SchNEWS - Axis Of Oil - Why the west sits back while Lebanon is battered
SchNEWS | 11.08.2006 16:40
As SchNEWS goes to print it seems as if attempts in the UN to obtain a ceasefire between Hizbollah and Israel have failed. As Israel pours more troops across Lebanon’s borders, the war’s escalation threatens a cataclysm. Is Lebanon destined to play the overture to a far wider middle-eastern war? It is this fear coupled with solidarity with the Lebanese people which has sparked a resurgence in the UK anti-war movement.
The public can see that Blair is allowing this war to be prolonged. The prospects of a ceasefire are blocked by the governments of Israel, the US and of course dear old Blighty. The security council resolution confronts Hizbollah with totally unrealistic demands to disarm (i.e. surrender) while Israel merely halts its ‘offensive’ operations. With this formula Israel can remain in control of the territory it has seized and effectively have a veto over Lebanese internal politics. It’s easy to see why Israel would be so keen - but why’s Blair sticking with the Zionists on this one? It’s possible to get a few cheap laughs out of the whole ‘Blair is Bush’s poodle’ thing but that masks the true nature of the game. In fact, the US, UK and Israel stand shoulder to shoulder (to shoulder). This war is as much a part of the ‘War on Terror’ as the attacks on Iraq. It is being fought for the same profiteering ends by the same few politicians.
It should come as no surprise, then, that Yankee bombs are making their way to the suburbs of Beirut via UK airports and that the British taxpayer is subsidising arms exports to the region’s number one aggressor nation. Blair wasn’t failing to demand a ceasefire because he’s on the neo-cons leash but because he and UK plc are deeply committed to their agenda. The attacks on Lebanon are just part of a much wider plan. The Israeli government has confirmed that it is in for a “long war”. Patterns of weapons stockpiling by Israel support this. To meet shortfalls in current stocks of WMD, Israel’s IDF is to take delivery of an emergency shipment of precision guided bombs, including US-made GBU-28 bunker-buster bombs produced by Raytheon.
As ever, to find out what’s really going on you’ve got to follow the money. On July 13th just one day before the aerial bombardment began, the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline was officially opened (despite a determined resistance campaign causing delays and overspend - see SchNEWS 433 and This inauguration was attended by ministers from 16 countries and marked the success of a project designed to bypass Russia’s stranglehold on central Asian energy. This pipeline will pump oil from the Caspian Sea to the eastern Mediterranean and has already transported over two million tonnes of oil. It is a vital part of the West’s energy strategy. UK-based BP (wittering on about sustainable development Beyond Petroleum) have a 30.1% stake in this monstrosity. Meanwhile Israel is lobbying for an extension of the pipeline to its port of Ashkelon and Blair was recently spotted hob-nobbing with Arnold Schwarzenegger and BP chief Lord Browne of Madingley in California.
The trouble with this project is that starting in Baku (Azerbaijan) and ending up in Turkey (Ceyhan is only a short distance from the Lebanese border) the BTC pipeline ain’t exactly in the most pro-western part of the world. The war in Lebanon, together with that in Iraq, is an attempt to reshape the region around the West’s interests. Israel’s offensive could be intended to provoke a reaction from Syria, and be used to engineer a collapse of its regime. This would have the effect of removing a threat to the energy supplies whilst delivering a message to Iran. This is why Blair is content to watch mass murder of civilians while pushing fairy-tale ideas like NATO stepping into Israel’s para-boots in Southern Lebanon. The idea that NATO represents a ‘neutral’ force must surely have had any surviving al-Qaeda fighters laughing into their beards. In early 2005, NATO held joint military exercises with Israel.
This crisis in the Middle East has spawned a second wave of anti-war protests and it looks as if this time round there’s gonna be more emphasis on direct action rather than polite lobbying. Last Saturday’s march in London, attended by 100,000 gave a sense of the scale of opposition. A die-in was staged outside Downing Street, sparking scuffles with cops, and a valiant attempt was made to push through barriers to the US embassy. Unfortunately the dead hand of Socialist Worker Party stewards served to create boundaries between the passive and active parts of the crowd. Big marches in London have their point, but most have realised that politely asking this government to abstain from war crimes is an exercise in futility. Crucially, others are working towards more direct intervention in the war machine.
