Bush-Blair and Murdoch's Terrorgate, Keelty?
Anon | 14.08.2006 07:03 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression | London | World
Now Conditioner Guilty has told the parrort press that new detention powers in Britain enabled authorities to stop the plane attacks before they happened?
AUSTRALIA: Australian federal police (afp) 'Conditioner' mick Guilty as Sin, says the situation in the United Kingdom justifies the introduction of tough counter-terrorism/Liberty laws by countries around the world. Even though bush-blair and murdoch were behind the fake terror.
On August 6th American Flight #109 from London Heathrow to Boston Logan Airport included a family of five, however, after the plane left Heathrow it was determined that the father appeared on a British Mi5 No Fly Terrorst Watch List.
The pilot of Flight 109 quickly alerted the British Dept. of Transportation requesting instructions to get clearance to return to the U.K. The father on the Watch List had the type of liquid carry-on that has now been described as a "terrorist weapon." However, the British Dept. of Transportation ordered the pilot to continue to the United States where American authorities would apprehend the suspect.
One man was released without charge on Friday, while the others remain in custody.
But Flight 109 folks, despite urgings of Alexander and Romney (R. Mass.) along with Mossad Agent Michael Chertoff for Flight 109 to continue to the U.S., the pilot of Flight 109 heroically took it on his own to return the airplane to London Heathrow and secure the safety of his passengers mainly Americans.
See link:
Now Conditioner Guilty has told the parrort press, as usual, that new detention powers in Britain enabled authorities to stop the plane attacks before they happened?
But things they do are pretty easy to stop, no doubt!
Guilty: "It is a new world order I guess," he said.
Yeah too right controled by the US federal reserve!
See link:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3254488777215293198 Freedom to Fascism - A Must-See Film by Aaron Russo - by Stephen Lendman
http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/ President JFK Speech on Secret
Guilty: "We're not crying wolf here - we actually know the difficulties of the challenges ahead?
Liar, liar pants on fire! Seems Guilty and the gang have now cried wolf a few too many times for the general publics liking. Not to mention the 2nd Bali Bomb and who was behind that really!
See link:
Guilty: "It is long and it is sustained and ... it is a very difficult thing when you've got home-grown terrorism."
But don't you worry we know all about home grown government stooges just check his handywork below and make up your own mind about that!
Bush-Blair and Murdoch's Terrorgate Dots Connected Plus Rupert Murdoch Spies On Prince Charles
Bush, Blair and Rupert Murdoch along with their global media empires have now been directly linked to a cooked up terrorist scare borrowed right out of Project Bojinka, a 1995 FBI Div 5 Terror script. Players included Robert Wachtel and Rami Yousf, Philippine based Terrorist that had direct ties to 9-11 and Oklahoma City.
Paying attention yet?
Or still wasting your precious time on backstory issues? Well, for those who are interested in attacking the beast at its most vulnerable point, read on.The Anglo-American empire’s “next 9-11” will set up final war; “foiled” UK terror plot a propaganda dry run
Terrorism: you can get it in a can
The Blitzkrieg is upon Beirut, but we are supposed to imagine that little Nazis are flying over our heads.
Britain Names Suspects in Alleged Airline Bomb Plot; British Muslims Skeptical, Fear Backlash
Britain has named 19 of the 24 people arrested yesterday on suspicion of plotting to blow up passenger jets flying to the United States and has frozen their assets. We go to Britain to look why many British Muslims are skeptical of the plot and fear a backlash on their communities.
Britain’s airline terror plot: Questions that need to be answered
No such questions have been asked by the media. And yet recent months have seen a number of alleged terrorist plots—in the US, Canada and Australia—that were supposedly thwarted by the security services. In each case, mass arrests were made of people who, according to the indictments, had merely discussed terrorist acts. No concrete plans were discovered, no weapons or explosives seized. And in most of these cases, the supposed plots were initiated and encouraged by government informers who acted as agent provocateurs and entrapped the alleged conspirators.
Fake Terror Obfuscates Lebanon and Iraq Failures
Unable to window dress the obvious failure to eradicate growing resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan—even with the mighty propaganda power of a complaisant media—the neocon intelligence apparatus has staged yet another terrorist event, or would be terrorist event.
Guilty's home grown just check his handywork:
Former medical student to stand trial in kangaroo court!
Lawyers for the 23-year-old argue the charge is not constitutionally valid because they say the laws cannot cover alleged acts committed on foreign soil which do not have an Australian connection.
