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If Blair is all powerful, why is twilight still here?

The Twilight Zone | 05.08.2006 01:18 | Analysis | Indymedia | Repression

twilight has been posting on Indymedia for at least a couple of years, yet the New Reich are yet to find him and neutralise him!
How does the mystic achieve this?

twilight's latest rant against Fuhrer Blair appears here:

Given the all-conquering and all-powerful nature of those opposing twilight, how is it that he/she/it can espouse their wisdom without yet being raided and accused of child sexual offences?

Answers on an email postcard to:

Indymedia is full of

The Twilight Zone


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05.08.2006 02:18

So that Plants like you can ask that question.

But really, look around us ...

But Thanks For Noticing ...

Slight misunderstanding

05.08.2006 08:41

The author's observations are quite correct. Given the utter hilarity of Twit-light's sectarian ramblings on UK Indymedia, I would suggest that perhaps the conspiracy works the other way round. He (and it almost certainly is a he) is trying to undermine people into progressive opposition to Blairism by attacking everyone but himself (George Galloway, Peter Tatchell, Andrew Murray, Jeremy Corbyn etc etc etc) and generally spreading disinformation.

The best thing to do with Twlight I reckon, is to smile to yourself at his rants and just ignore him. Soon enough, he will get bored of trying to mess up Indymedia and go and do something else for his paymasters.

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