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9-11 Inside-Job Theory Creeps into Mainstream

messenger | 15.08.2006 12:42 | Anti-militarism

by Andrew Broman

Email: andrew1bro (at)

Since 9-11, the idea that the U.S. government orchestrated the attacks has clung stubbornly to the outer limits of the public's perception about what happened that day.

And it likely would have remained in this distant orbit if UW-Madison lecturer Kevin Barrett hadn't been criticized recently for teaching what many believe to be wacko conspiracy talk.

For the most part, news organizations have avoided examining the merits of Barrett's inside-job theory. They have kept the spotlight on Barrett himself, focusing on whether he should be allowed to teach it in an Islamic studies class.

Despite receiving little credence, the inside-job theory has crept into journalism's mainstream, and it is a grand coup for Barrett and other inside-job believers if only because major news organizations have steered well clear of the subject until now.

Only time will tell whether Barrett's arguments emerge from the recesses of Internet chat rooms and gain traction in a more publicized venue. Americans might simply lack the stomach for such disputation no matter how weak or solid the evidence.
Indeed, the notion that the very government entrusted to protect the public has turned against it in some kind of demented geopolitical power grab is revolting. The implication that we know precious little about the government's operation and motives is too scary to ponder. Better not go there.

And yet for many people, something remains unsettling about the government's account of that day. Barrett is the annoying little voice that won't go away. It whispers into the ear of America's collective consciousness: The government is lying to you.

Several state legislators have condemned Barrett, labeling his inside-job theory as treasonous. They have demanded his firing, but the public has proven more willing to listen. An informal Madison TV website poll shows that 60 percent of respondents believe Barrett "raises some good questions."

Even more interesting, a May 2006 Zogby International poll finds only 47 percent of Americans agree that "the 9/11 attacks were thoroughly investigated and that any speculation about US government involvement is nonsense."

Furthermore, the same poll finds 45 percent of respondents indicated they were more likely to agree "that so many unanswered questions about 9/11 remain that Congress or an International Tribunal should re-investigate the attacks, including whether any US government officials consciously allowed or helped facilitate their success."

Perhaps the most controversial aspect of Barrett's theory is demolition, not the impact of hijacked airplanes, caused the trade center buildings' collapse. In particular, he raises questions about WTC 7, the third building to collapse that day, though no plane flew into it. Barrett backs up these claims with research papers written by a small group of academics, called Scholars for 9-11 Truth.

Of course, it is one thing to suggest government leaders or operatives knew about the pending attacks and chose not to act either out of negligence or ulterior motives. It's a big leap to suggest somebody planted explosive devices within the trade center buildings and coordinated their explosions with the attacks.

Some scientists have attempted to recreate the buildings' collapse through computer models, using the planes' impact and fuel as the only inputs. But some models failed to explain how the buildings' steel beams could have reached a hot enough temperature to trigger their almost-free-fall collapse. Hence, Barrett and others believe the evidence indicates explosive devices must have been involved.

The collapse of WTC 7 is especially perplexing given no planes flew into it, Scholars for 9-11 Truth say.

Plenty of science disputes the inside-job theory, noting that WTC 7 endured significant damage from falling debris from the other two towers. The damage along with an intense fire caused the collapse, according to the government's account.

The truth might be somewhere in between, more subtle and complicated than either side has conceived. But the fact that a group of academics are seriously investigating the government's account of 9-11, and that their concerns have crept into the mainstream media is telling. It demonstrates just how little trust exists in the government and just how many unanswered questions still exist about that day.



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mybe the london plain bombing conspiracy was a conspiracy

15.08.2006 21:01

well think about it how counld young ''normal'' men get expolsives on so many plain i gusse this anything is possible.



15.08.2006 21:20

"a small group of academics, called Scholars for 9-11 Truth. "

Yup, a small group of whom not a single person is an expert in fields relevent to the issues at hand - you know, like structural engineering.


Plants Spin Their Tires

16.08.2006 00:19

Many Academics, by their very nature, are more knowledgeable on a variety of subjects than most people.

This quest to discover what happened that terrible day, and who was responsible - lest we reward the guilty and punish the innocent - persists because of the absolute failure over the past five years of the Bush/PNAC Regime to support their Conspiracy Theory with compelling evidence.