Student loses bid for High Court hearing
Lawyers for the 23-year-old argue the charge is not constitutionally valid because they say the laws cannot cover alleged acts committed on foreign soil which do not have an Australian connection.
Attorney General Ruddock is Oddball over anti-terrorist laws!Attorney
Attorney General Ruddock attacks different laws.
Australia's Guantanamo
Have the 13 Muslim men arrested under Australia's new anti-terror laws been subjected to Guantanamo Bay-style conditions? It's an allegation being made by Civil Rights Defence
Major Michael Mori writes re David Hicks
The US Supreme Court has ruled the special Guantanamo trials illegal. An acceptable solution from the Americans is likely years away and our Government has run out of excuses not to act. Nearly 40,000 Australians have put their name to the Open Letter calling for David Hicks to be repatriated. I hope you'll join us now by clicking on the link:
International Protest Day calls for the end of Guantánamo Bay
Judges weigh 'Joseph Thomas's' appeal! Get your facts right!
What would she have imposed for stealing a passport?
Joseph Thomas conviction immoral
Standardising terrorism in the prison population?
Try giving us hope, access to our communities, a sense of caring by the outside community. And letting us out to make restitution instead of building festering anger.
Scapegoats accused 'exploited' by guberment prostitutor
The rest of the prisoners had to stay in jail in AA maximum security segregted with no contact with human people in a box within a box with no fresh air or sunlight with the worst of the worst offenders.
Jury indicated it could not reach a verdict, but was ordered to push on?
These charges were that he collected maps of the Australian electricity supply system in preparation of a terrorist act (15 years), BUT WITH NO DETAILS ABOUT THE PREPARATION ACCEPT MATERIAL TO SUPPORT THOUGHT CRIME? that he sought information on chemical prices for the use of explosives for a terrorist act (life), BUT NO SOUND EVIDENCE ABOUT WHETHER THE CHEMICALS WERE GOING TO BE PURCHASED OR USED FOR THE USE OF EXPLOSIVES OR A TERRORIST ACT and that he possessed a document with information on the manufacture of poisons and bombs in preparation for a terrorist act (15 years). THAT HE LIKE MANY OTHERS MAY HAVE DOWNLOADED FROM THE INTERNET WHICH IS NOT ILLEGAL USUALLY?
A dangerous precedent: Australian man convicted of “preparing terrorism”
Since 2001, the government has seized upon the “war” declared by US President George Bush for both domestic and international purposes. Under the guise of combating terrorism it has participated in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, diverted attention from mounting economic and social problems at home and legitimised previously unthinkable police state-style measures, including semi-secret trials, “preventative” detention and the ability to impose life sentences without any evidence of an actual terrorist act.
Secret evidence used in Australian “terrorist” trial
Lodhi was bundled into the court building in shackles, in full view of the media. The display was intended to convey the impression that he is a violent and highly dangerous individual. Like several other Muslim men charged with terrorist offences in Australia over the past year, Lodhi has been denied bail and held in virtual solitary confinement in a “super max” prison, cut off from family and friends. Under state and federal “counter-terrorism” laws, the traditional presumption in favour of bail has been scrapped. It will only be granted in “exceptional circumstances”. On receiving a confidential affidavit from the Commonwealth, Magistrate Michael Price imposed a number of secrecy orders despite vigorous objections by lawyers for Lodhi and by media organisations. The orders mean that the affidavit itself will remain suppressed, and the media is barred from disclosing even the general nature of the material relied upon in it.
Merry Christmas Mr Kent and Mr Haddara
After and ASIO fishing expedition they were charged last month with knowingly belonging to a Melbourne-based terrorist group, that did not exist.
ASIO raid family home
This is an assault on civil liberties, for all Australians - on the eve of Human Rights Day 2005 that marks the day in 1948, that the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Shame hoWARd shame on you!
Tight security impedes scapegoat case
Indymedia has learnt this includes a bank account his supporters say was set up to fund legal representation for Muslims facing any kind of legal action. The prosecution is understood to allege the money was intended for terrorist purposes.
Some evidence is prejudicial to national insecurity
It has been previously reported that he is facing nine charges and is accused of planning a major terrorist attack on Sydney defence sites and the electricity grid using downloads off the internet and having 100 rolls of toilet paper to wipe his arse after low level bombs and farts. Shit!
Terrorism suspects' custody conditions 'inhumane'
"This treatment is very cruel and inhumane and what I've put forward to the Premier Morris Iemma to intervene and put an end to this scandal," he said.
