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Titnore Campers make appeal

C Wright | 02.08.2006 09:14 | Culture | Ecology | South Coast

Titnore campaigners need to raise £400 at least for legal costs to challenge the possession order granted in the High Court on Thursday July 27.

Video Titnore video appeal - RealMedia 0

Titnore Camper
Titnore Camper

Titnore sign
Titnore sign

Titnore tent
Titnore tent

Save the Trees
Save the Trees

Titnore sheep
Titnore sheep

It is going to cost several hundred pounds, at least £400, for the Titnore campers to lodge an appeal against the possession order granted in the High Court on Thursday July 27. And the deadline is Friday August 11. The campers have occupied one of only two remaining pieces of ancient woodland and wetland in the whole of Sussex which has been slated for development by Tesco and a housing corporation which are planning to build 875 new houses.

Anyone who can help with a cash donation, no matter how small, can now do so at Henry House Hydro Pool, 189 Heene Road, Worthing (near junction with Tarring Road).

If you want to make donations by post check is appreciated but we prefer a crossed postal order. Please make all donations out to the Pork Bolter and send to:

Pork Bolter
Titnore Campaign
PO Box 4144
West Sussex
bn14 7nz

If the appeal cannot be lodged, the eviction is likely to start very soon, so please help if you can!

You could also help us by writing to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott who has responsibility for House Building in England and Wales and also to the local press of Worthing, the Worthing Herald and the Brighton Argus.

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C Wright
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