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The BBC has scared me...

trader | 04.08.2006 01:21 | Indymedia

Panorama, a one sided view on the middle east crisis.


im sure many of you would have endured the recent bbc panorama program, and been quite disgusted by its content. instantly i felt it was nothing but propaganda. so i typed in 'panorama propaganda' into google and found a few articles in which others had felt the same way, sickened. totally disgusted. It was anti-muslim, pro Israel (oh, please…) and so one sided it hurt. It was PROPAGANDA.

So a few few days later i decided ill do something silly like make a complaint to the bbc, after all, i do pay these people to pump out this crap...
i was horrified when i saw this page * attached image...

it clearly asks which program you are complaining about, and then > e.g. PANORAMA

now, is it just a paranoid little me, or did i find this some kind of sick joke? of course i didn’t enter my real details here for the rest of the stages of the complaints process, because that to me said it all, almost like its some game.

i dont know what you people will make of this, but it really worried me, like they knew already, and that program was aired for a reason.

god bless us all and take care! im new here, and this is my 1st article (despite lurking for many years), i hope it was worth while, cos it freaked the fook outta me, it just seemed so wrong, but so planned.

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Hide the following 12 comments

Don't waste your time complaining...

04.08.2006 03:08

...I used to be a frequent complainer to the BBC, total waste of time. It's like the 'Have Your Say' section, you'll only get heard when you either support their position, or take an oppostition view that is not near the truth.

Once you hit the raw nerve of truth you might as well send an email to In fact your probably better off doing that, then you won't have a black mark on your MI5 record - might keep you safe when we finally loose all our liberties and end up in a totallitarian fascist state

George Orwell knew what he was on about when he wrote 1984 - he used to work for Big Brother Corporation..

BBC is part of the problem

The BBC is an arm of the government, so expect it to act like one.

04.08.2006 03:11


Well, you are attacking the BBC, so don't expect your article to be 'promoted' - to achieve that on Indymedia UK, you need to be that racist, extremist, zionist best-friend-of-Blair, Rupert Murdoch. He can arrange to allow crude racism to be created on his 'myspace' service (yes, he owns that too), so that one of Blair's agents can refer to said racism, and use that as a crude distraction operation on this site.

"I fight the nazis, honest, and the best thing that ANY of you can do in this year of 1941 is worry about people saying bad things about the Germans. Forget the death camps, forget Adolf Hitler, forget the nazi conquest of Europe- there's this racist who has said racist things about the poor German people and you must stop everything you are doing to fight the nazis and think about this"

In 1941, if you had read the above, you would have said "hello Mr Goebbels, is that you".

In 2006 this is a real promoted article on Indymedia UK. At this time. At this moment. And any attempt to show why the article is cleverly placed distraction propaganda is, of course, censored.

RANT OFF (browse the comments with 'hidden allowed' on the 'Corrie' article lower down for context)

The BBC and Panorama? Well I suppose they have experience with which of their vile propaganda shows gets the most complaints. There is also the issue of egos. The people associated with the 'example' show must be PROUD to be chosen as the 'example', and not insulted (as many of them would be).

You see, no matter how filthy and biased the BBC broadcast is, the supporters of Israel organise campaigns of complaints, so that when YOU complain about very valid issues, the BBC will wave THEIR complaints in your face and say "you complain, they complain, this proves we are balanced and in the middle". Panorama could broadcast a show that spent EVERY SECOND demanding that every muslim was put in a death camp, and the next day Israel would organise thousands of complaints saying that the show was biased against Israel. If you expressed outrage at the content, the BBC would happily show you those Israeli organised complaints to PROVE that they were fair.

Now you see why Blair's agents censor my analysis whenever possible on this site. It is trivial to demolish their methods, and expose the nature of their propaganda techniques. With the BBC, I simple used the method known as taking an argument to an extreme to show that the excuse is logically invalid, and thus prove that the BBC invites complaints from Blair extremists so that it may broadcast any amount of bias and propaganda.

Goebbels would have taken one look at the BBC complaint form and said, "I know EXACTLY what that is for". Israel even pays to have software tools written, so that its agents in the UK and US are automatically informed of polls and comment sites that can be blitzed to offer support for Israeli atrocities.

This also explains why you can sometimes visit Indymedia UK, and think you have entered an alternate reality where Blair isn't currently engaged in the mass slaughter of Humans in Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, and Lebanon, and preparing for the genocide of Iran, but one where the BNP (state run distraction operation) and stupid racists on 'myspace' are the most important issues in the world.


