Only 8 out of 38 suicide bombers fundamenmtalists
Surfer | 04.08.2006 23:51
I thought this might go as a comment to Johnny Wizard. But that is too long to read to see if relevant. It is a repost and hardly news.
someone wrote:
"I write today to clarify my statement that Hezbollah "do not accept secular Lebanese into their membership." While i continue to believe this is technically true, the statement ignores an important context. In an article published by the New York Times, Robert Pape has written:
"Evidence of the broad nature of Hezbollah’s resistance to Israeli occupation can be seen in the identity of its suicide attackers... we identified the names, birth places and other personal data for 38 [of Hezbollah's suicide attackers.] Shockingly, only eight were Islamic fundamentalists. Twenty-seven were from leftist political groups like the Lebanese Communist Party and the Arab Socialist Union. Three were Christians, including a female high-school teacher with a college degree. All were born in Lebanon." "
"I write today to clarify my statement that Hezbollah "do not accept secular Lebanese into their membership." While i continue to believe this is technically true, the statement ignores an important context. In an article published by the New York Times, Robert Pape has written:
"Evidence of the broad nature of Hezbollah’s resistance to Israeli occupation can be seen in the identity of its suicide attackers... we identified the names, birth places and other personal data for 38 [of Hezbollah's suicide attackers.] Shockingly, only eight were Islamic fundamentalists. Twenty-seven were from leftist political groups like the Lebanese Communist Party and the Arab Socialist Union. Three were Christians, including a female high-school teacher with a college degree. All were born in Lebanon.
