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Anti-War Film Screening - Tonight

un | 14.08.2006 09:06 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | London

An evening of films on Monday 14th August as part of this years Portobello Film Festival in West London curated by Filmmakers Against War, includes, from the Independent Film School in Baghdad, 'Baghdad Days'

Hiba, a young woman from Kirkuk, returns to Baghdad after the war to finish her studies. The film is a diary of her search for work, a place to live, and her struggles to come to terms with her position as a woman on her own.

Also Showing is Feature film 'Sir! No Sir!' - see clip here -

And 'Omar Is mY Friend' - see clip here -

Monday 14th August @ 6pm
Westbourne Studios, 242 Acklam Road, London, W10 5JJ
(nearest tube is Westbourne Park)

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Message from Director of 'Omar Is My Friend'

14.08.2006 10:05

My message to Portobello film festival

Ladies & gentlemen

from the land of the old civilizations ,from the land of prophets,from the land of poor people, Despite the presence of oil in their land, i send my greetings to the pure, honorable humanity, to the viewers in the Portobello Film Festival.
we in Iraq live a difficult life, war, terrorisation, without general services, penury, human agony, our Iraqi people have became as pieces, with no familiarization, no bonds and under the surface there are deep grudges, the occupation was the reason & the war was the way to fire it up.
the Muslims (Sonna & Sheaa) were peaceful with each other, but the Saddam regime made them enemies, & the US occupation that came is using this feud for control over them.
Iraq is now under a dangerous civil war, not just between the (sonna & sheaa) but between any one against any one just for some personal gains.
the Anglo-American war was against Iraqi people not against the Saddam regime, & the Iraqi people are the victim.
how many people have we lost? My mother died because of cancer in 2004, was the reason depleted uranium?
Some from the lost were dreaming of bright futures, we are losing every day new dreamers. When will the Iraqi blood stop flowing? when will we see a settled nice life?
We want, we need the settled nice life, such as other peoples have in other countries.
We no longer think of the welfare of life, but look only for the safety and well-being, but armed men on the one hand and gangs of criminals who were released by Saddam from prison before the American invasion of Iraq are behind our instability and overlap with the results of the occupying forces and from the mistakes in its dealings with the Iraqi people.
We film makers had to face the dangers, more than any other citizen because we are targeted by armed insurgent groups who consider us spies working for the occupation. While the occupying forces consider us assistants for terrorists because we are recording things that may not be suitable to them.
we don't like the blood scenes,But we were forced to see it every day.We hope for an end to the flood of Iraqi blood forever.
Finally, I wish to you health and happiness and enjoy watching to the Film Festival.
your friend
manaf shakir
Iraqi filmmaker