Several gaping holes exist in the Fable told by the "Iraq has WMD!!!" War Criminals, and despite many calls, they've been completely unable to produce the independently-originating and verifiable evidence which would exist - and be forthcoming - if their Theory of events, solely upon which they've launched a premeditated program of Fascism and Aggression, were true.

911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad

Tch Tch Tch

16.08.2006 09:16

Well, Plant, I think your spelling gives it away - Tires, not tyres - you're a Yank, aren't you? What's wrong, local IMC get fed up being spammed by your tirades?

But anough of the ad hominen, I love this quote:

"Many Academics, by their very nature, are more knowledgeable on a variety of subjects than most people."

Right. I've got a Postgrad degree. Does that make me knowledgable in, say, medicine? Law? Philosophy? No, of course it doesn't. In fact, I've little more knowledge of these than the next man. So tell me, how does being an "academic" magically elevate the status of (say) a philosophy professor to talk about structural mechanics?

"the absolute failure over the past five years of the Bush/PNAC Regime to support their Conspiracy Theory with compelling evidence"

You don't really understand evidence, do you? The official report is, in fact, highly detailed and sets out it's case in great length. It IS accepted by those of us qualified in relevant fields. There is NO professional opposition. But you can't explain that, can you?

Instead, you pick and poke around the fringes. Misinterpret quotes (I love the way you guys prefer quotes to physical evidence). Make wrong assumptions about, say, pancake collapse.

Even if you were right, you've failed to provide anything like the level of compelling evidence which the 911 comission did. When you go on sites like Bautforum, filled with competent professionals, you get ripped to shreds.

Now stop spamming out site and go back to the States.


architect, what facts?

16.08.2006 14:23

architect, did you actually read the 9-11 commission report? it is a white-wash. it makes no mention of building 7, for instance.

as for its unimpeachable veracity, even the 9-11 Commissioners themselves are getting nervous, or didn't you notice the HEADLINES IN ALL MAJOR NEWS MEDIA in early August that the commissioners had doubted the testimony of Pentagon Officials about what transpired on 9-11?

for example CNN:

so if the Commissioners themselves are getting cold feet about their ridiculous white-wash, and within one week there is OH BOOGA BOOGA this ridiculous "terror plot linked to al-qaida" how long does it take you to get to the truth behind what the lying traitors at 10 downing street and at the white house are telling you?

not that you would even consider the FACTS examined and reported by David Ray Griffin, Sibel Edmonds, Karen Kwatioski, Ray McGovern, etc etc.

architect, i would not set foot in anything you designed!

joe carpenter

The Facts, Gentlemen, and Only the Facts....

16.08.2006 21:40

Well Joe, if your assessment of that link is as reliable as your other interpretation of evidence then you might as well give up now. Whilst you focus upon an attention grabbing soundbite, those of us who read the story will have realised that it was actually arse-covering by the Pentagon because they'd cocked up their response. Quote:

"Authorities suggested that U.S. air defenses had reacted quickly, that jets had been scrambled in response to the last two hijackings and that fighters were prepared to shoot down United Airlines Flight 93 if it threatened Washington.

"In fact, the commission reported a year later, audiotapes from NORAD's Northeast headquarters and other evidence showed clearly that the military never had any of the hijacked airliners in its sights and at one point chased a phantom aircraft -- American Airlines Flight 11 -- long after it had crashed into the World Trade Center," according to The Washington Post"

Then we trun to your own Pantheon of demi-gods, "David Ray Griffin, Sibel Edmonds, Karen Kwatioski, Ray McGovern, etc etc."

With all due respect to real distinguished scholars and others alike, it matters little whether Griffin is waxing lyrical on the powers that be, Alex Jones is drawing parallels to building implosions, Steven Jones is drawing conclusions from hot metal or Chuck Jones is drawing dynamite in the hands of Wile E. Coyote; for assertions to be credible they must eventually comply with the scientific priniciples of explosive initiation and of structural failure, realistic judgments of probability, and indisputable visual evidence.

Thus far, every assertion put forward by the CT mob fails.

But tell me Joe, how you going to hand-wave away the deafening lack of any support from the engineering, architecture, and construction communities for your unsound theories? We all in on the plot too?


Still Nothing, Plant?

16.08.2006 22:59

It's curious how much hot air the Plants expend making long-winded excuses for LIARS and War Criminals, instead of simply presenting the evidence which would support the Theory they're here defending from citicism, were it true.

"Many Academics, by their very nature, are more knowledgeable on a variety of subjects than most people."