DPP should lose the plot!
Now why would the DPP do that? Based on some notion I suppose, that john hoWARd (the hangman) wants to use Thomas's butt again, to raise the fear stakes in the introduction of the new Anti-Liberty-Dissent Directives!
Things and places identified
He said Mulahalilovic worked as a handyman, lived with his wife, parents and brother and, with the help of family members, could provide around $1 million security to ensure his freedom until trial.
Dangerous handyman terror threat?
But the only mother of SATAN here is John HoWARd and his new Ant-Terrorism Bill!
Terror suspects 'kept in dark'
"They're all kept in solitary confinement, they're kept in Guantanamo Bay style conditions and they're very oppressive," he said.
What are the dangerous chemicals police found when they went fishing?
If police say they were making bombs when they were painting motor vehicles then the only terrorist act that wasn't prevented was when police went on a fishing expedition.
Man shot by police in fishing raids
But there is no such thing as an independent investigation team in NSW because police investigate themselves and cannot be relied upon ever.
ASIO fishing expedition makes arrests
Are you satisfied truthseeker? Well I'm not this is just another public relations exercise that no one can prove. But trust us we know best?
hoWARd, ruddock, ellison, keelty and news ltd plotted chaos
Now they go on in the article to describe themselves as intelligence officials? But I'm sorry to say that any group of people who ask another group of people to believe what they believe based on no evidence is amongst the most unintelligent and lost group of people the world has ever known.
Houses raided over 'possible' political attack plans?
"Furthermore, nothing is reasonable about a raid on people's homes because for an alleged possibility. For those sorts of enquiries one should approach a 'soothsayer' and if you get the all clear only then should they approach people via the front door with the appropriate warrant to search one's home. A warrant based on concrete evidence that has been filtered by a juge or magistrate of the court to see whether the material is frivolous or vexatious."
If he'd been given his passport he'd be a free man
During his trial Mr Mallah's defence counsel said he was only trying to sustain the media spotlight when he sold details of his plans to an undercover officer posing as a journalist.
Melbourne man charged over ASIO links
Apparently this victim will appear before the Melbourne Magistrates Court later today and hopefully he won't be sent to the nearest "AA" Super-max prison for "social isolation" just in case ASIO aren't telling us the truth!
Australian prisoners' linked to Bin Laden: Ten News
Hatzistergos: "For example, because of a perceived risk that they may engage in, or incite other persons to engage in, terrorist activities."
Terrorist prisoners held in a "box within a box" with no "fresh air or sunlight" at Goulburn HRMU may incite alleged terrorists in Long Bay to blow up Long Bay Prison's Twin Towers?
Andrew Sullivan and the Tortued Truth
Mr. Habib said he was taken to a room with hooks on the wall and a barrel, set sideways like a roller, on the floor. His arms were stretched out, he said, and each wrist was handcuffed and fastened to a hook on the wall. By his description, the only way not to be left hanging was to stand on the barrel; an electric wire ran through it. Mr. Habib said he believed the interrogators in that room were Pakistani.
Mr. Habib said that when he refused to confess to being part of a 1995 terror plot, one man turned on the current. He lifted his feet to avoid the shock, he recalled, and he was suspended from the wall.
"I lost everything," he said.
2nd Renaissance -12
There are reports that in one Balinese kampong that provided labour to the clubs in Kuta Beach, seven empty coffins were buried, because there were no identifiable remains of the missing workers. It was as if they had been vaporised. Scores of people, mainly locals, are thought to have disappeared without trace.
On August 6th American Flight #109 from London Heathrow to Boston Logan Airport included a family of five, however, after the plane left Heathrow it was determined that the father appeared on a British Mi5 No Fly Terrorst Watch List.
The pilot of Flight 109 quickly alerted the British Dept. of Transportation requesting instructions to get clearance to return to the U.K. The father on the Watch List had the type of liquid carry-on that has now been described as a "terrorist weapon." However, the British Dept. of Transportation ordered the pilot to continue to the United States where American authorities would apprehend the suspect.
One man was released without charge on Friday, while the others remain in custody.
But Flight 109 folks, despite urgings of Alexander and Romney (R. Mass.) along with Mossad Agent Michael Chertoff for Flight 109 to continue to the U.S., the pilot of Flight 109 heroically took it on his own to return the airplane to London Heathrow and secure the safety of his passengers mainly Americans.
See link:

