Fake Terror Obfuscates Lebanon and Iraq Failures
Kurt Nimmo | 10.08.2006 18:58 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Terror War
Unable to window dress the obvious failure to eradicate growing resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan—even with the mighty propaganda power of a complaisant media—the neocon intelligence apparatus has staged yet another terrorist event, or would be terrorist event.
Unable to window dress the obvious failure to eradicate growing resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan—even with the mighty propaganda power of a complaisant media—the neocon intelligence apparatus has staged yet another terrorist event, or would be terrorist event.
“The 21 terrorist suspects arrested in the U.K. overnight had a ‘well-advanced plan’ to detonate electronic devices or liquid explosives disguised as beverages or onboard U.S.-bound aircraft, a sophisticated plot suggestive of al-Qaeda, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said,” reports Bloomberg. “The attacks were aimed at U.S.-bound planes of United Airlines, American Airlines and Continental Airlines at London’s Heathrow Airport, the Associated Press reported, citing unidentified [undoubtedly neocon] U.S. counter-terrorism officials in Washington.”
According to White House propaganda minister, Tony Snow (Job), “The president, prime minister and their key intelligence, law enforcement and security officials have been in close and regular contact. And as you would expect, he has spoken to Prime Minister Blair about these developments in recent days.”
Considering past events, including the “terrorist events” of seven-seven and nine-eleven, we can assume select “law enforcement and security officials” were “in close and regular contact” prior to this latest would-be attack as well.
In standard fashion, in order to apply the correct spin from the outset, we are told this latest operation has “global dimensions,” that is to say it will be billed as not only an “al-Qaeda” operation but other designated “global” enemies will be fingered as well.
“Last month, the global militant group al Qaeda called on Muslims to fight those who backed Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and warned of more attacks unless U.S. and British forces pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan,” reports Reuters.
In the coming hours and days, we can expect the corporate media, eager stenographers for the neocon plan, to connect the dots—blame will be affixed to Iran, Syria, and their “proxy,” Hezbollah, through “al-Qaeda,” now dedicated (or scripted) to help Hezbollah, not that the homegrown resistance group needs any help, especially from a CIA-ISI engineered terror group.
Finally, as attention has now shifted to Muslim bad guys (either imagined or a parade of patsies), Israel will likely increase the severity of its criminal behavior against the civilians of Lebanon and those of Gaza as well, as the American public will be navel gazing video footage of inconvenienced air travel passengers.
“The 21 terrorist suspects arrested in the U.K. overnight had a ‘well-advanced plan’ to detonate electronic devices or liquid explosives disguised as beverages or onboard U.S.-bound aircraft, a sophisticated plot suggestive of al-Qaeda, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said,” reports Bloomberg. “The attacks were aimed at U.S.-bound planes of United Airlines, American Airlines and Continental Airlines at London’s Heathrow Airport, the Associated Press reported, citing unidentified [undoubtedly neocon] U.S. counter-terrorism officials in Washington.”
According to White House propaganda minister, Tony Snow (Job), “The president, prime minister and their key intelligence, law enforcement and security officials have been in close and regular contact. And as you would expect, he has spoken to Prime Minister Blair about these developments in recent days.”
Considering past events, including the “terrorist events” of seven-seven and nine-eleven, we can assume select “law enforcement and security officials” were “in close and regular contact” prior to this latest would-be attack as well.
In standard fashion, in order to apply the correct spin from the outset, we are told this latest operation has “global dimensions,” that is to say it will be billed as not only an “al-Qaeda” operation but other designated “global” enemies will be fingered as well.
“Last month, the global militant group al Qaeda called on Muslims to fight those who backed Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and warned of more attacks unless U.S. and British forces pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan,” reports Reuters.
In the coming hours and days, we can expect the corporate media, eager stenographers for the neocon plan, to connect the dots—blame will be affixed to Iran, Syria, and their “proxy,” Hezbollah, through “al-Qaeda,” now dedicated (or scripted) to help Hezbollah, not that the homegrown resistance group needs any help, especially from a CIA-ISI engineered terror group.
Finally, as attention has now shifted to Muslim bad guys (either imagined or a parade of patsies), Israel will likely increase the severity of its criminal behavior against the civilians of Lebanon and those of Gaza as well, as the American public will be navel gazing video footage of inconvenienced air travel passengers.
Kurt Nimmo
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Australians to comply with hand luggage restrictions
10.08.2006 22:06
Join the Dots: the 'War on Terror' and the War on Freedom
by Emmanuel Goldstein Friday August 11, 2006 at 09:30 AM
This afternoon, police have announced that are searching homes and businesses across the UK in connection with a plot to blow up planes from the UK to US. This appears to have been timed to coincide with the Home Secretary's demand that we "modify some of our freedoms". Or maybe Reid's speech was timed to coincide with the police announcement. Either way, the intention is the same - to attack the working class.