"Right. I've got a Postgrad degree. Does that make me knowledgable in ..."

I also hold a degree. Does that limit my knowledge to that one narrow area? Most certainly not. Your obtuse, Black 'n White analysis is dishonest.

"the absolute failure over the past five years of the Bush/PNAC Regime to support their Conspiracy Theory with compelling evidence"

"You don't really understand evidence, do you?"

Yes, I do. Many pieces, which would figure into normal investigations after tragedies (see, it's normal to investigate, not to block investigations ...), such as airport boarding gate surveillence footage, simply hasn't been presented.

And this isn't for a lack of requests ...

If this compelling and key evidence (which is harder to 'fix' than, say, planting someone's passport ...) did exist, these LIARS would be holding it out to the world, saying "See? Now we just HAVE to go slaughter Arabs, as we've been planning to do for years".

"The official report is, in fact, highly detailed"

The official whitewash started with a Conclusion, then fixed the facts to fit that conclusion that was fed to the carefully-selected committee by the "Saddam has WMD!!!" guys ...

"you've failed to provide anything like the level of compelling evidence"

The complete LACK of certain evidence is enough to warrant a serious investigation, one which doesn't start with a conclusion.

This quest to discover what happened that terrible day, and who was responsible - lest we reward the guilty and punish the innocent - persists because of the absolute failure over the past five years of the Bush/PNAC Regime to support their Conspiracy Theory with compelling evidence.

Several gaping holes exist in the Fable told by the "Iraq has WMD!!!" War Criminals, and despite many calls, they've been completely unable to produce the independently-originating and verifiable evidence which would exist - and be forthcoming - if their Theory of events, solely upon which they've launched a premeditated program of Fascism and Aggression, were true.

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad

architect - house of cards

17.08.2006 13:53

your "reading" of the CNN article was interesting. you focussed on the statements of Pentagon officials regarding scrambling of jets and NORAD.

perhaps you missed the title of the article in your "professional review" of the article:

" 9/11 panel distrusted Pentagon testimony:
Commissioners considered criminal probe of false statements"

indeed you skipped the entire first part of the article, as suits idiots like yourself, eliding the main point of the article, and its pivotal paragraph, to wit:

"For more than two years after the attacks, officials with NORAD [the North American Aerospace Defense Command] and the FAA provided inaccurate information about the response to the hijackings in testimony and media appearances," The Washington Post reported Wednesday."

Let me explain for your overheated, perhaps capacity-challenged brain: FOR YEARS NORAD AND FAA OFFICIALS PROVIDED INACCURATE INFORMATION. When this FACT came out, it highlighted the Sept 11th Commissioners LACK OF INVESTIGATIVE FORTITUDE. Therefore they came out like weasels and started pointing fingers, saying, "But we doubted them! We APPEALED to the Justice Dept for help! "

What they did is to attempt to start their WEASELING AWAY from the white-wash known as the 9-11 Commission Report.

Do you get it yet?

As for your condemnation of the investigations of Griffin and Jones, I leave it the rest of the dear readers of Indymedia to judge for themselves, not the spuming lunacy of a Right Wing Hack, ie YOU, architect.



Discussion of Fire in Steel Core Skyscrapers:


joe carpenter

David Ray Griffin - First UK talk!!

17.08.2006 13:55

The Official Story has too many inconsistencies and there is a need to look at these facts. Thomas Keane(of Keane Commssion fame) has just released a book stating that the commission were looking at taking the Pentagon to court over lying to the commission. Surely this is enough to warrant a futher inquiry.

For those who would like to find out more please come and see David Ray Griffin, doing his first speeach in the UK. David is a world renowned theologist who has written over 30 books on religion and now 3 on the events of 9/11. There will be a Q+A afterwards where you can question any of the points he raises.

Was 9/11 an Inside Job?

David Ray Griffin + David Shayler

7.30pm - Saturday 9th September 2006

David Ray Griffin, a retired Professor of Theology addresses this question in his two books which critically examine the official account of 9/11.

Now, for the first time in the UK, David Ray Griffin will present his case for the urgent need to re-open the investigation into the events of 11th September 2001.

David Shayler resigned from MI5 almost 10 years ago after being briefed on an illegal MI6 plot to assassinate Col. Gadaffi of Libya. In more recent days, David has focussed his attentions on exposing the False Flag terror tactics that are being used to justify the illegal wars in Afghanistan & Iraq.