BBC nepotist scum

04.08.2006 07:53

I totally agree, even with Twilight !, since the latest Israeli terror campaign began the BBC has been pumping out sewer loads of pro israeli crap.
Take a look at this article by a certain Frank Gardner, it's pretty obvious that Frank is not being frank at all.
Frankie is weighing up the threat posed Hezbollah fire cracker missile's.
He starts of telling us
"The impact of more than 300 short-range missiles launched by Hezbollah this week has been felt well beyond the towns and olive groves of northern Israel". No source quoted perhaps he actually counted them himself. Yes, he must be as on wednesday he counted exactly 231. again no source quoted.

He goes on to say that :
At the start of hostilities on 12 July Hezbollah had an estimated 13,000 missiles, amassed over the six years since Israel withdrew from Lebanon after its controversial 18-year occupation there.
Frankie get's his calculator out !

He then goes on to bullshit about the "Iranian connection"

Instructors from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) have spent long periods in Lebanon, notably in the Bekaa Valley, teaching Hezbollah cadres how to use their weaponry. Likewise, Hezbollah fighters have reportedly (REPORTED BY WHO ?)spent time in Iran undergoing military training.

One of the most effective weapons deployed by Hezbollah in this conflict has been the Iranian-made C-802 anti-ship missile. A variant of the Chinese Silkworm missile, one of these was successfully fired at an Israeli warship last month, killing four people onboard and severely damaging the vessel.

The Israeli military appears to have been taken by surprise by the attack and now believes that Iranian advisers from the IRGC were present at the launch of the missile.

No sources just a vague reference to the Israeli military which believes that Iranians were present at the launch. This will no doubt become fact in subsequent articles .
As hitler said "just keep repeating the lie till it becomes fact .

Frank does not give much away about his sources or resources, he is probably given a nice comfy office
by the Israeli government who also write his articles for him .

Some of the BBC writers use an "unnamed Israeli source" 34 hits on google, some very important.
But most of the time they don't even bother to quote a source and just write what ever their israeli bosses tell them to.

This article was not only up on the BBC World news page but also came up on the bottom of sports pages
under the "Dont miss this" link.

Of course frank could go down to the front and check things out on a personal basis but his "Israeli friends"
will have made it very clear to him that it would be very dangerous and he would be outside their protection
(racket) and almost 100% certain to cop one right between the eyes, geddit tings break !
So he is better off in his cosy office in Jerusalem doing exactly what he is told to do.

The way that casualties are reported is also sick with the BBC referring to palestinians and Hezbollah as
militants or gunmen and even though the palestinians don't have an army housing estates can become "military targets" because and unnamed source says that some one claims that the building was used
to fire or prepare weapons. and so just like that a whole apartment block is taken out on the strength of
some unknown Israeli source.

I sure hope if hezbollah manage to hit Jerusalem with one of their over sized fireworks that
"frankie goes to hell"

Hezbollah missile threat assessed
By Frank Gardner
BBC News, Jerusalem

The impact of more than 300 short-range missiles launched by Hezbollah this week has been felt well beyond the towns and olive groves of northern Israel.

Small Katyusha rockets are easy to conceal
After three weeks of an intensive Israeli air campaign in Lebanon, backed in recent days by about 10,000 Israeli troops on the ground, Hezbollah is demonstrating a remarkable resilience.

On Wednesday it sent a record number of missiles (231) into Israel, proving that despite the Israeli military's claims of success this Lebanese militia group remains a threat to northern Israel.

As long as that threat remains, Israel's military campaign in Lebanon - codenamed Miftza Shinui Kivun or Operation Change of Direction - will be perceived as a failure.

Easy operation

So how powerful is Hezbollah's arsenal of rockets and missiles and why, ask Israel's citizens, is it taking their military so long to neutralise them?

See the rockets' range
At the start of hostilities on 12 July Hezbollah had an estimated 13,000 missiles, amassed over the six years since Israel withdrew from Lebanon after its controversial 18-year occupation there.

Hezbollah prides itself on being a Lebanese movement, but it also has strong connections to Iran

Hezbollah's rocket force

The Israeli government says a large proportion of this arsenal has been destroyed but that may be wishful thinking on its part.

Most of these missiles are relatively crude Soviet-designed Katyushas with a range of 25km.

Although that restricts their target range to only the northernmost towns and villages in Israel they are having a psychological impact on Israelis since they say Hezbollah is packing them with ball bearings that can shred human tissue from some distance.

The Katyushas are easy to operate, easy to hide and easy to resupply.

Measuring less than two metres long, they can be concealed in orchards or, say the Israelis, among the civilian population in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah's attack on an Israeli warship raised many questions

But their small size also means their explosive power is far smaller than that of a Scud missile or indeed of an air-to-ground missile.

An estimated 19 Israeli civilians have been killed to date while the Lebanese government says more than 900 of their citizens have been killed, many by Israeli airstrikes.

