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Oops, I made it all up.

Digery Cohen | 15.08.2006 17:25

Reid is worried the judges will expose him.

Oops, I made it all up.
Oops, I made it all up.

No charges in alleged terrorist plot.

Reid made it all up.

He says the police have foiled 4 other major terrorist attacks in the UK but have failed to arrest anyone.

They just let these chaps wander around until they plan another major terrorist attack?

It is all nonsense.

When the judges look at the alleged evidence against the 23 arrested people they will release them at once.

No liquid explosives, no conspiracy, no nothing.

The only conspiracy was carried out by Reid and his co-conspirators.

Perhaps the airlines will sue them for lost business.

Digery Cohen
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stop barking and start biting!

15.08.2006 21:17

truth is we just dont know...

who? is running who?....

plans within plots within wheels

patsies and plants.... what will they think of next?

fear, its a spectator sport

sometimes its all too much