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The US lost an important country today

Henk Ruyssenaars | 03.08.2006 12:51 | Analysis | Globalisation | Workers' Movements | World

The 'Project for a New American Century' is sinking so fast that only the blood besmirched American flag is still visible above the ruins, the genocides, cemeteries and globally growing waves of intense contempt. Within six years the US management and its war machine has been unveiled: the blood of it's victims has definitely washed away the façade.


by Henk Ruyssenaars

FPF - Europe - August 3, 2006 - To make a long story short: the 'US Empire' lost early this morning an earlier usurped and strategically very important rich country the size of France, with fifty million inhabitants, to the Russian Empire which still is convinced that Ukraine is an important part of it. On the front pages of the global 'news' c.q. propaganda papers today the for 'the crazies' in Washington bad news is 'adjusted', or, as the PNAC paper the International Herald Tribune phrased it: an enemy of the US has been nominated in Ukraine.*

Power and profit is back in Moscow's Kremlin, and the US 'project managers' lost this one too. Including the influence over the strategically very important 'Russian' part of the Caspian sea.

Internationally the signs are seen - as clearly as the US/Israeli bombs raining on Lebanon - that it's not only in Afghanistan, Iraq,* Lebanon and many other countries the US/Israeli war machine is under attack and losing. Russia - as one of the global opposition - drew a line in the sand in Ukraine after the faked 'election' in 2004 for Washington's CIA man Victor Yushenko. The fact that his wife, Kathy, is American, works for the PNAC and has worked for Reagan and the CIA etc. was - and is - hardly ever mentioned.*

By the US National Security Agency (NSA), the CIA, fake NGO's etc. mostly via the US Embassy, USAID etc. funded 'movements' in Ukraine, are the 'PORA People’s Party', Yulia Tymoshenko’s Bloc, 'Our Ukraine' and probably the 'Ukrainian People’s Party'. - The CIA paid PORA group, now wants the newly elected parliament to disband and new (fixed) elections to be held in Ukraine. They still don't understand what will happen to them. In both the US and Russia there are Gulags. And Holocaust in Ukraine is called Holodomor.*


The US management's inhumane 'Might makes Right' drive for global hegemony, is like the other's only a fight for power and profit. Around the world fought with armed forces under any fake name or logo, and all connected secret services and psychological and 'false flag' operation units. Including all the war advocating media which are used and abused for propaganda in most countries of the world. China - which can declare the US bankrupt today - leaves this - until further notice or geopolitical need - to the present management of the 'Russian Empire' under former secret service 'KGB' top man general Vladimir Putin, as autocratic President. Who, like most people in the world, is totally fed up with the American/Israeli 'PNAC idea', and some years ago decided to stop the predators which are trying to steal part of his loot.*

When the CIA for the umpteenth time managed to fund and stage a so called 'popular revolution' - this one in Ukraine, most international observers were wondering: can the US 'spooks' pull this one off too? Well... no, it didn't work here either, even if hundreds of millions of US tax dollars were squandered of which the taxpayers are never informed: it's all State secrets...


The US defeat was early this morning confirmed by the 'front man' - president Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine, whom the US put on the throne. But alas, and as expected, the 'CIA man' lost to a majority fighting his PNAC rule, and he is now forced to accept 'enemy' Yanukovich as Prime minister. And this PM is his pro-Russian opponent, who was robbed of his election victory by the CIA's fake 'Orange Revolution', a Moscow backed Politruk and Kommissar who is looking for revenge. This is only another Russian geopolitical step, taking advantage of the US going down on it's knees.

Since this years March 26 parliamentary elections, where Yushenko's party only got 14 percent of the votes - and the CIA and collaborating 'spooks' really tried everything - more than four months of political stalemate and 'cloak and dagger' followed, in which the 'crazies' in Washington - via every possible channel - tried to stop Russia from taking back Ukraine.

''Being forced to accept Yanukovich as prime minister - he was openly supported by Russia during the scandal-tainted 2004 elections - would undermine Yushchenko's efforts to guide Ukraine closer toward political and economic ties with Europe, rather than Russia.'' the PNAC's Herald Tribune writes today.*


What they in between the lines are admitting, is that in the political fight for this profitable country - strategically very important in connection with the Caspian Sea, war harbors and pipelines - the US lost the possibility to reconfigure it's empire. To use more brainwashed cannon fodder in NATO, and to bleed Ukraine like the other colonies in the European Union. The 'Rien ne va plus' came rather fast, even if it was announced long before. But the 'crusading crazies' apparently vegetate in some other inhuman, alien world.

However: Washington's PNAC mafia, nor the managers of the European Union among the 'London War Lords' is amused, it is understood. This means that their propaganda press proceeds with the usual lies, smear and slander concerning all and everything connected to Russian president Putin and the people in Ukraine; to cover and belittle the American defeat and loss.

