmough and a couple of his sad Nazi mates.


Rude ignorant tosser!!!

07.09.2006 17:44

He is a member because you say so? What kind of nonsense is this? Stormfront is not the BNP forum is it you ignorant rude git.

I wouldnt beleive a word you said as you are to bloody ignorant.

You are a tosser because i KNOW you are!


Williamson IS in the BNP

14.09.2006 20:17

Try and keep up Stu, you cretin.
