Ghost Dog | 09.08.2006 20:01 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | World
Call for UN General Assembly: Immediate Ceasefire in Lebanon
Dear Supporter of Peace and Diplomacy,
The most recent news at this writing is that the Israeli Security Cabinet has approved a "widening of the ground offensive" and that Israeli airstrikes on Lebanon would resume "in full force" after the expiration of the partial suspension that followed the massacre in Qana.
As you know, under international law the UN Security Council is supposed to act to stop crimes against peace, but cannot do so in this case because it is paralyzed by the veto of the Bush Administration, which opposes an immediate cease-fire and is backed in this position by the United Kingdom. However, under Resolution 377, "Uniting for Peace," the UN General Assembly can act when the Security Council fails to do so (see "A Road to Peace in Lebanon?" Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith, July 27, 2006, .) This procedure has been used 10 times in the history of the UN, often at the initiative of the United States.
Please join us, therefore, in circulating the following petition, calling for the UN General Assembly to act to bring about an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza. Even a significant movement towards the convening of the General Assembly to consider an immediate, unconditional cease-fire will put significant pressure on the major powers to support an immediate cease-fire.
Dear Supporter of Peace and Diplomacy,
The most recent news at this writing is that the Israeli Security Cabinet has approved a "widening of the ground offensive" and that Israeli airstrikes on Lebanon would resume "in full force" after the expiration of the partial suspension that followed the massacre in Qana.
As you know, under international law the UN Security Council is supposed to act to stop crimes against peace, but cannot do so in this case because it is paralyzed by the veto of the Bush Administration, which opposes an immediate cease-fire and is backed in this position by the United Kingdom. However, under Resolution 377, "Uniting for Peace," the UN General Assembly can act when the Security Council fails to do so (see "A Road to Peace in Lebanon?" Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith, July 27, 2006,

Please join us, therefore, in circulating the following petition, calling for the UN General Assembly to act to bring about an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza. Even a significant movement towards the convening of the General Assembly to consider an immediate, unconditional cease-fire will put significant pressure on the major powers to support an immediate cease-fire.
To: United Nations General Assembly
Petition for an Emergency United Nations Resolution on Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza
To Bring About an Immediate Unconditional Cease-Fire in Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza
We, the undersigned,
Deploring the current bombing and invasion of Lebanon by foreign forces as an act of aggression in violation of the United Nations Charter and international law;
Concerned by the Security Council's failure to condemn the current bombing and invasion of Lebanon and to call for an immediate unconditional cease-fire to end the bombing of Lebanon, the rocket attacks on Israeli cities and towns, and the military attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza;
Further concerned by actions of the United States and the United Kingdom to obstruct efforts to bring about an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza;
Troubled by the humanitarian crisis, violations of human rights, and destruction and recognizing the urgent need for international assistance to the Lebanese people and the Palestinian people in Gaza;
Since the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, has failed to to halt the threat to peace, we call upon all Member States of the United Nations to immediately convene an Emergency Meeting of the General Assembly, under the provisions of General Assembly Resolution 377 (V), Uniting for Peace, to act to bring about an immediate unconditional cease-fire, and to enforce the obligations of states and armed groups to comply with international law; and furthermore,
To mandate immediate cooperation of all nations in the cessation of armed attacks by all parties; the immediate withdrawal of the occupying forces; the coordination, by the United Nations, of the response to the humanitarian disaster in Lebanon and Gaza, with particular attention to provision of medical care, food and restoration of water and electricity supplies; and furthermore,
To enforce the obligations of the invading forces under the provisions of the Hague Regulations, Geneva Conventions and other applicable international agreements; to prevent the further destruction of Lebanon and Gaza's infrastructure; to provide for full reparation to the Lebanese people and Palestinian people in Gaza for damages caused and precipitated by the unlawful use of military force; and to ensure the removal of cluster bombs and un-detonated munitions.
Sign at: /
click on Lebanon to go to petition
Comment from Oversea Visitor:
Ghost dog please post this as articles please
not much time
If US veto all hell going to break loose
Need attention by itself.
I say we too near potential danger now
To: United Nations General Assembly
Petition for an Emergency United Nations Resolution on Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza
To Bring About an Immediate Unconditional Cease-Fire in Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza
We, the undersigned,
Deploring the current bombing and invasion of Lebanon by foreign forces as an act of aggression in violation of the United Nations Charter and international law;
Concerned by the Security Council's failure to condemn the current bombing and invasion of Lebanon and to call for an immediate unconditional cease-fire to end the bombing of Lebanon, the rocket attacks on Israeli cities and towns, and the military attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza;
Further concerned by actions of the United States and the United Kingdom to obstruct efforts to bring about an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon, Israel, and Gaza;
Troubled by the humanitarian crisis, violations of human rights, and destruction and recognizing the urgent need for international assistance to the Lebanese people and the Palestinian people in Gaza;
Since the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, has failed to to halt the threat to peace, we call upon all Member States of the United Nations to immediately convene an Emergency Meeting of the General Assembly, under the provisions of General Assembly Resolution 377 (V), Uniting for Peace, to act to bring about an immediate unconditional cease-fire, and to enforce the obligations of states and armed groups to comply with international law; and furthermore,
To mandate immediate cooperation of all nations in the cessation of armed attacks by all parties; the immediate withdrawal of the occupying forces; the coordination, by the United Nations, of the response to the humanitarian disaster in Lebanon and Gaza, with particular attention to provision of medical care, food and restoration of water and electricity supplies; and furthermore,
To enforce the obligations of the invading forces under the provisions of the Hague Regulations, Geneva Conventions and other applicable international agreements; to prevent the further destruction of Lebanon and Gaza's infrastructure; to provide for full reparation to the Lebanese people and Palestinian people in Gaza for damages caused and precipitated by the unlawful use of military force; and to ensure the removal of cluster bombs and un-detonated munitions.
Sign at:

click on Lebanon to go to petition
Comment from Oversea Visitor:
Ghost dog please post this as articles please
not much time
If US veto all hell going to break loose
Need attention by itself.
I say we too near potential danger now
Ghost Dog