Lebanese website blames Hizbullah for Qana deaths
Joe | 04.08.2006 12:25 | Indymedia
As the death toll continues to drop, The Lebanese website LIBANOSCOPIE adds to claims that the 'Qana incident' was manipulated by Hizbullah.
Anti-Syrian elements in Lebanon openly point finger at Hizbullah as guilty of killing of dozens of civilians in order to curtail plans for disarming group. 'Hizbullah has placed rocket launcher on building's roof and brought invalid children inside in bid to provoke Israeli response,' they write
Roee Nahmias
Is Hizbullah behind the tragic incident in the village of Qana that claimed the lives of some 60 people? While the Israeli army continues to investigate the circumstances leading to the building's collapse, some in Lebanon do not hesitate to point the finger at the Shiite organization and claim it is to blame for the death of dozens.
The Lebanese website LIBANOSCOPIE , associated with Christian elements in the country and which openly supports the anti-Syrian movement called the "March 14 Forces," reported that Hizbullah has masterminded a plan that would result in the killing of innocents in the Qana village, in a bid to foil Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's "Seven Points Plan", which calls for deployment of the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon and the disarming of Hizbullah.
"We have it from a credible source that Hizbullah, alarmed by Siniora's plan, has concocted an incident that would help thwart the negotiations.
Knowing full well that Israel will not hesitate to bombard civilian targets, Hizbullah gunmen placed a rocket launcher on the roof in Qana and brought disabled children inside, in a bid to provoke a response by the Israeli Air Force. In this way, they were planning to take advantage of the death of innocents and curtail the negotiation initiative," the site stated.
The site's editors also claimed that not only did Hizbullah stage the event, but that it also chose Qana for a specific reason: "They used Qana because the village had already turned into a symbol for massacring innocent civilians, and so they set up 'Qana 2'." Notably, the incident has indeed been dubbed "The second Qana massacre" by the Arab media.
Roee Nahmias
Is Hizbullah behind the tragic incident in the village of Qana that claimed the lives of some 60 people? While the Israeli army continues to investigate the circumstances leading to the building's collapse, some in Lebanon do not hesitate to point the finger at the Shiite organization and claim it is to blame for the death of dozens.
The Lebanese website LIBANOSCOPIE , associated with Christian elements in the country and which openly supports the anti-Syrian movement called the "March 14 Forces," reported that Hizbullah has masterminded a plan that would result in the killing of innocents in the Qana village, in a bid to foil Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's "Seven Points Plan", which calls for deployment of the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon and the disarming of Hizbullah.
"We have it from a credible source that Hizbullah, alarmed by Siniora's plan, has concocted an incident that would help thwart the negotiations.
Knowing full well that Israel will not hesitate to bombard civilian targets, Hizbullah gunmen placed a rocket launcher on the roof in Qana and brought disabled children inside, in a bid to provoke a response by the Israeli Air Force. In this way, they were planning to take advantage of the death of innocents and curtail the negotiation initiative," the site stated.
The site's editors also claimed that not only did Hizbullah stage the event, but that it also chose Qana for a specific reason: "They used Qana because the village had already turned into a symbol for massacring innocent civilians, and so they set up 'Qana 2'." Notably, the incident has indeed been dubbed "The second Qana massacre" by the Arab media.
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credible source
04.08.2006 14:03
... you will pay for this, scum ...
... you sick barstards ...
... you think you can stage manage the worlds repsonse to this massacre?
A few cowardly politicians is all that stands between you and your total destruction.
60 years (1500 depending on who you ask) of deciet and lies ...
Take this staright from the horses mouth :
I do not believe any word that comes from the mouth of a zionist. They think that their lies are sophisticated because a willing media and a handful of bought bigots in executive postions allow them rampant space and focus?
Name, names please
04.08.2006 14:10
The Israeli plan was to bring about a Government subordinate to them since the 'Cedar Revolution' did not do that. There would, of course, be elements inside Lebanon who actively support the war against their nation in order to bring this about. Sounds like the website could be part of that.
The propaganda is strange because the Hizbollah plan depends on correctly assessing Israeli's as brutal ie. they would attack a bunker knowing that there could be women and children in there. If Israel is brutal, how can on the blame go on Hizbollah?
Also, if the people behind the site saw Hizbollah people direct civilians to the bunker, why can't they name, names. And what is the point of putting a rocket launcher on the roof if it's wasn't to be used. That is, a retaliation from Israel would be achieved if rockets were fired from the roof. There would be no need to leave the launcher on the roof. But there are no reports of rockets being fired.