Now Conditioner Guilty has told the parrort press, as usual, that new detention powers in Britain enabled authorities to stop the plane attacks before they happened?
But things they do are pretty easy to stop, no doubt!
Guilty: "It is a new world order I guess," he said.
Yeah too right controled by the US federal reserve!
See link:

Guilty: "We're not crying wolf here - we actually know the difficulties of the challenges ahead?
Liar, liar pants on fire! Seems Guilty and the gang have now cried wolf a few too many times for the general publics liking. Not to mention the 2nd Bali Bomb and who was behind that really!
See link:

Guilty: "It is long and it is sustained and ... it is a very difficult thing when you've got home-grown terrorism."
But don't you worry we know all about home grown government stooges just check his handywork below and make up your own mind about that!
Bush-Blair and Murdoch's Terrorgate Dots Connected Plus Rupert Murdoch Spies On Prince Charles
Bush, Blair and Rupert Murdoch along with their global media empires have now been directly linked to a cooked up terrorist scare borrowed right out of Project Bojinka, a 1995 FBI Div 5 Terror script. Players included Robert Wachtel and Rami Yousf, Philippine based Terrorist that had direct ties to 9-11 and Oklahoma City.

Paying attention yet?
Or still wasting your precious time on backstory issues? Well, for those who are interested in attacking the beast at its most vulnerable point, read on.The Anglo-American empire’s “next 9-11” will set up final war; “foiled” UK terror plot a propaganda dry run

Terrorism: you can get it in a can
The Blitzkrieg is upon Beirut, but we are supposed to imagine that little Nazis are flying over our heads.

Britain Names Suspects in Alleged Airline Bomb Plot; British Muslims Skeptical, Fear Backlash
Britain has named 19 of the 24 people arrested yesterday on suspicion of plotting to blow up passenger jets flying to the United States and has frozen their assets. We go to Britain to look why many British Muslims are skeptical of the plot and fear a backlash on their communities.

Britain’s airline terror plot: Questions that need to be answered
No such questions have been asked by the media. And yet recent months have seen a number of alleged terrorist plots—in the US, Canada and Australia—that were supposedly thwarted by the security services. In each case, mass arrests were made of people who, according to the indictments, had merely discussed terrorist acts. No concrete plans were discovered, no weapons or explosives seized. And in most of these cases, the supposed plots were initiated and encouraged by government informers who acted as agent provocateurs and entrapped the alleged conspirators.

Fake Terror Obfuscates Lebanon and Iraq Failures
Unable to window dress the obvious failure to eradicate growing resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan—even with the mighty propaganda power of a complaisant media—the neocon intelligence apparatus has staged yet another terrorist event, or would be terrorist event.

Guilty's home grown just check his handywork:
Former medical student to stand trial in kangaroo court!
Lawyers for the 23-year-old argue the charge is not constitutionally valid because they say the laws cannot cover alleged acts committed on foreign soil which do not have an Australian connection.

