That Photograph
Daithí | 09.08.2006 03:31 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism
….Tattooing, in which the skin is pierced with a needle and a blue or other coloured dye is injected, is haraam (i.e. forbidden) in all forms, whether it causes pain or not, because it involves changing the creation of Allaah, and because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos and the one for whom that is done.”
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So answer me this...
09.08.2006 06:46
"….Tattooing, in which the skin is pierced with a needle and a blue or other coloured dye is injected, is haraam (i.e. forbidden) in all forms, whether it causes pain or not, because it involves changing the creation of Allaah,"
So why aren't male circumscision and female genital mutilation haraam? Or did Allaah make a mistake in giving men a foreskin and women a clitoris and labia?
yawn yawn yawn
09.08.2006 11:17
it's no excuse. I am bored with Islam as I got bored with Stars oN Sunday and Jess Yates fucking organ. Has to be a big one eh? If you don't have loads of wives get a big fuck off organ and hammer the fuck out of it on a Sunday teatime on ITV.
More religous fascists and property speculators. Fires of hell and burning swords dirty women and amazing prophets - something smells. Could it be the Iman's new Mercedes tearasing around the caliphate of Whitechapel perhaps inspired by Oral Roberts miracle money making schemes or dozens of other religous businesses ( such as UCKG and Ikea ) that require an awful lot of financial input and tat that you couldn't get up a camels arse let alone an eye of a needle ( even with nano-tech)
Anyway, I digress, why does anybody need loads of wives ( or cars ) ?
Why would Leonardo Da Vinci know more hermetic mysteries than the next person? ( don't fucking answer hippies ) .
It just seems like an excuse, not a reason. A load of nonsense filled books reflecting and enforcing power stuctures that existed at the time and all promising milk and honey tommorow. Chosen one my arse. Execrcising power through hope and when hope is not enough - the stick and the stone.
Community leaders community leaders, religous leaders, opinion makers, and the rest of the parking meters..... god bye hypocrites - the march was great, the placards inventive, and yes the floods arer really coming, along with droughts, pestilence, and all the other things that make religions great and all your spiritual vanity and your chasity won't mean a thing. is it easy to swim in robes. boom shanka losers.
PS. See you in hell.
friar tuck
Dude i'm cool
09.08.2006 13:05
I've got seven tattooes. I may be cursed but i'm bloomin' cool when i've got my muscle vest on! Some of the most giving, compassionate, kind people I know are covered in tattoos. The puppet monsters Bush and Blair on the other hand haven't got any. It's funny that you focus on someone being tattooed as being cursed when you could have used this post to raise awareness of many of the real evils of this world. I am tattooed yet I am a vegan. If you eat meat as the 'holy' books tell people to then that is a real curse, for your physical body and for your spirit.
You have to wonder about the message of the bible and the qu'ran when Tony Bliar claims to have them both by his bed.
Actually, I wanted to buy a copy of the bible yesterday. I went into my local book shop. I looked all through the fiction section but couldn't find a copy!
Religions are maps. Lets throw away the map and find the way together as one. Religions brake us apart and keep us divided which is why the world leaders push them so much.
We are all one
Tattooed Tommy