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Mr. Bono the Anti-poverty campaigner moves to avoid paying taxes

Mary | 10.08.2006 20:06

Another "charity" celebrity who has boosted the sales of his music and relaunched his career at the back of the misery in Africa now decides to move his MILLIONS of pounds out of Ireland to avoid paying tax. Thank God I never give to charity thieves.

Bono's reputation as the Mother Teresa of rock is in jeopardy following a pair of business deals tying him to one of the most conservative businessmen in America and the creators of violent video-games with an anti-socialist bent. He's also been criticised for a plan to avoid U2 paying tax in Ireland.

The deals were struck by Elevation Partners, a $1.9bn (£1bn) Silicon Valley-based investment firm, of which Bono is a founding partner. On Monday, Elevation announced an investment of $250m (£130m) in Forbes Media, a publishing company managed by Steve Forbes. Forbes ran twice for the US presidency - in 1996 and 2000 - arguing for a flat income tax, prayer in schools and a ban on abortion.

Bono, a champion of Third World debt relief and AIDS treatment, thus becomes part-owner of Forbes.



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No surprise there then

10.08.2006 23:36

Bono is such a fucking slimebag, a turd and a leech.
Please don't by the crap this oaf keeps regurgitating (as in his 'pop' band's records.)

I don't like Mondays or Bono