Hezbollah is also believed to have a smaller number of longer range Fajr-5 missiles with a range of up to 75km, long enough to hit the West Bank but not enough to hit Tel Aviv.

The only missile in Hezbollah's arsenal believed to be powerful enough to reach Israel's commercial capital is the Iranian-made Zelzal-2 with a range of 200km and a huge warhead of 400-600kg.

This large missile, which is about eight metres long, is effectively a strategic weapon and Israel has been at pains to destroy any suspected launch sites in Lebanon.

Some Israeli military analysts have said that if and when Hezbollah do fire such a weapon it would be a sign of desperation, a last-ditch blow against Israel before it sues for peace.

Iranian connection

Hezbollah prides itself on being a Lebanese movement, but it also has strong connections to Iran.

Instructors from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) have spent long periods in Lebanon, notably in the Bekaa Valley, teaching Hezbollah cadres how to use their weaponry. Likewise, Hezbollah fighters have reportedly spent time in Iran undergoing military training.

One of the most effective weapons deployed by Hezbollah in this conflict has been the Iranian-made C-802 anti-ship missile. A variant of the Chinese Silkworm missile, one of these was successfully fired at an Israeli warship last month, killing four people onboard and severely damaging the vessel.

The Israeli military appears to have been taken by surprise by the attack and now believes that Iranian advisers from the IRGC were present at the launch of the missile.

One of Israel's major concerns, which has a bearing on the terms of any UN-brokered ceasefire agreement, is that once the fighting stops then Iran will replenish Hezbollah's arsenal of missiles via Damascus and the Syrian-Lebanese border.

So, Israel will likely insist on UN or international monitors being stationed along the 375km (233 mile) border.


You're all right

04.08.2006 08:47

& it's not just the bbc either, channel 4 news have been happily showing the grimmest footage of carnage, grief-stricken fathers carrying dead children, blood-soaked hospital wards, desperate terrified Lebanese people carrying their grandparents on their backs etc... which may lead the casual viewer to believe it's a bit more 'balanced' or realistic than the bbc.

but hardly, because last night they started talking about how it was a proxy war between america & iran and that america may use this as a way to "attack iran's nuclear capabilities" - because of course keeping world peace is the WHOLE point of america keeping its eye on iran, yes of course it is... i was laughing out loud by the end of the broadcast.

so much for channel 4's news's 'more thoughtful approach'...

scared too

A more recent quote

04.08.2006 09:09

As hitler said "just keep repeating the lie till it becomes fact . "

or more recently;

"See in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."

George W. Bush. Tuesday, May 24, 2005 in Rochester, NY.

No escape from the Nazis

... frankie says ...

04.08.2006 09:14

although needed for buying fags, it has no power when concentrated in trillions?
although needed for buying fags, it has no power when concentrated in trillions?

'Our' man Frank is one of those 'duel loyalty' journalists ... working out of chatham house (institue of international affairs - 10 st james square London) ...

... ie directly employed by the round table group of global elite conspirators ...

... there, I said it ... "CONSPIRACY" ... now all you decent folk can ignore everything said beyond this point ...

I would suggest to all who made it to this sentence, without either going red in the face or reaching for the censors pen, to read:

DAVID ICKE ("aaarrrggghhh" says the collective middle class hive mind "he be nasty, conspiracyloon, anti-semite, son of god, blue tracksuit nutter" ...

... yes yes yes, made your point, return your head to the analcephaletic position ...

"The biggest secret" by David Icke will inform you of the strict facts surrounding the birth of cecil rhodes little group "the round table" (he off the scholarship fame, and 'liberator' of the southern african diamond mines for the rothschild family in their oppeinheimer/de-beers guise) and all its offshoots, including the royal instiute of interntional affairs; the council of foreign relations; the bilderbergs; the tavistock group (based at the site of the 7/7 bus blast and original site of the 'birth[sic] of zionism) and many more besides.

Now what, you may ask, is a man with such connections doing taking our licence fee to report objectively upon issues his other paymasters have specific interests in?

You could try asking him .... ho ho ho only joking. You will get exactly what I am about to:

ridicule & violent objection (lets hope only verbally!)


I hate my mother

I hate my father.

I hate my dead grandparents.

I write bad checks.

I cheat on my wife.

i sleep with my dog.

I beat my children.

I hate irrationally the things that I am not.


There, I have saved you the bother of attacking the messenger ... although rather kindly I have left you the option of ignoring this truth by allowing you to complete the character assasination [of me] with recourse to the ever popular 'looney' jibe ... should be made easier by asssociation with arch loon icke ...

mail e-mail:

BBC has lost the plot.

04.08.2006 10:00

I've just read todays 'Have Your Say' comments on the Israeli attacks on Lebanon.