It also means that the desperate last ditch effort the past night by the CIA's president of Ukraine, most probably will disappear in the global 'memory hole'.

Because beaten CIA president Yushenko tried - until the early morning hours of today - to get the parliamentary opposition parties to sign his master's documents.

Papers confirming that Ukraine will follow the 'US PNAC track' too; with NATO's killing scenario and totalitarian EU rules, including low wage slave labor and inhuman tax laws.

"Unfortunately, the pact has not been signed," US stooge Yushchenko had to admit.




* The CIA World (Fact?) Handbook describes what was wanted, and where (part of) the loot is. - Url.:

* The Guardian - UK - ''US campaign behind the turmoil in Ukraine'' - Url.:

* The 'enemy' won in Ukraine - Today in the New York Times group's propaganda paper 'International Herald Tribune' - Url.:

* The by the CIA paid PORA group in Ukraine now wants the newly elected parliament to disband and new (CIA fixed) elections to be held. - Url.:

* BBC today August 3d - 2006: THE US IS LOSING IN IRAQ - Civil war is a more likely outcome in Iraq than democracy, Britain's outgoing ambassador in Baghdad has warned Tony Blair in a confidential memo. - Url.:

* One has to keep in mind that ALL so called 'objective observers' watching an election somewhere on the globe, ALWAYS are paid by their own governments. Which in almost all cases cooperate with the US and will defend US interests. They are never 'independent' - NEVER! It's all part of the (failed) US 'empire building' - OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Election Observation Mission - - Presidential Election - Ukraine 2004

* Kathy is Ukraine's 'Valerie Plame' - Url.:

* The Holocaust in Ukraine - shortly before World War II and with up to ten million victims, is never spoken nor read about in the global PNAC media. In Ukraine everybody knows it as the Holodomor, and knows who did it. - Url.:

* Another US/PNAC fake: he 25 bucks revolution in Georgia:

* Ukrayinska Pravda - Url.:


* The lost US/Israeli fight for Yukos & Putin:

* USurping:

* Another planned victim of the PNAC: President Chavez oil talks in Russia:

* FUNDING VIA THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (NSA), THE FAKE NGOS's and CIA: What is the National Endowment for Democracy? Url. :

* NED report - Url.:

* FOXNEWS - using a story by AP (Assorted Propaganda) leads the CIA election fraud, stealing the victory via orchestrated demonstrations - Ukrainian Election Disputed, Protests Begin - Monday, November 22, 2004 - Url.:

* The new Israel/Pentagon Papers- 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - Url.:

* RELATED: BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email. - Url.:

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands





Henk Ruyssenaars
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The road to TOTAL WAR, and why for Blair early chaos builds future victory

03.08.2006 22:57

There are many who say the US war machine is being ruined in Afghanistan and Iraq, just as the Russian war machine was ruined in Chechnya, and the Israeli war machine is being ruined in Lebanon.

There is a lot of truth in these statements- but perhaps not quite the truth you think you have identified.

TOTAL WAR. The gloves come off. The rulebook is thrown away. Everything changes.

But has does a depraved monster like Hitler or Blair reach a position when they can wage total war? You think they can wake up one morning and say "it's time for total war"

a war fought without limitations, between entire societies and not just between armies, with total victory the only acceptable outcome

How the Encyclopædia Britannica defines the term.

The US military machine is the greatest the Earth has ever seen, and is funded at a level greater than the combined total for the armed forces of most of the other powerful nations. Even taking into account MASSIVE corruption in US military spending, and the fact that the average US soldier is cowardly, stupid and depraved, the power of the US murder machine is beyond most people's comprehension. Worse again is the fact the the US is a military society, improved beyond compare with the experience of WW2, and can place the entirety of its population on a full war footing at almost a moments notice.

When the US military takes its licks, it is not because it lacks the military option to do otherwise.

Of course, the US military was created as the ultimate protector/projector of US political affairs. Like nazi Germany, the US military is designed to serve a CIVILIAN leader. IN OTHER WORDS, THIS IMMENSE MURDER MACHINE HAS NO WILL OF ITS OWN.

Thus, Total War cannot flow from the simple deployment of the US military, regardless of circumstance. Total War is a political act, enabled by creating the circumstances where the relevant populations are manipulated into demanding Total War to 'protect' their armies against further loss, and to end 'quickly' messy conflicts with massive overwhelming use of military might.

Of course, some mass murdering psychopath leader (Blair/Hitler) has to be planning for total war from the get go.

The irony of total war is that it is planned by those that are convinced that they have extreme military superiority over their enemies, but require a way of ridding themselves of limiting laws and morals. Nuremberg named this process 'aggressive war' and called it 'the supreme crime'.

