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George Galloway Lambasts Media Bias on Lebanon Crisis

Live & Let Live | 08.08.2006 08:30

Once again George has lambasted Sky News and other media outlets on their dreadful bias in favour of Israel bloody attack on Lebanon.

Heart warming news too as well from this link that there are thousands of people all around the world protesting against the US/UK/Israel attack on Arabs.
Funny there's no mention of it on the telly.

Ok nurse you give me the injection now!

Live & Let Live
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Oops Link wasn't made!

08.08.2006 10:06

Here's the link to George's lambast and news of worldwide protests against
UK USA Israel war against Lebanon -


Live & Let live

Citizen Weapons Inspectors on telly

08.08.2006 14:28

the telly and other media have been unable to ignore the weapons inspections going on at Prestwick
if you run this google news search
you'll even find links back to Indymedia, which is nice as there was a rumour ages ago that google didn't treat indymedia as a news source.


Time to spell out George Galloway's agenda against Crossrail hole

08.08.2006 15:49

Just back from an extended absence away from it all!

Good to hear my local MP still catching the Murdoch lines.

I wonder what George is saying about the Crossrail hole in the Han bury Street that his mate Alan Meale has just confirmed.

Don't let them sink us under Crossrail hole, George!

By the way, the Bethnal Green and Bow Campaign against the Crossrail Hole in the East End is still strong and is actively participating in the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail movement!

Bethnal Green and Bow Constituent
mail e-mail:


11.08.2006 02:16

maybe if gg stood up for the poor white man as much as for the muslims, then people would'nt vote bnp

sorry for living in cloud cuckoo land

white man