Pro Israeli comments are currently running at about 5-1. How is this balanced or fair. It really is very nauseating that the British people have to pay for this pro-Israeli war propoganda out of their own pocket via the TV licence fee.

I'm begininng to lose my self-restraint as this conflict and the lies about it increase. I think people in the UK need to wake up and start taking action.

Is this what our forefathers died for in WW2? If they were alive today I'm sure they would be convinced the Germans had won.


Have Your Say (and bugger off)

On the contrary

04.08.2006 13:49

The ironic thing is that a lot of other people are moaning that the BBC is rabidly *anti* Israel. Hence the reason why so many pro-Israeli comments have been left on the website. I don't think it's a sign of a cover-up - I think it probably reflects, rightly or wrongly, the complaints they have been getting. Go to some of the political-news-related blogs out there (like Guido Fawkes)- and they're all attacking the BBC for being pro-Muslim. Predictably, on Indymedia, it's the other way round.

I thought the BBC article above seemed OK, actually. It pointed out that Israel was in danger of looking stupid and the vast difference between the death toll in Israel and the Lebanon. The line about the impact being felt well "beyond" the northern towns was very obviously supposed to be about the broader impact on the population - ie the concerns they have created - rather than the physical impact of the explosions.

I would be interested to see what the evidence is for the Iran links as well. But I wouldn't expect a full reference in a piece like that - it's a news article, not a university dissertation.

The lead story on the BBC website right now "Twenty killed in Israeli strike" seems even more balanced.

Why point this out? There seem to be bigger issues to be concerned about right now regarding the Middle East rather than paranoia about a broadcaster from a country that's not one of the direct participants in the conflict.

Norville B

The BBC blog recently announced they search for stories about themselves daily

04.08.2006 15:26

using words along the lines of "Blog about us all you like, but don't act all surprised when we read it and respond, you're writing in public after all". Didn't take them long to sniff this one out.

Norville B, does your employer know how thinly veiled your attempts to defend it are or how unconvincing you are as an anonymous member of the public? Would it even care if it did?


Aww shucks

04.08.2006 17:00

I love that you think I work for the BBC. On recent postings on here I've also been accused of working for a) the Guardian (see the recent Brick Lane row postings) b) the police c) MI5 and d) being part of some group of authors with Salman Rushdie. So I must be busy.

(and, just in case you take that answer as evasive: no, of course I bloody don't work for the BBC)

I think the mainstream media does get stuff wrong - the Mail and the Express more than the BBC and the Guardian, but all to some extent. And I hope, eventually, websites like Indymedia will help correct that or offer a genuine complete alternative (which they can't do at the moment because not enough people post on them, so much of it is rehashed from the very corporate media that the posters criticise so much).

I think the way forward for Indymedia is for people to point out when stories are wrong or based on dubious evidence - it is the only way it can get taken seriously rather than seen as a place to post unsubstantiated rants. If you happen to be close to a story and think someone's got it wrong you should say so, and provide your evidence.

The same applies, though, if you write a story about the mainstream media. Recent postings on here said that the BBC had not mentioned that children had been killed in a bombing - but a quick look at the BBC website showed that it was in the opening line of the story. Another posting said the Guardian had "recruited" Salman Rushdie. Only they'd actually printed two letters by him attacking the newspaper. It sort of destroys a story about media bias (even if the newspaper/ TV station really is biased) if anyone with an internet connection can instantly see that the criticism is fundamentally incorrect.

I'll happily admit, though, that the issue of bias in the Israel-Lebanon coverage is more complex. And that both sides of the debate will watch the same 10 o'clock news on BBC or Sky tonight and come away thinking it was deeply biased against them.

(I'd be a hell of a lot more worried about the bias on Fox news, if I were you...)

Norville B

Hullo trader

05.08.2006 11:11

Don't be paranoid about the (eg Panorma) comment, the web-page designer would just have wanted a well-known programme that is likely to be complained about.

Do be paranoid about bias at the Beeb though.

The Media Lens website analyse media bias and encourage their forum to write emails and letters, their current alert is on Lebanon.

Someone normally reposts their alerts here but if you are into complaining then that is a great site.

You should read up on the Propaganda Model first :

Once you get bored and frustrated of complaining then come back here and help organise some actions !


BBC is biased

05.08.2006 21:31

I saw this posting and resubmitted it changing the words

Added: Wednesday, 2 August, 2006, 14:48 GMT 15:48 UK

Rock on Israel, finish the job! The hezbollah must be rid of or there will never be peace in Lebanon.
Bruce Grant, Tunbridge Wells
Recommended by 76 people

This was not published.

Rock on Palestine, finish the job! The Israelis must be rid of or there will never be peace in Lebanon.

They won't even respond to a complaint.

The racism from Zionists on their Talkback site is amazing (and never removed).

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