Given the chance, Blair's agents would interject at this stage with Goebbels style crap about how genocide is merely self-defense. Why do you think Blair's psyop teams invented the phrases 'war on terror' and 'the long war' (well that one doesn't seemed to have caught on). And this brings me back to my main point. The chaos that occurs BEFORE Blair's total war doesn't prove that Blair is losing, but that Blair is winning.

While Henk Ruyssenaars and others are desperate for any proof that the 'evil empire' of Bush's neocon controllers is sinking in flames, Blair strides ever closer to stage two, the beginning of WW3 with the genocide of Iran.

Remember, Putin has gained immensly from his alliance with Blair (forged BEFORE Putin came to power, and immediately before Putin was caught red-handed implementing the false-flag bombings of the Moscow apartments). Blair worked to give Putin full protection over his genocide in Chechnya, and helped pump untold billions into the Russian economy with the recent manipulation of energy supplies and prices in Europe.

Likewise, Blair has ensured that China remains happy with its position in the world, as inward investment rockets, outward exports explode, and China is left alone as it races to become a true super-power rival to the US. The relationship between Blair and China is most similar to that relationship between Russia and Hitler (prior, of course, to Hitler's attack). China is to be consumed last of all.

The importance of these two alliances is so that neither nation will interfere in Blair's wars across the whole of the Middle East. Russia will be placated with money, and China with oil. BOTH WILL DEMAND THAT WAR AGAINST IRAN BECOMES TOTAL WAR IN THE REGION, WITH THE AIM OF TAKING CONTROL OF THE ENTIRETY OF MIDDLE EAST OIL PRODUCTION AT ANY COST, REGARDLESS OF THE LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE.

In other words, Russia and China don't want war against Iran, but if that war happens, they then ONLY care about Blair taking full and permanent control of all oil assets in that region. Russia and China will be active backers of total war in the Middle East.

Blair doesn't care about oil. No one could do a better job of giving us their natural resources for a pittance than the people that live there peacefully at the moment. Iraq shows the consequence of military action. What Blair does care about is creating the circumstances where EVERY major power on planet Earth demands the ending of laws and morals.

BLAIR WANTS THE POWER OF GOOD TO DISAPPEAR FROM HIGH LEVEL POLITICAL ACTIVITY ACROSS THE GLOBE. Blair knows that total war is a plague. Infect one place with this plague, and it will spread everywhere.

I know that events in the Lebanon have helped open many of your eyes to Blair's true aims. Blair is moving ahead so quickly, that he no longer seems to care if his propaganda blanket keeps up with him. Before, you would have been prepared for the atrocities with months of softening up by Blair's mass media, so that when they came, your brain was filled full of their words. This time is different, and try as you can, you cannot deny Blair's role as the lynchpin in Israel's Holocaust of Gaza and Lebanon.

And why doesn't Blair care any more to disguise himself properly? Why has this 'wolf' discarded his 'sheep's clothing'?

YOU KNOW THE ANSWER. The time for Blair caring about what you think is over. Blair controls everything now anyway. Media, law, police, government, army, church- the UK is in Blair's pocket, and nothing short of a revolution of the people can displace him. Blair heads an alliance that includes Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Poland, Netherlands etc, and these nations offer complete and absolute support of Blair's war plans, and are chomping at the bit to see the genocide of Iran begin. Blair can deliver to Bush the support that was totally missing during the invasion of Iraq.

Blair's genocide of Iran is just waiting for the right opportunity now. The action has been green lighted, the forces are ready, and everyone is waiting on the excuse that Blair is to concoct.

THE PATTERN OF BLAIR'S PROPAGANDA AT THE BBC, ITN ETC HAS ALREADY BEEN PRACTICED WITH LEBANON IN READINESS. Blair has instructed that once his genocide of Iran begins, the BBC etc are to endless play footage of whatever Iran does to defend itself, and describe that action as the reason Blair attacked in the first place (just as they did with the Kosovo war). Each and every one of you, in your minds-eye, knows exactly how Blair's propagandists will sound. Of course, this being war proper, Blair will take for himself, and those that lie on his behalf, all neccessary war powers.

In these last days, some good people, out of total fear or desperation, will go insane, and start mumbling "Blair is a stoopid-head, Bush is a stoopid head, look at the CIA fail" (sorry, Henk, but Russia is going to be given a lot in return for sitting back while Blair destroys the Middle East in a total war fought initially by the US).

Meanwhile, those of us that keep their sanity (and therefore have to live with the full knowledge of what is coming) will point out that when Blair FULLY unleashes the greatest war machine ever created by mankind, unrestricted by any moral law of Man once total war begins, that war machine will destroy EVERTHING in its path. Only Russia and China can challenge it, but they will be too busy waiting to take advantage of the new world order, so that they can unleash THEIR war machines on their neighbours, powering themselves up in readiness for the clash of titans that will form the final stage of Blair's Third World War.