On August 9th, nine Northern Irish activists stormed the software development centre of US arms giant Raytheon in Derry. The plant was occupied for eight hours, ransacked and computers hurled onto the streets. They compared their action to the decommissioning of IRA arms. Eventually all nine were nicked and have been remanded for a month. They have been charged with offences that mean that they will face a juryless ‘Diplock’ court, presumably to avoid any inconvenient acquittals (More at
On the same day, around 20 Israeli anarchists blockaded the entrance to Ramat David air force base in the north of the country where fighter planes have been taking off to bombing missions in Lebanon.
In mainland UK peaceniks have been busy. Brighton activists continue their targeting of EDO MBM, the UK subsidiary of EDO Corp who manufacture vital components, guidance systems and release mechanisms for Raytheon (For more see
We may have been turned into a supply base for the illegal war on Lebanon without being consulted, but not all the citizens of Airstrip One are happy to give the green light to weapons transport. For three nights running at Prestwick airport near Glasgow (5th-8th Aug), Trident Ploughshares activists organized citizens’ inspections at the airport. Nightly, people have gained access to the supposedly civilian airport and found that it is being used as a US military staging post. Altogether 16 citizens’ weapons inspectors have been arrested. A peace camp has been established and needs support. (More info on 08454 588 361 or
Having been publicly embarrassed with the exposure of Prestwick airport’s role, the UK establishment is simply re-routing the flights through RAF bases. Mildenhall and Brize Norton have already been the focus of protests and campaigners are setting up peace camps at both sites.
Check out for the rest of this weeks stories including updates on Iceland, GM crops, cycle protests and more.
It should come as no surprise, then, that Yankee bombs are making their way to the suburbs of Beirut via UK airports and that the British taxpayer is subsidising arms exports to the region’s number one aggressor nation. Blair wasn’t failing to demand a ceasefire because he’s on the neo-cons leash but because he and UK plc are deeply committed to their agenda. The attacks on Lebanon are just part of a much wider plan. The Israeli government has confirmed that it is in for a “long war”. Patterns of weapons stockpiling by Israel support this. To meet shortfalls in current stocks of WMD, Israel’s IDF is to take delivery of an emergency shipment of precision guided bombs, including US-made GBU-28 bunker-buster bombs produced by Raytheon.
As ever, to find out what’s really going on you’ve got to follow the money. On July 13th just one day before the aerial bombardment began, the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline was officially opened (despite a determined resistance campaign causing delays and overspend - see SchNEWS 433 and This inauguration was attended by ministers from 16 countries and marked the success of a project designed to bypass Russia’s stranglehold on central Asian energy. This pipeline will pump oil from the Caspian Sea to the eastern Mediterranean and has already transported over two million tonnes of oil. It is a vital part of the West’s energy strategy. UK-based BP (wittering on about sustainable development Beyond Petroleum) have a 30.1% stake in this monstrosity. Meanwhile Israel is lobbying for an extension of the pipeline to its port of Ashkelon and Blair was recently spotted hob-nobbing with Arnold Schwarzenegger and BP chief Lord Browne of Madingley in California.
The trouble with this project is that starting in Baku (Azerbaijan) and ending up in Turkey (Ceyhan is only a short distance from the Lebanese border) the BTC pipeline ain’t exactly in the most pro-western part of the world. The war in Lebanon, together with that in Iraq, is an attempt to reshape the region around the West’s interests. Israel’s offensive could be intended to provoke a reaction from Syria, and be used to engineer a collapse of its regime. This would have the effect of removing a threat to the energy supplies whilst delivering a message to Iran. This is why Blair is content to watch mass murder of civilians while pushing fairy-tale ideas like NATO stepping into Israel’s para-boots in Southern Lebanon. The idea that NATO represents a ‘neutral’ force must surely have had any surviving al-Qaeda fighters laughing into their beards. In early 2005, NATO held joint military exercises with Israel.
This crisis in the Middle East has spawned a second wave of anti-war protests and it looks as if this time round there’s gonna be more emphasis on direct action rather than polite lobbying. Last Saturday’s march in London, attended by 100,000 gave a sense of the scale of opposition. A die-in was staged outside Downing Street, sparking scuffles with cops, and a valiant attempt was made to push through barriers to the US embassy. Unfortunately the dead hand of Socialist Worker Party stewards served to create boundaries between the passive and active parts of the crowd. Big marches in London have their point, but most have realised that politely asking this government to abstain from war crimes is an exercise in futility. Crucially, others are working towards more direct intervention in the war machine.