Just yesterday, the Home Secretary John Reid addressed the think tank Demos. In his speech, he claimed that the UK faced "most sustained period of severe threat since the end of World War II", and asked "What price our security, at what cost can we preserve our freedoms?" (
Today, some are reporting that Reid has been "proved right" (
Blair has already made unprecedented attacks on democratic rights, and Reid's speech shows that the government want to make even more. We must remember that it is Blair's support for Bush's oil wars that causes terrorist attacks on British and American people, not some invented "complacency" in existing laws.
Reid WAS right when he claimed that "We are probably in the most sustained period of severe threat since the end of the Second World War". But the threat is from him and his government, while working class people are the intended victims.
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." - Joseph Goebbels
Attack foiled - how long can this go on?
by Blind Willie McTell Friday August 11, 2006 at 09:38 AM
I'm not saying I don't believe they found anything or had suspicions because it is an accusation I would not disagree with but I do not have the information to make. These sort of things will become a more regular occurance as the west fights its never-ending 'war on terror'.
Firstly, a quote from Edinburgh's Evening News.
" It is believed the covert investigation has been going on for several months and it is understood that officers made the arrests overnight not because they feared an attack was likely to happen today but for other intelligence reasons which meant they had to act quickly "
Watch and see how this is mispresented by the press. They have even cancelled flights from Edinburgh today (Again I'll quote - not because they feared an attack was likely to happen today????!!!!)
I'm not saying I don't believe they found anything or had suspicions because it is an accusation I would not disagree with but I do not have the information to make. These sort of things will become a more regular occurance as the west fights its never-ending 'war on terror'.
It becomes easier and easier for fanatics to recruit the general Muslim as war on terror continues. As such the war on terror really defeats its own (so called) purpose.
Quoting Enoch Powell or declaring further war does nothing to help. The fanatics have always existed, and people need to understand there are many reasons, that even I can think of, to explain why Sept 11th happened.
The US needs to stop continually repeating evil policies such as selling arms to BOTH Iraq and Iran during their late 80s conflict. Even better they could (gasp!) apologise for such attrocities. This is not to mention various other awful foreign policies over the last 60 years.
And since the war on terror begun, has there been more or less reasons fanatics can give to recruit? I think Guantanamo Bay instantly comes to mind, not to mention the two unneccesary, unwise and lost wars. And many other things.
Instead we hear that the evil terrorists hate the very way that we live. And the only way to stop this is to drop bombs on (mostly) innocent people.
Recruitment can only take place amongst angry and vulnerable feeling muslim societies, so to bomb and maim more muslims is surely only a recruiting tactic. But for whose benefit?
The people who are the least innocent in this whole sorry affair are the American government which, with the help of Karl Rove, has managed to devise a policy which keeps their business interests profits increasing, their people scared, their army fighting and the terrorism spinning out of control.
Blind Willie McTell
"Mass Murder" Plot Discovered - Oh Really?
by artemis Friday August 11, 2006 at 09:47 AM
Can anyone smell hypocrisy? Or is it just that heap of lies rotting in front of us?
The US Govt and UK now claim to have uncovered a "mass murder plot" to attack civilian aircraft en route from UK to USA.
see Guardian article:
Regardless of how the case unfolds, at the moment we are just expected to BELIEVE the US Homeland "Security" chief, Chertoff. Chertoff's impeccable involvement with Al-Qaida, which he TODAY is fingering as being involved in these purported attacks, can be summarised in the following article:
Are we expected to actually sit and listen to these serial liars and murderers as they DISRUPT the entire nation's transportation system? And as they simultaneously COMMIT DOCUMENTED AND REAL MASS MURDER IN LEBANON?
Parrot Press
Aust airports on heightened level of vigilance: Ruddock
10.08.2006 23:27
Burning Peace
Parrot Press
DFAT updates UK travel advice
10.08.2006 23:38
Parrot Press
US at war with 'Islamic fascists', Bush says
11.08.2006 01:12
Ha ha ha..pull the other one it plays bin laden, bin laden, where has he bin?
Its all in the wrist action!
Parrot Press
Airline plot could have killed thousands, 'officials' say
11.08.2006 02:57
The keyword September 11 makes its move! Time to kill the rest of the world?
Parrot Press
11.08.2006 04:35
The Nazi state is obviously everybody's favourite example.. everything was subservient to conquest and the symbols of power - the means are identical to the ends.
Modern corporate power follows the same model - the product is not important, the profits are... the ends are changed to perpetuate the means.
Fundamentalist Islam, though, is not fascism, because in the form of Allah there exists an object of allegiance and loyalty, and an end, that is distinct from the means of attaining power.
Bush's minders will be well aware of the strict definition of fascism.
Ergo, this usage is an attempt to rebrand the word 'fascism', since it can obviously be applied to the West. The object of the West - or the governments of the West - is the maintenance of supreme Western power in the world.
All talk of 'freedom' and 'democracy' is a superficial cover for the project of maintaining Western power.
Therefore the West's project is fascist, while the Islamic fundamentalists' is not.