What stops wars? I mean what prevents wars?
-The knowledge that wars bring the greatest Human suffering? Nice if true, but what mechanism would that be?
-That the victim can probably inflict damage on the attacker equal to that which the attacker inflicts on the victim? Well that would work, but not when the attacker chooses vastly weaker targets.
-That those that wage aggressive war are stopped as quickly as possible, and punished sufficiently afterwards? Well those responsible for the destruction of Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Gaza not only do not face punishment in Blair's brave new world, not only are allowed to wage their genocidal wars as wickedly as possible without attempt to stop them, but are called heroes, and set as an example to the rest of us.
-Established rules of Human morality, imposed on those that would attempt to lead us?

Anything that once prevented wars is long gone. Now there is a positive force in favour of war. This is how you know that the time for the next world war has arrived. The images that fill your screens show the ruin of cities once inhabited by Blair's targets, and the voices tell you of the next people to be found at the top of Blair's list.

My words seem a little 'doom-laden' to you. Well good, that's how they're f**king well intended to be. Blair is OUR leader. Our passive support is the only power he has, and you are seeing exactly how he uses the power we give him.

When Blair said recently that every one of us would always stand behind Israel, when Bill Clinton siad he would DIE for Israel, when Hillary Clinton said in NYC, as the white phosphorous was pouring onto the children in the Lebanon, that every citizen of New York state backed Israel, and when Schwarzenegger said to the crowds in California that every Californian cheered each and every Israeli atrocity in Gaza and Lebanon, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK THIS PRESAGED?

PS I have a hidden comment that responds to, and dissects the crude piece of distraction propaganda that disgustingly trades on the name of Rachel Corrie below. You'll recognise the article, it was promoted (just like Channel 4 news showed the same images of rockets firing from Lebanon again and again and again and again, for the same purpose) to give it max visibility. The article follows standard Geobbels techiques, which is why it was considered essential to delete my analysis from ordinary view. More disgusting still is that the article was a co-production of Rupert Murdoch's (Blair's racist extremist zionist best friend) myspace company.


Hi twilight! Good answer, but... Who profits?

03.04.2007 13:53

Twilight: I think I'm not the only one who questions which is missing in the whole but one should always ask:


Because we all know that this whole genocidal circus has nothing to do with religion, politics like the stupid 'left' or 'right' or similar low brow things: it's money and power.

With the wealth - whether you print money yourself at a private printing shop like the Federal Reserve, or embezzle, steal, dole it out or use it to buy kings, presidents and their armies and rape their countries: with all that robbed money you can make more money and thus keep the power for a while.

The problem in the whole misery is that by the war profiteers the globe is seen as a production unit, and Phony Tony Blair is only one of the stooges running a production unit for the profit of the multinational usurers, lying all the way to - in this case - the by the London warlords privately owned so called Bank of England. - Url.:

Blair's managers, the nefarious figures which steer him and other collaborators, and which for ages have tried to get more and more of our earth, greedily gathering wealth at any price and wherever they could, those multinational predators which are the worst plague ever to pester and try to destroy most of mankind, many of those parasiting humanoids* live in London in the City.

Like most of the people in the world we are not supposed to know this, but tell me if you can find anything wrong in this article about the predators which run murdering jesters like Blair, the 'Bilderberger' Gordon Brown who is 'one of them' too, like 'Tzarkozy' in France and the rest of the cowards fronting as PM's or similar for the massmurderers in European countries.

They do not care whether 1 or 10 million human beings die as long as they make a profit. Look for heaven's sake around you: see the huge mountains of corpses of people like you and me!

And where does the wealth of the war makers go which cowardly collborators like Blair partly can share before the revenge of their victims hits them (which many fervently hope) - Url.:

And if you want to see who Blair and similar criminals managers are, here's the board of the drectors of the evil empire in the City of London. This criminal group in their own state within a state. In 2007? It's incredible that they are still alive...which is not a compliment for anybody with a working brain.- Url.:

So, twilight: no, it's not Blair or any similar creep: despicable dummies like lying Blair are only the quislings which will be treated á la Mussolini is soon as is possible. And let nobody give me that total crap about anti-semitism: I've heard that stupid nonsense long enough. - Url.:  

I've lived among the real semites in the arab word world and worked as an independent correspondent for ten years and believe me: the people responsible for all this misery will be put through a people-shredder.

Those who survive the rightful revenge of the peoples they have been robbing blind, torturing jailing and killing, those Blair's and Chomsky's of this world will be put in front of an honest judge and they will get a fair trial, something they denie all their victims now.

Blair is a bandit and so are his bosses: they all daily commit crimes against us, humanity.

It's the London warlords which profit from the wars they create.

They must absolutely be stopped and punished.

As soon as is possible and by any means now.

They live by the sword and will hopefully die by it.

Henk R.

Humanoids - Url.:

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