Student loses bid for High Court hearing
Lawyers for the 23-year-old argue the charge is not constitutionally valid because they say the laws cannot cover alleged acts committed on foreign soil which do not have an Australian connection.

Attorney General Ruddock is Oddball over anti-terrorist laws!Attorney
Attorney General Ruddock attacks different laws.

Australia's Guantanamo
Have the 13 Muslim men arrested under Australia's new anti-terror laws been subjected to Guantanamo Bay-style conditions? It's an allegation being made by Civil Rights Defence

Major Michael Mori writes re David Hicks
The US Supreme Court has ruled the special Guantanamo trials illegal. An acceptable solution from the Americans is likely years away and our Government has run out of excuses not to act. Nearly 40,000 Australians have put their name to the Open Letter calling for David Hicks to be repatriated. I hope you'll join us now by clicking on the link:

International Protest Day calls for the end of Guantánamo Bay

Judges weigh 'Joseph Thomas's' appeal! Get your facts right!
What would she have imposed for stealing a passport?

Joseph Thomas conviction immoral

Standardising terrorism in the prison population?
Try giving us hope, access to our communities, a sense of caring by the outside community. And letting us out to make restitution instead of building festering anger.

Scapegoats accused 'exploited' by guberment prostitutor
The rest of the prisoners had to stay in jail in AA maximum security segregted with no contact with human people in a box within a box with no fresh air or sunlight with the worst of the worst offenders.

Jury indicated it could not reach a verdict, but was ordered to push on?
These charges were that he collected maps of the Australian electricity supply system in preparation of a terrorist act (15 years), BUT WITH NO DETAILS ABOUT THE PREPARATION ACCEPT MATERIAL TO SUPPORT THOUGHT CRIME? that he sought information on chemical prices for the use of explosives for a terrorist act (life), BUT NO SOUND EVIDENCE ABOUT WHETHER THE CHEMICALS WERE GOING TO BE PURCHASED OR USED FOR THE USE OF EXPLOSIVES OR A TERRORIST ACT and that he possessed a document with information on the manufacture of poisons and bombs in preparation for a terrorist act (15 years). THAT HE LIKE MANY OTHERS MAY HAVE DOWNLOADED FROM THE INTERNET WHICH IS NOT ILLEGAL USUALLY?

A dangerous precedent: Australian man convicted of “preparing terrorism”
Since 2001, the government has seized upon the “war” declared by US President George Bush for both domestic and international purposes. Under the guise of combating terrorism it has participated in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, diverted attention from mounting economic and social problems at home and legitimised previously unthinkable police state-style measures, including semi-secret trials, “preventative” detention and the ability to impose life sentences without any evidence of an actual terrorist act.

Secret evidence used in Australian “terrorist” trial
Lodhi was bundled into the court building in shackles, in full view of the media. The display was intended to convey the impression that he is a violent and highly dangerous individual. Like several other Muslim men charged with terrorist offences in Australia over the past year, Lodhi has been denied bail and held in virtual solitary confinement in a “super max” prison, cut off from family and friends. Under state and federal “counter-terrorism” laws, the traditional presumption in favour of bail has been scrapped. It will only be granted in “exceptional circumstances”. On receiving a confidential affidavit from the Commonwealth, Magistrate Michael Price imposed a number of secrecy orders despite vigorous objections by lawyers for Lodhi and by media organisations. The orders mean that the affidavit itself will remain suppressed, and the media is barred from disclosing even the general nature of the material relied upon in it.

Merry Christmas Mr Kent and Mr Haddara
After and ASIO fishing expedition they were charged last month with knowingly belonging to a Melbourne-based terrorist group, that did not exist.

ASIO raid family home
This is an assault on civil liberties, for all Australians - on the eve of Human Rights Day 2005 that marks the day in 1948, that the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Shame hoWARd shame on you!

Tight security impedes scapegoat case
Indymedia has learnt this includes a bank account his supporters say was set up to fund legal representation for Muslims facing any kind of legal action. The prosecution is understood to allege the money was intended for terrorist purposes.