All tickets ordered on or before Friday August 25th will billed at £7.50 each.

All tickets ordered after Friday August 25th will be billed at £10.00 each.

Please note that a £2.00 administration charge will be added to orders for single tickets.

For Concessions, please call our Ticket Hotline 0845 108 1736

mail e-mail:

Craig Murray provides a credible commentary

18.08.2006 14:11

See also the comments of Craig Murray, "The Timing is Political.",,1852837,00.html


The Shrills Are Out, I see

18.08.2006 22:25

Well lads, what a jumble of half arsed arguments and loud shouting you present yet again. Using CAPITALS doesn't make it true, you know. Now, where to start:

" also hold a degree. Does that limit my knowledge to that one narrow area? Most certainly not. Your obtuse, Black 'n White analysis is dishonest. "

Rubbish, and well you know it. It takes 5 years to become a structural engineer. 7 years to become an architect. 7 years to become a doctor or a dentist. That's because these subjects are complex, and require considerable study. Having a degree in Geography or Philosophy does not magically provide a shortcut to this knowledge. Hell, if I apply your theory why do I need a doctor - I've a degree, I'll treat myself!

"The official whitewash started with a Conclusion, then fixed the facts to fit that conclusion that was fed to the carefully-selected committee by the "Saddam has WMD!!!" guys ... "

Pot, meet kettle. Well, lets look at how evidence works. We gather all the information, weigh it up, test various hypotheses, and see what's left standing. Now on the one hand we have a shedload of hard evidence of that planes hit the buildings (I assume you don't really buy the Holmgren line), we've done fire modelling and have a reasonable idea of the mechanisms of failure, and we have substantive witness testimony. Of particular relevance is the widepread - hell, total - support for the technical explanations by the construction community (who I think you'd agree might just be a teensy weensy bit qualified to think it over).

On the other hand we have the CT theories. Explosive demolition (problem - no evidence). Misquoting witness evidence. Half baked theories about molten metal. Sorry lads, it's just not compelling. Try harder next time.

BTW, just because Bush and Blair lied about WMD (wow, for some uber-conspirators it's amazing they didn't manage to keep that quiet, eh?) doesn't mean they pulled off the "attack". Stop hand-waving.

Then we have Joe, who appears to have some trouble following the CNN and WP pieces. Sorry mate, but if you can't reliably interpret such a simple story then you have serious problems.

By the way, let me explain something about the Windsor link you provide. Now this may come as a surprise but:

1. It's a concrete framed building (check your facts, dude)

2. Part of the structure was steel. That bit collapsed, btw.

3. A plane didn't crash into the structure and sever a significant proprotion of the frame

4. ....or cause thousands of gallons of combustible fuel to permeate the fabric,

5. ...........or blast fire protection of the beams and columns.

And finally, we have Andy. A man who lauds Griffith as " a world renowned theologist who has written over 30 books on religion and now 3 on the events of 9/11". Great. Another man who knows nothing about pertinent technical issues but is magically qualified to talk authoritively. Well, I suppose he can claim divine inspiration.

"David Shayler resigned from MI5 almost 10 years ago after being briefed on an illegal MI6 plot to assassinate Col. Gadaffi of Libya. In more recent days, David has focussed his attentions on exposing the False Flag terror tactics that are being used to justify the illegal wars in Afghanistan & Iraq. "

That would be great for Mr. Shayler, if we hadn't already read about a lot of it in the press. Boy, I'd love to have been at his annual reviews.........


The Romulans Did It

18.08.2006 22:36

Just to give all you viewers at home a feel for the credibility of the CT brigade, here's a typical site claiming that it was aircraft with cloaking devices or somesuch....


shrill? LOL!

18.08.2006 23:57

the absurdities of your "retort" are so dense it is rather hilarious.

when I pointed out the fact that the 9-11 Commissioners are now publicly hedging their bets by reporting that they so strongly doubted the testimony of the Pentagon officials at their hearings...

you talked about what the officials said.

when I pointed out the rather lengthy analysis by Jones...

you said there is no evidence.

reductio ad absurdum seems to be your specialty.

capitals or not, what i said is plain as day.

unless of course you are an "architect" obsessed with your own laconic drivel.

