More money for war crimes and less money for social services, nelson?
Anon | 10.08.2006 02:48 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | World
But what a load of rubbish again because Lib/Lab sold us out and there is no party opposed to these illegal and degrading wars and crimes and acts of aggression committed against the indigenous Iraqi and Afghani people!
AUSTRALIA: Defiance Sinister and war criminal brendan nelson says Australian troops in Afghanistan will be there for at least two years at a cost of more than $350 million.
All the while people are struggling on social services and are living below the poverty line here and the new No Work Choices are robbing the community blind!
Could you live on $252 a week? This is the reality for unemployed singles on welfare benefits, and the amount is well below what is considered enough to survive on.
Under 21 year olds get $110 per week. Could you live on THAT?
Prime Sinister and war criminal john hoWARd, the coward, yesterday announced an extra 150 militants will be sent to Afghanistan allegedly to help with rebuilding and providing extra security?
But what a load of rubbish because it is well documented that the Afghan parliament is made up of corrupt war criminals and that hegemony and imperialism is the despotic guberments main aim!
It will take the total number of Australian militants committing war crimes against humanity in the country to 700.
hoWARd said yesterday the possibility of Australian casualties cannot be ruled out.
Sinister nelson says Australia will be in Afghanistan for the long haul.
"We've formally committed to two years and that will cost us about $366 million," he said.
"We will reassess our situation, obviously as we do in every deployment, month-to-month and see how we're going, but as with everything we're there until the job's done."
The grand illusion though, " nelson says he has rejected Labor's criticism that the Government was premature in withdrawing Australian militants from Afghanistan back in 2002 so it could concentrate its effort in Iraq."
But what a load of rubbish again because Lib/Lab sold us out and there is no party opposed to these illegal and degrading wars and crimes and acts of aggression committed against the indigenous Iraqi and Afghani people!
Sinister nelson: "The world community made a judgment that the significant effort that had been made against the Taliban, particularly in 2001, had brought us to a situation where there could be a draw down in troops," he said.
The world community? What about the world 'imperialist' community committing acts of aggression against the indigenous people of Afghanistan and the puppet government of war criminals set up by the US!
Sinister nelson: "That was a judgment made by developed countries that had been working with and working to support Afghanistan.
But working to support a US puppet guberment, imperialism and hegemony more like it.
Sinister nelson: "It is obvious that we have a responsibility to be there fighting terrorism and the kind of ideological insanity that drives these people in this part of the world is very much in Australia's interests."
Rubbish, because it is more than obvious to the informed community that nelson and his war criminal cronies and the other imperialist nations are causing terrorism and that kind of ideological insanity has driven these people to defend themselves, in their own country, mind you, and is very much not in Australia's interests or in Australia's region!
hoWARd, nelson and his cronies should be rounded up and taken to the Hague and put on trial for their hoaxes and war crimes of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan.
Because the peace loving community isn't buying the lies, spin and propaganda! Nor can Australia avoid its own social fabric and region for US hegemony and unnecessary wars on the other side of the world.
Dole (still) below poverty line
For some, even poverty line is way out of reach
Leukemia patient denied Centrelink disability assistance
"My son is a sick boy and it's just hurting me, it really is, I mean this kid doesn't deserve it and it's just so unfair to say 'sorry your child's not sick enough'."
IR Campaign cranking up
The ACTU is launching the next phase of its 'Your Rights at Work' campaign today. Radio ads will air across the country, highlighting who the unions say are the winners and losers under the Federal Government's new industrial relations system. The ads will run across the country, along with the current television commercials.
100 reasons why you should vote out of office, the scum federal liberal government
Maybe this is 100 reasons why the howard government should be placed in the rubbish bin of history,vote the scum out of office please scribes. The Cold 100 worker shame file dudded workers by bosses,and the scum liberal government.
1000 of our kids homeless in A.C.T.
Mr Moore said a child's education tended to suffer as a result of being homeless, as did their emotional and physical wellbeing and their relationships with peers and teachers. "Many feel embarrassed about it, and shamed, so they don't share with their friends or teachers, who could support them."
Come show the ACT Government that these cuts are unacceptable. Housing is one of our most basic needs, and these decisions will have terrible impacts on the community, on homeless people, on anyone needing housing support in Canberra, and on the community organisations that provide that support.
2 Billion on choppers
The government is spending 2 Billion dollars on death machines
Defence to spend $51b upgrading equipment
The Federal Government plans to spend $51 billion over the next decade on upgrading Defence equipment.
ABC 20/6/06
Military Spending Out of Control
Under the Howard Government Australian military spending is ballooning out of control. Up from an already massive $10.56 Billion Dollars in 1995-96 to an unbelievable $19.6 Billion dollars a year! This is an increase of 37% in real terms. Australia is now the 15th biggest military spender in the world!!!!
All the while people are struggling on social services and are living below the poverty line here and the new No Work Choices are robbing the community blind!
Could you live on $252 a week? This is the reality for unemployed singles on welfare benefits, and the amount is well below what is considered enough to survive on.
Under 21 year olds get $110 per week. Could you live on THAT?
Prime Sinister and war criminal john hoWARd, the coward, yesterday announced an extra 150 militants will be sent to Afghanistan allegedly to help with rebuilding and providing extra security?
But what a load of rubbish because it is well documented that the Afghan parliament is made up of corrupt war criminals and that hegemony and imperialism is the despotic guberments main aim!
It will take the total number of Australian militants committing war crimes against humanity in the country to 700.
hoWARd said yesterday the possibility of Australian casualties cannot be ruled out.
Sinister nelson says Australia will be in Afghanistan for the long haul.
"We've formally committed to two years and that will cost us about $366 million," he said.
"We will reassess our situation, obviously as we do in every deployment, month-to-month and see how we're going, but as with everything we're there until the job's done."
The grand illusion though, " nelson says he has rejected Labor's criticism that the Government was premature in withdrawing Australian militants from Afghanistan back in 2002 so it could concentrate its effort in Iraq."
But what a load of rubbish again because Lib/Lab sold us out and there is no party opposed to these illegal and degrading wars and crimes and acts of aggression committed against the indigenous Iraqi and Afghani people!
Sinister nelson: "The world community made a judgment that the significant effort that had been made against the Taliban, particularly in 2001, had brought us to a situation where there could be a draw down in troops," he said.
The world community? What about the world 'imperialist' community committing acts of aggression against the indigenous people of Afghanistan and the puppet government of war criminals set up by the US!
Sinister nelson: "That was a judgment made by developed countries that had been working with and working to support Afghanistan.
But working to support a US puppet guberment, imperialism and hegemony more like it.
Sinister nelson: "It is obvious that we have a responsibility to be there fighting terrorism and the kind of ideological insanity that drives these people in this part of the world is very much in Australia's interests."
Rubbish, because it is more than obvious to the informed community that nelson and his war criminal cronies and the other imperialist nations are causing terrorism and that kind of ideological insanity has driven these people to defend themselves, in their own country, mind you, and is very much not in Australia's interests or in Australia's region!
hoWARd, nelson and his cronies should be rounded up and taken to the Hague and put on trial for their hoaxes and war crimes of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan.
Because the peace loving community isn't buying the lies, spin and propaganda! Nor can Australia avoid its own social fabric and region for US hegemony and unnecessary wars on the other side of the world.
Dole (still) below poverty line
For some, even poverty line is way out of reach