Israel has admitted its 'mistake'
04.08.2006 14:39
Most media pundits did not swallow that one (makes a change).
Even Israeli media senses that the behaviour of its government and army's attempt at a cover-up was a little too extreme on this occassion.
Don't be fooled
P is for Propaganda
04.08.2006 14:49
Nice spin. Hezbollah only wants peace. To prove it, they've been firing missiles at Israel for six years.
In order to save the lives of civilians, they surround fighting men and weapons with them so the brutal israelis will have to kill them to get at the defenders. Random rocket fire into civilian locales are harmless. Hezbollah missiles are filled with flowers
Whwnever an israel is attacked and killed, the hezbollah peace activist had no choice because peace was threatened. WHEN NESRALLAH STATES THAT HE WANTS TO KILL ALL THE JEWS, HE DOESN'T REALLY MENA IT.
How am I doing? Can I join the non-aniti-semitic peace camp?
Useful Idiots Eat it Up
Israel's 'Mistake' At Qana
04.08.2006 15:39
This demonstrates that there was no such "mistake", but that Israel faked evidence, and knowingly LIED about the incident, in order to escape condemnation for this horrific act, and disguise the fact that the Israeli military targets civilians, in order to drive people from areas Israel plans to occupy, and minimize Resistance to the planned Occupation.
Knowing of this conscious and willful deception, Canadians must consider similar, empty allegations made after the Israeli Air Force destroyed a United Nations post with precision bombs, killing several observers, including one Canadian. We must also condemn the Harper Government's sycophantic support of Israel, due to Harper's alliance with the Bush Regime.
If we are ever to witness a real and lasting peace throughout the Middle East, we must come to terms with Zionist Extremism, the violent, supremacist Ideology guiding the efforts of the people currently in power in Israel, and their Lobby Organizations here in the West. This is no different than any other form of Extremism we are told these wars are about confronting - except for one big difference - Zionist Extremists control the world's fifth largest military, are backed by the "world's only superpower", and actually make war on their neighbours.
We must acknowledge Zionism's bloody past, and its part in creating this conflict upon its arrival to the region from Europe sixty years ago. We must condemn the actions of this Rogue State, and rally against those in our own corridors of power who condone these acts of State Terrorism.
And from the looks of things, we'd better do this soon.
Jordan Thornton
Jordan Thornton
Get some facts buddy
04.08.2006 16:32
got a source for that? Or is it something you supopse he would probably say?
Don't be a victim of the mindless mutterings from the voices in your head (do they really SHOUT at you?).
Nasrallah is hardly ever (i.e. never) quoted in the western press acurately. He in fact makes more intelligent, articulate and considered comments than his Israeli counterparts.
P is for Prat
Hizbollah provocation?
04.08.2006 17:26
By Anders Strindberg
NEW YORK – As pundits and policymakers scramble to explain events in Lebanon, their conclusions are virtually unanimous: Hizbullah created this crisis. Israel is defending itself. The underlying problem is Arab extremism.
Sadly, this is pure analytical nonsense. Hizbullah's capture of two Israeli soldiers on July 12 was a direct result of Israel's silent but unrelenting aggression against Lebanon, which in turn is part of a six-decades long Arab-Israeli conflict.
Since its withdrawal of occupation forces from southern Lebanon in May 2000, Israel has violated the United Nations-monitored "blue line" on an almost daily basis, ACCORDING TO UN REPORTS. Hizbullah's military doctrine, articulated in the early 1990s, states that it will fire Katyusha rockets into Israel only in response to Israeli attacks on Lebanese civilians or Hizbullah's leadership; this indeed has been the pattern.
It is easy to identify 'genocidial' comments made by Israeli (read Zionist) leaders, similar to angry Arab leaders:
"It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."
-- Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.
'(The Palestinians) would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls.'
-- Israeli Prime Minister (at the time) Yitzhak Shamir in a speech to Jewish settlers, New York Times April 1, 1988.
We are told that Hizbollah deliberately targets civilians and that Israel targets Hizbollah. According to The Guardian to date:
- Hizbollah has killed 27 civilians and 40 Israeli military
- Israel claims to have killed 300 HIzbollah (80 is verifiable) and 577 civilians.
How is it that Hizbollah seeks to kill civilians but ends up killing more military?