500 women takeover tv station, stop the paramilitary death squads contact lists
joni | 11.08.2006 17:11
after massive repression people in mexico are successfully standing up to goverment repression & taking over, email the mexican officials below & contact support groups for further info
There has been some amazing things happening in state of oaxaca in Mexico, recently over 500 women took over a tv station after massacres against the marketsellers & teachers union uprisings with suppoort from Zapatistas & Magonista Anarchist Youth even working with Trotskysists
As many people as possible need to monitor the situation as apperently paramilitaries are massing in the area. Most of these death squads are usually trained via the same USA military school of the americas as many sick killers in Middle East.
Contact the Mexican ambassador now to demand that the Mexican government do not use these death squads
Please write to the following denouncing the ongoing repression in Mexico:
Mexican Ambassador to UK:
Juan José Bremer de Martino16 St. George St, Mayfair, LondonW1S 1LX
E-mail: mexuk (at) easynet.co.uk
President Vicente Fox Quesada.
Email:vicente.fox.quesada (at) presidencia.gob. mxradio (at) presidencia.gob.mxwebadmon@appresidencia.gob.mx
Oaxaca State Governor: Ulises Ruiz
Ortizgobernador (at) oaxaca.gob.mxa..
Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, Constitutional Governor of the State of Mexico.
gob (at) gem.gob.mx
gob (at) gubernatura.gem.gob.mx
mreyescomunicacionsocial (at) hotmail.com
Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations in Geneva. E-mail: mission.mexico (at) ties.itu.int
Attorney General of the Republic, E-mail: ofproc (at) pgr.gob.mx
Dr. José Luis Soberanes Fernández, President of the CNDH. E-mail: correo (at) fmdh.cndh.org.mx
Lic. Carlos Maria Abascal Carranza, Secretary of Government. E-mail: ghuerta (at) segob.gob.mx
Lic. Abel Villicaña Estrada, Attorney General of the State of Mexico. E-mail: gemcpgj (at) mail.edomex.gob.mx
Viceadmiral Wilfrido Robledo Madrid, Commissioner of the State Security Agency. E-mail: robledo.m.w (at) mail.edomex.gob.mx
General Judiciary Council of the State of Mexico. E-mail: acs (at) mail.pjedomex.gob.mx
Prisoner Solidarity
Paypal account to help support prisoner solidarity efforts (set up by the Centro de Medios Libres):
For further information contact edinchiapas (at) yahoo.co.uk or go to www.edinchiapas.org.uk
also check articles in mexico indymedian & counterpunch
As many people as possible need to monitor the situation as apperently paramilitaries are massing in the area. Most of these death squads are usually trained via the same USA military school of the americas as many sick killers in Middle East.
Contact the Mexican ambassador now to demand that the Mexican government do not use these death squads
Please write to the following denouncing the ongoing repression in Mexico:
Mexican Ambassador to UK:
Juan José Bremer de Martino16 St. George St, Mayfair, LondonW1S 1LX
E-mail: mexuk (at) easynet.co.uk
President Vicente Fox Quesada.
Email:vicente.fox.quesada (at) presidencia.gob. mxradio (at) presidencia.gob.mxwebadmon@appresidencia.gob.mx
Oaxaca State Governor: Ulises Ruiz
Ortizgobernador (at) oaxaca.gob.mxa..
Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto, Constitutional Governor of the State of Mexico.
gob (at) gem.gob.mx
gob (at) gubernatura.gem.gob.mx
mreyescomunicacionsocial (at) hotmail.com
Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations in Geneva. E-mail: mission.mexico (at) ties.itu.int
Attorney General of the Republic, E-mail: ofproc (at) pgr.gob.mx
Dr. José Luis Soberanes Fernández, President of the CNDH. E-mail: correo (at) fmdh.cndh.org.mx
Lic. Carlos Maria Abascal Carranza, Secretary of Government. E-mail: ghuerta (at) segob.gob.mx
Lic. Abel Villicaña Estrada, Attorney General of the State of Mexico. E-mail: gemcpgj (at) mail.edomex.gob.mx
Viceadmiral Wilfrido Robledo Madrid, Commissioner of the State Security Agency. E-mail: robledo.m.w (at) mail.edomex.gob.mx
General Judiciary Council of the State of Mexico. E-mail: acs (at) mail.pjedomex.gob.mx
Prisoner Solidarity
Paypal account to help support prisoner solidarity efforts (set up by the Centro de Medios Libres):
For further information contact edinchiapas (at) yahoo.co.uk or go to www.edinchiapas.org.uk
also check articles in mexico indymedian & counterpunch
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