On August 9th, nine Northern Irish activists stormed the software development centre of US arms giant Raytheon in Derry. The plant was occupied for eight hours, ransacked and computers hurled onto the streets. They compared their action to the decommissioning of IRA arms. Eventually all nine were nicked and have been remanded for a month. They have been charged with offences that mean that they will face a juryless ‘Diplock’ court, presumably to avoid any inconvenient acquittals (More at
On the same day, around 20 Israeli anarchists blockaded the entrance to Ramat David air force base in the north of the country where fighter planes have been taking off to bombing missions in Lebanon.
In mainland UK peaceniks have been busy. Brighton activists continue their targeting of EDO MBM, the UK subsidiary of EDO Corp who manufacture vital components, guidance systems and release mechanisms for Raytheon (For more see
We may have been turned into a supply base for the illegal war on Lebanon without being consulted, but not all the citizens of Airstrip One are happy to give the green light to weapons transport. For three nights running at Prestwick airport near Glasgow (5th-8th Aug), Trident Ploughshares activists organized citizens’ inspections at the airport. Nightly, people have gained access to the supposedly civilian airport and found that it is being used as a US military staging post. Altogether 16 citizens’ weapons inspectors have been arrested. A peace camp has been established and needs support. (More info on 08454 588 361 or
Having been publicly embarrassed with the exposure of Prestwick airport’s role, the UK establishment is simply re-routing the flights through RAF bases. Mildenhall and Brize Norton have already been the focus of protests and campaigners are setting up peace camps at both sites.
Check out for the rest of this weeks stories including updates on Iceland, GM crops, cycle protests and more.
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stewards, what stewards?
11.08.2006 21:05
luv Farah (not connected to SWP, STW or anything similar, honest)
The Civilian Casualties Are Aweful, But Israel Is Fighting For Its Existence
12.08.2006 09:15
Have you ever noticed how every time a coalition air strike goes astray in Iraq, it always manages to hit a 'wedding party'? Why is there only ever one child's shoe in the rubble, never a pair? There always seems to be a broken medicine box, too, with a handy red cross never a red crescent, mind you on the lid, just in case we haven't got the message. Credulous CNN correspondents and handwringing BBC reporters fall over themselves to sign up for the Hezbollah guided tour of the ruins. I use a rough rule of thumb whenever I watch television coverage of the Middle East. Anyone who pronounces Hezbollah as 'Hiz-bull-arrrgh' and Israeli as 'Izza-ra-ay-lee' is almost certainly telling lies. The bien-pensant buzzword used to describe Israel's bombing is 'disproportionate'. But what's 'proportionate'? Are the thousands of rockets fired at genuine civilian targets in Israel 'proportionate'?
It is only because Israelis are hunkered down in underground shelters built out of necessity and bitter experience, or have fled out of range of Hezbollah's salvoes, that there haven't been piles of bodies on their side of the border. What would 'world opinion' consider an acceptable death toll before acknowledging Israel's right to retaliation and self-defence -- 1,000? 10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000? Hezbollah has started a war it knows it can't win in the certain knowledge that there will be civilian casualties. Its stated aim is to kill as many Israelis as possible and if innocent Lebanese get caught in the crossfire, tough.
These fanatics have little or no regard for human life. Their tactic is to hide among civilians; to use terrified women and children as human shields; to deploy school playgrounds as rocket launch sites; hotels and apartment blocks as command centres; homes as weapons dumps; mosques as air-raid shelters. I've heard reporters referring to Hezbollah as a 'resistance' movement. They love it, don't they? Just as they insist on calling terrorist murderers 'radicals' or 'militants' as if there's no difference between Al Qaeda and Aslef train drivers on unofficial strike. What they never point out is that if Hezbollah didn't exist, there would be nothing to resist. Israel is the Tony Martin of the Middle East, lashing out in fear and frustration after enduring years of provocation.