Leukemia patient denied Centrelink disability assistance
"My son is a sick boy and it's just hurting me, it really is, I mean this kid doesn't deserve it and it's just so unfair to say 'sorry your child's not sick enough'."

IR Campaign cranking up
The ACTU is launching the next phase of its 'Your Rights at Work' campaign today. Radio ads will air across the country, highlighting who the unions say are the winners and losers under the Federal Government's new industrial relations system. The ads will run across the country, along with the current television commercials.

100 reasons why you should vote out of office, the scum federal liberal government
Maybe this is 100 reasons why the howard government should be placed in the rubbish bin of history,vote the scum out of office please scribes. The Cold 100 worker shame file dudded workers by bosses,and the scum liberal government.

1000 of our kids homeless in A.C.T.
Mr Moore said a child's education tended to suffer as a result of being homeless, as did their emotional and physical wellbeing and their relationships with peers and teachers. "Many feel embarrassed about it, and shamed, so they don't share with their friends or teachers, who could support them."

Come show the ACT Government that these cuts are unacceptable. Housing is one of our most basic needs, and these decisions will have terrible impacts on the community, on homeless people, on anyone needing housing support in Canberra, and on the community organisations that provide that support.

2 Billion on choppers
The government is spending 2 Billion dollars on death machines

Defence to spend $51b upgrading equipment
The Federal Government plans to spend $51 billion over the next decade on upgrading Defence equipment.
ABC 20/6/06
Military Spending Out of Control
Under the Howard Government Australian military spending is ballooning out of control. Up from an already massive $10.56 Billion Dollars in 1995-96 to an unbelievable $19.6 Billion dollars a year! This is an increase of 37% in real terms. Australia is now the 15th biggest military spender in the world!!!!