LOL! you have no recourse apparently.

let anyone else comment as to what the facts of the articles mentioned are. or what the facts demonstrate regarding the "truthiness" of Bush, Blair, Cheney, Feith, Libby, Rove, Cambone, Rice, Powell, Luti, Abrams, Wolfowitz, Myers, Ashcroft, Gonzalez and their whole gang of conniving piles of shite. architect you are groveling in piles of steamers, mate.

joe carpenter


19.08.2006 09:35

Tell you what Joe. Apart from shouting "the evil government did it", why don't you tell us exactly what you think happened - and then I'll respond.


Tch Tch

20.08.2006 13:03

Mr Carpenter seems strangely silent


Actually, It's Been A Part Of The Mainstream - Press Is Just Catching Up

20.08.2006 22:58

It should be noted that this issue is just now creeping into the mainstream MEDIA.

It's been a part of the actual mainstream since the attacks occured, and has now grown so prominent, and the Bush/PNAC Regime;s complete inability to respond to their critics, that the media can no longer ignore it, and the many smear pieces currently floating around prove that the Neo-Fascists have had to attempt to counter this very mainstream debate, or at least, insult it.

This quest to discover what happened that terrible day, and who was responsible - lest we reward the guilty and punish the innocent - persists because of the absolute failure over the past five years of the Bush/PNAC Regime to support their Conspiracy Theory with compelling evidence.

Several gaping holes exist in the Fable told by the "Iraq has WMD!!!" War Criminals, and despite many calls, they've been completely unable to produce the independently-originating and verifiable evidence which would exist - and be forthcoming - if their Theory of events, solely upon which they've launched a premeditated program of Fascism and Aggression, were true.

911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad

The Shrills are Back (Again)

21.08.2006 08:32

Lets filter down your post, 911. You really make only two real points:

"quest to discover what happened that terrible day, and who was responsible ... "

Am I to take it from this that you don't actually have any idea as to who the culprits are/were? Do you really wish me to believe you have an open mind? Or do you mean the culprits "within" the Bush regime? Come on, be specific man.

But then comes your normal shrill accusation:

"the absolute failure over the past five years of the Bush/PNAC Regime to support their Conspiracy Theory with compelling evidence. "

I'm afraid that you just do not - or will not - understand the assessment of evidence.

Is the officail story complete? No.
Is it 100% accurate? Probably not
Does it better fit the events of the day than any other possibilty that has come forward so far? Yes
Has it been accepted as a valid explanation by structural engineers, fire engineers, architects, and fire crews from all over the world? Yes. Without meaningful dissent.

Conspiracy theorists such as yourself start from an ideological position and work backwards. In particular you apply a higher burden of proof to the official explanation that to your own theories. The official account, on the whole, provides a highly detailed and thorough investigation of the possible causes. I have yet to see anything as compelling from the CT mob, Jones included.

Let's take a simple example, WTC7.

Fact: WTC 7 was struck by falling debris from the WTC 1 & 2 collapses

Fact: WTC 7 was left to burn unchecked for close to 7 hours without any firefighting attempts.

Fact: Tens of thousands of gallons of diesel fueled the fires on the 5, 6 & 7 levels.

Fact: WTC 7 was considered dangerous and unstable by firecrews on the ground over 5 hours before it collapsed, including reports of a large buldge developing.

Fact: 3 hours before the collapse, WTC 7 was reported as having 6 major fires on differening levels.

Fact: WTC 7 was build using a unique system of cantilevers and trusses used to transfer load between the support columns and hold the building up over the con-edison substation.

Fact: WTC 7 had been structuarally modified, including the addition of two mechanical plant rooms at roof level, resulting in additional critical loading to three of the main columns.

Fact: WTC 7 began the collapse internally, evidenced by the plant rooms (East first) falling into the building, a full 6 secondss prior to the outer facade starting to come down.

Fact: The collapse of WTC 7 casued serious damage to several of the nearby buildings and clogged up the streets.

These are the facts, taken from engineer's reports and fire crews witness statments. Most CT sites either ignore these facts, or handwave them away, however all of these have been testifided to by the firecrews in various interviews or can be located in the Preliminary NIST report into WTC 7.

Instead, the CT sites post selective images and talk - endlessley - about the "pull it" quote, even though (and let's be clear on this) that's not the term we use in controlled demolition anyway!

You're just wasting your own time, never mind ours. Go out and do some real activism. Something that's (a) right, and (b) makes a real difference to ordinary people.