Just as Tony Martin was abandoned by the police to endure burglary after burglary at his remote farmhouse, so the 'international community' has done nothing to disarm and disband Hezbollah or prevent it and Hamas repeatedly attacking Israel. The United Nations hasn't lifted a finger to stop Iran and Syria supporting and supplying a standing terrorist army in Lebanon. There are no sanctions against the barking mad president of Iran when he constantly threatens to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and is hell-bent on obtaining nuclear weapons. Iran has put Lebanese civilians in the front line of its lunatic war against Israel and the U.S. in particular and Western civilisation in general. So where's the international condemnation?
Hezbollah is the provisional wing of Iran. Would it be 'proportionate' if Israel attacked the paymasters and ringleaders of Hezbollah in Tehran? It may yet come to that. But first Israel has to remove the immediate threat to its security. The United Nations isn't going to do that. The UN is a busted flush, led by the laughable Kofi Annan -- the Chauncey Gardiner of world diplomacy. When it left the U.S.-led coalition to go it alone in Iraq, it sent a clear message to other tyrants and rogue states that they had nothing to fear from the UN. Listening to 'world opinion' has got Israel nowhere. It was told it should trade land for peace. So it did. It got war. Israel pulled out of southern Lebanon six years ago. Hezbollah boasts that it has spent that time preparing for this fresh assault, building tunnels and bunkers and stockpiling a deadly arsenal of 13,000 weapons, which it is now raining down on Israeli civilians.
There are hourly calls for a ceasefire, but when Tel Aviv suspended bombing for 48 hours the response was a record number of Katyusha rockets fired into Israel in return. I saw a BBC reporter standing on a hillside trying to convince us that because missiles were still being fired from Lebanon despite three weeks of fighting, it was evidence that Israel's tactics weren't working and it couldn't win. Hezbollah has spent six years building up its arsenal in preparation for this war. Who said an Israeli victory would only take three weeks? If there is a ceasefire, Hezbollah will simply regroup. There's talk of a negotiated settlement, but how do you cut a deal when one side says it will not be satisfied until the other is totally eradicated?
Lasting peace has only ever followed total victory in war. Even if Israel and Hezbollah/Iran agree to walk away tomorrow, we'll be back here again in a few years.
Then there's the Palestinian question. Again, even though Israel ceded territory in pursuit of peace, terror attacks and kidnappings on Israeli soil have continued. There's talk about dusting off the old 'road map'. Israel accepts there will have to be a two-state solution, but the only 'road map' of the Middle East its enemies will accept is one without Israel on it at all. Meanwhile, spare a thought for the Jewish community in Britain. They're as distressed by the carnage as the rest of us and there are divisions over Israel's actions. No one wallows in the death of innocents -- except, of course, Hezbollah and its Iranian puppet-masters. This time of year, there are 15,000 British Jewish teenagers in Israel on the traditional summer rite of passage. And there are 30,000 British passport holders living in Israel.
Although we had wall-to-wall coverage of grumbling British passport holders being evacuated from Beirut, there doesn't seem to have been equal concern about our fellow citizens under bombardment on the other side of the border. What struck me about the recent pro-Israel demonstration in London was the number of Union flags in the crowd. These are our people. I didn't notice any Union flags at the Stop The War rally, though there were plenty of 'We Are All Hezbollah Now' banners. It doesn't seem to dawn on them that if you want to stop the war you've got to stop Hezbollah. But what drives most of these 'peace campaigners' is not so much a desire for peace as a hatred of Israel. Every time something goes off in Iraq we're told it will radicalise young Muslims back in Britain. We hear that Tony Blair's failure to call for an immediate halt to the Israeli offensive has put us at imminent risk of another Islamist homicide attack on our streets.
Despite the Hezbollah war on Israel and the mounting casualties -- and the widespread condemnation of Israel in this country -- I've yet to hear anyone warn that young British Jews are queueing to blow up themselves and hundreds of others at Brent Cross shopping centre. I repeat, this war is awful. The civilian deaths are a tragedy. But there won't be peace in the Middle East until the likes of Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas recognise Israel's right to exist. And, I'm afraid, this side of kingdom come, that just ain't gonna happen. Israel may be losing the propaganda war, but it isn't fighting a propaganda war -- it's fighting a real war for its very existence.
Richard Littlejohn
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