Project Eliminate Censorship!
Project Eliminate Censorship! | 06.08.2006 18:04
Recent years gave us various examples of censorship. Not unprecedented in history but rather new in its extent if you compare it do to relative freedom the two or three decades before.
This is an effort to counter it. It shows you four examples of open censorship and urges you to fight against it. How? Simply repost and republish it on webpages, in radical magazines, chatrooms, newsgroups, bookshops, ... Electronically, photocopied or read it to your children/parents before going to bed or at the speakers corner.
But do not accept it as a fate that the forces of censorship win the battle.
This is an effort to counter it. It shows you four examples of open censorship and urges you to fight against it. How? Simply repost and republish it on webpages, in radical magazines, chatrooms, newsgroups, bookshops, ... Electronically, photocopied or read it to your children/parents before going to bed or at the speakers corner.
But do not accept it as a fate that the forces of censorship win the battle.
Project Eliminate Censorship!
Recent years gave us various examples of censorship. Not unprecedented in history but rather new in its extent if you compare it do to relative freedom the two or three decades before.
This is an effort to counter it. It shows you four examples of open censorship and urges you to fight against it. How? Simply repost and republish it on webpages, in radical magazines, chatrooms, newsgroups, bookshops, ... Electronically, photocopied or read it to your children/parents before going to bed or at the speakers corner.
But do not accept it as a fate that the forces of censorship win the battle.
Materials censored in the recent 4 years.
Ozymandia's Sabotage Handbook, Volume 1 & 2
This handbook was originally written in the UK by direct action activists against road projects. It was published by Project Underground on its homepage and deleted without further explanation. Since then it has not been available in the Internet.
20 Top Terror Tactics
This document was not produced by activists but is the memo of a meeting of UK animal vivisectors and the related industry analyzing the tactics used against them. It was leaked to the public. Following its publication by Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) in the USA it was used as evidence in court against activists who were finally convicted. Despite this US Senators still use its full text as an argument for their witch hunt against animal rights activists. Since the shutdown of the site it has not been available.
These examples of outright censorship show you the dangers as well as possibilities to counter such efforts. Don't complain, do something against it. Be careful. The distribution of such contents is in some countries an offense and leads to prosecution, on others it is simply free of hassle. So, if you are aware of legal problems take precautions that incriminated contents cannot be tracked to your person.
But if enough persons participate in constant publication methods of censorship will collapse.
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Project Eliminate Censorship!
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