Join the civilian convoy to South Lebanon on August 12th
JGM | 10.08.2006 21:56 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles
On August 12, at 7 am, Lebanese from throughout the country and international supporters who have come to Lebanon to express solidarity will gather in Martyr's Square in Beirut to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon.
We, the people of Lebanon, call upon the local and international community to join a campaign of civil resistance to Israel’s war against our country and our people. We declare Lebanon an open country for civil resistance.
In the face of Israel’s systematic killing of our people, the indiscriminate bombing of our towns, the scorching of our villages, and the attempted destruction of our civil infrastructure, we say NO!
In the face of the forced expulsion of a quarter of our population from their homes throughout Lebanon, and the complicity of governments and international bodies, we re-affirm the acts of civil resistance that began from the first day of the Israeli assault, and we stress and add the urgent need TO ACT!
We urge you to join us in defying Israel’s aggression against our country and in defending the rights of the inhabitants throughout Lebanon, and particularly in the South, to live on their land. When the United Nations, created to preserve peace and security in the world, is paralyzed; when governments become complicit in war crimes, then people must show their strength and rise up. When justice and human rights are scorned, those who care must unite in their defense.
Building on our belief in our country, the efforts of the civil resistance, and on the arrival of the internationals coming to Lebanon for solidarity, we declare that Lebanon is an open country for civil resistance, starting from August 12.
On August 12 at 7 am, we will gather in Martyrs’ Square to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon. Hundreds of Lebanese and international civilians will carry relief as an expression of solidarity for the inhabitants of the heavily destroyed south who have been bravely withstanding the assault of the Israeli military.
After August 12th, the campaign will continue with a series of civil actions for which your presence and participation is needed. Working together in solidarity we will overcome the complacency, inaction, and complicity of the international community and we will deny Israel its goal of removing Lebanese from their land and destroying the fabric of our country.
To sign up to join the convoy, send an email to one of the following addresses:
If you are in Lebanon
Email Rania Masri:
If you are an international
Email Adam Shapiro:
If you are Spanish speaking
Email Alberto Arce:
If you are outside Lebanon and want to sign up and join the convoy, you should know:
You need to obtain a visa for Lebanon and for Syria if your plan is to enter Lebanon from Syria.
We don’t have the funds to cover for the cost of your travel, however we can help with finding accomodations.
Please check the website of this campaign regularly:
This campaign is thus far endorsed by more than 200 organizations, including:
The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), International Solidarity Movement (ISM), Cultural Center for Southern Lebanon, Norwegian People’s Aid, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections, Frontiers, Kafa, Nahwa al-Muwatiniya, Spring Hints, Hayya Bina, Lebanese Transparency Association, Amam05, Lebanese Center for Civic Education, Let’s Build Trust, CRTD-A, Solida, National Association for Vocational Training and Social Services, Lebanese Development Pioneers, Nadi Li Koul Alnas, Lecorvaw, Samidoun, and The Cultural Movement-Antelias.
In the face of Israel’s systematic killing of our people, the indiscriminate bombing of our towns, the scorching of our villages, and the attempted destruction of our civil infrastructure, we say NO!
In the face of the forced expulsion of a quarter of our population from their homes throughout Lebanon, and the complicity of governments and international bodies, we re-affirm the acts of civil resistance that began from the first day of the Israeli assault, and we stress and add the urgent need TO ACT!
We urge you to join us in defying Israel’s aggression against our country and in defending the rights of the inhabitants throughout Lebanon, and particularly in the South, to live on their land. When the United Nations, created to preserve peace and security in the world, is paralyzed; when governments become complicit in war crimes, then people must show their strength and rise up. When justice and human rights are scorned, those who care must unite in their defense.
Building on our belief in our country, the efforts of the civil resistance, and on the arrival of the internationals coming to Lebanon for solidarity, we declare that Lebanon is an open country for civil resistance, starting from August 12.
On August 12 at 7 am, we will gather in Martyrs’ Square to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon. Hundreds of Lebanese and international civilians will carry relief as an expression of solidarity for the inhabitants of the heavily destroyed south who have been bravely withstanding the assault of the Israeli military.
After August 12th, the campaign will continue with a series of civil actions for which your presence and participation is needed. Working together in solidarity we will overcome the complacency, inaction, and complicity of the international community and we will deny Israel its goal of removing Lebanese from their land and destroying the fabric of our country.
To sign up to join the convoy, send an email to one of the following addresses:
If you are in Lebanon
Email Rania Masri:

If you are an international
Email Adam Shapiro:

If you are Spanish speaking
Email Alberto Arce:

If you are outside Lebanon and want to sign up and join the convoy, you should know:
You need to obtain a visa for Lebanon and for Syria if your plan is to enter Lebanon from Syria.
We don’t have the funds to cover for the cost of your travel, however we can help with finding accomodations.
Please check the website of this campaign regularly:
This campaign is thus far endorsed by more than 200 organizations, including:
The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), International Solidarity Movement (ISM), Cultural Center for Southern Lebanon, Norwegian People’s Aid, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections, Frontiers, Kafa, Nahwa al-Muwatiniya, Spring Hints, Hayya Bina, Lebanese Transparency Association, Amam05, Lebanese Center for Civic Education, Let’s Build Trust, CRTD-A, Solida, National Association for Vocational Training and Social Services, Lebanese Development Pioneers, Nadi Li Koul Alnas, Lecorvaw, Samidoun, and The Cultural Movement-Antelias.
Hide the following 6 comments
10.08.2006 22:09
Smile, Hezbollah loves you
11.08.2006 05:39
Very appropriate.
Suporting hezbollah can certainly make you a "martyr".
Remember Saddam's human shileds?
Fool's game
All South Lebanese are now Hezbollah?
11.08.2006 07:57
That seems like racism to me. The issue is that hundreds of thousands of non combatants have had their lives totally disrupted, the infrastructure has been destroyed, and convoys of fleeing civilians have been attacked. Israel has failed to provide 'humanitarian corridors' to allow aid through and there are plenty who see this as disproportionate and murderous.
Painting all South Lebanese as Hezbollah is as unacceptable as painting all Jews as being an homogenous group with shared values. Whats the word they keep throwing around to describe that?
Nuisance Neighbour
"You are terrorists, we are virtuous"
11.08.2006 08:08
How many more?
Yitzhak Laor (repost)
Israelis are suffering too!
11.08.2006 08:44
Israel voluntarily withdrew from southern Lebanon six years ago. During that time Hezbollah has been stockpiling weapons and missiles, why? Also during that time Hezbollah has carried out dozens and dozens of cross border attacks into Israel, killing and wounding many Israelis. It was only in response to this unprovoked aggression over six years that the Israeli government decided to take major military action against Hezbollah. Iran and Syria are also to blame for arming Hezbollah.
Look at both sides of the war.
Asymmetric suffering
11.08.2006 15:28
And I don't see anyone disputing this, nor do I see any claims that Israelis are not affected - but the suffering is not the same - death figures are not comparable - the majority of Israeli dead are soldiers, whilst the majority of the much larger number of lebanese dead are civilians.
"Over 2,500 rockets filled with thousands of steel ball bearings which fire out like bullets have been fired into Israel. Only the precautions taken by the Israeli government have prevented a much bigger bloodbath on the Israeli side. Just think if each missile had killed just ten Israelis there would be a mountain of 25,000 dead Israelis now!"
Katushya missiles are not nearly as precise as the top of the range missiles that Uncle Sam is replenishing at breakneck speed. Most don't hit targets. You neglect to tell us how many precision missiles Israel has fired into Lebanon - they have a higher hit rate for sure and there are many more of them.
" If Hezbollah had built bomb shelters and organised evacuation for the Lebonese on the same scale as Israel had done for its citizens then the Lebonese death toll would be very low indeed."
The precautions taken by Israel are funded by US Aid, which Israel receives by the bucketful - Lebanon has no chance of providing the same protection for its civilians.
"Israel voluntarily withdrew from southern Lebanon six years ago. "
Ha ha, an act of kindness was it? No - the Israeli public had had enough and when they have had enough of this one, then the same will happen. Olmert's support is leaking, but not nearly fast enough.
"During that time Hezbollah has been stockpiling weapons and missiles, why?"
Because they have received no justice, and their prisoners have not been returned. Nasrullah has been saying for a year that they will kidnap Israeli soldiers to get their men back. If Israel wants peace it needs to behave better, and to treat its neighbours with respect and in a just manner. You also neglect to add that the war has rumbled on so long because Israeli and the US/UK states have opposed a ceasefire. The responsibility for all deaths since then belongs to them. Until they learn that extreme force is a recipe continued antagonism, we are all in a state of heightened risk.
"Also during that time Hezbollah has carried out dozens and dozens of cross border attacks into Israel, killing and wounding many Israelis. It was only in response to this unprovoked aggression over six years that the Israeli government decided to take major military action against Hezbollah. Iran and Syria are also to blame for arming Hezbollah."
Yes, yes - the alternative that Israel offers is what? At best the chance to be subservient to a beligerent, murderous and expansionist neighbour.
No justice = no peace...........
I have every sympathy for innocent victims of war, regardless of the race, gender, age or ethnicity - but the suffering (as always) is far more pronounced on the side that Israel is bombarding with missiles, hasbarah and lies.
The Israeli state has set South Lebanon back 20 years and harmed its own relationship with co-operative neighbours in the process.
The clock is ticking - time is running out.
Fight for a Israel that lives in a just peace and harmony with its neighbours - or fight for more Israeli victims.
You choose.
Nuisance neighbour