Some evidence is prejudicial to national insecurity
It has been previously reported that he is facing nine charges and is accused of planning a major terrorist attack on Sydney defence sites and the electricity grid using downloads off the internet and having 100 rolls of toilet paper to wipe his arse after low level bombs and farts. Shit!

Terrorism suspects' custody conditions 'inhumane'
"This treatment is very cruel and inhumane and what I've put forward to the Premier Morris Iemma to intervene and put an end to this scandal," he said.

DPP should lose the plot!
Now why would the DPP do that? Based on some notion I suppose, that john hoWARd (the hangman) wants to use Thomas's butt again, to raise the fear stakes in the introduction of the new Anti-Liberty-Dissent Directives!

Things and places identified
He said Mulahalilovic worked as a handyman, lived with his wife, parents and brother and, with the help of family members, could provide around $1 million security to ensure his freedom until trial.

Dangerous handyman terror threat?
But the only mother of SATAN here is John HoWARd and his new Ant-Terrorism Bill!

Terror suspects 'kept in dark'
"They're all kept in solitary confinement, they're kept in Guantanamo Bay style conditions and they're very oppressive," he said.

What are the dangerous chemicals police found when they went fishing?
If police say they were making bombs when they were painting motor vehicles then the only terrorist act that wasn't prevented was when police went on a fishing expedition.

Man shot by police in fishing raids
But there is no such thing as an independent investigation team in NSW because police investigate themselves and cannot be relied upon ever.

ASIO fishing expedition makes arrests
Are you satisfied truthseeker? Well I'm not this is just another public relations exercise that no one can prove. But trust us we know best?

hoWARd, ruddock, ellison, keelty and news ltd plotted chaos
Now they go on in the article to describe themselves as intelligence officials? But I'm sorry to say that any group of people who ask another group of people to believe what they believe based on no evidence is amongst the most unintelligent and lost group of people the world has ever known.

Houses raided over 'possible' political attack plans?
"Furthermore, nothing is reasonable about a raid on people's homes because for an alleged possibility. For those sorts of enquiries one should approach a 'soothsayer' and if you get the all clear only then should they approach people via the front door with the appropriate warrant to search one's home. A warrant based on concrete evidence that has been filtered by a juge or magistrate of the court to see whether the material is frivolous or vexatious."

If he'd been given his passport he'd be a free man
During his trial Mr Mallah's defence counsel said he was only trying to sustain the media spotlight when he sold details of his plans to an undercover officer posing as a journalist.

Melbourne man charged over ASIO links
Apparently this victim will appear before the Melbourne Magistrates Court later today and hopefully he won't be sent to the nearest "AA" Super-max prison for "social isolation" just in case ASIO aren't telling us the truth!

Australian prisoners' linked to Bin Laden: Ten News
Hatzistergos: "For example, because of a perceived risk that they may engage in, or incite other persons to engage in, terrorist activities."
Terrorist prisoners held in a "box within a box" with no "fresh air or sunlight" at Goulburn HRMU may incite alleged terrorists in Long Bay to blow up Long Bay Prison's Twin Towers?

Andrew Sullivan and the Tortued Truth
Mr. Habib said he was taken to a room with hooks on the wall and a barrel, set sideways like a roller, on the floor. His arms were stretched out, he said, and each wrist was handcuffed and fastened to a hook on the wall. By his description, the only way not to be left hanging was to stand on the barrel; an electric wire ran through it. Mr. Habib said he believed the interrogators in that room were Pakistani.
Mr. Habib said that when he refused to confess to being part of a 1995 terror plot, one man turned on the current. He lifted his feet to avoid the shock, he recalled, and he was suspended from the wall.
"I lost everything," he said.

2nd Renaissance -12
There are reports that in one Balinese kampong that provided labour to the clubs in Kuta Beach, seven empty coffins were buried, because there were no identifiable remains of the missing workers. It was as if they had been vaporised. Scores of people, mainly locals, are thought to have disappeared without trace.
