Liverpool vs Haifa
Dagliesh | 02.08.2006 06:16 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Liverpool | World
Liverpool FC are drawn to play Maccaba Haifa in the UEFA cup and are refusing to play in Israel even though the match has been moved to Tel Aviv. The first leg is set for Anfield on August 8 or 9 with Haifas home leg due on either August 22 or 23.
You quite often hear of football clubs fined for throwing missiles being thrown by the crowds, the Haifa crowd takes that to extremes. The Israeli team are also known for their defence wall.
Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez said "It's crazy to even consider" playing in Israel and wants a neutral country instead so how about the Lebanon as the closest neutral country ? Jordan ? Egypt ? Syria ? Of course the only 'neutral' country between England and Israel is the USA, although the Israelis may be able to guilt trip the Germans into hosting it.
Benitez and Liverpool are themselves crazy for even agreeing to play any Israeli club at a time of such Israeli slaughter. The Liverpool match would be a brilliant opportunity for direct action in the full glare of the worlds media.
Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez said "It's crazy to even consider" playing in Israel and wants a neutral country instead so how about the Lebanon as the closest neutral country ? Jordan ? Egypt ? Syria ? Of course the only 'neutral' country between England and Israel is the USA, although the Israelis may be able to guilt trip the Germans into hosting it.
Benitez and Liverpool are themselves crazy for even agreeing to play any Israeli club at a time of such Israeli slaughter. The Liverpool match would be a brilliant opportunity for direct action in the full glare of the worlds media.
Hide the following 9 comments
02.08.2006 07:50
Could you please elaborate on this comment? what do you mean?
is this news ?
02.08.2006 09:14
to be very close to the point of being offensive. waste of space
Dog leash
'You'll never work alone'
02.08.2006 14:09
Rebbe/Dagliesh, I see you have dropped pretending to be a neutral Japanese observer of Israel. Bad choice of name for that, bit more Jewish than Japanese eh ? Nothing about you is convincing.
I saw you mentioned in the Times the other day:
Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers,,3-2289232,00.html
Can you do your national service as a keyboard warrior or are you getting paid for this ? Let me know what the going rate is if we stop condemning the Israeli slaughter of innocents and start praising it instead. I can think of good arguments in favour of the Israeli actions and would be prepared to work for the Israel propaganda ministry too for a large pay-cheque. For instance, the Israeli actions are hastening armageddon, so all good Christian people should be for it as they close to the kingdom down. And its great news for suicidal and terminally-ill people - waiting for imminent end of the world may make their lives less miserable. And it is a concept that appeals to the growing BNP vote in the UK, watching 'kykes vs ragheads' slaughter each other is their favourite TV entertainment. And the Israeli slaughter is great news for many British defence industry workers, their worthy jobs are a bit more secure in these insecure times. See I've got lots of great ideas for marketing this cowardly aerial slaughter of civilians, more than you do obviously.
By the way, why is Israel part of UEFA ? Nobody else will play with you where you live because you are known as the neighborhood psycho ?
02.08.2006 16:22
Do Hezbollah send rockets over to Israeli territory?
Do they aim at any particualr target or are they wanton attacks that could kill children or a man on a bike?
Answer these questions (without the boring nonsense please).
Helmets for goalposts, us and the Hun, swapping photos....
02.08.2006 17:27
A few men became a trickle until both sides, who were killing each with mechanised death a few hours beforehand, became a mass of men meeting up with the lines between friend and foe banished by the magnificant working class people, who knew the horror of war and were young men tired of death and blood and destruction.
A game of football broke out, some men swapped photos, some prayed together or drank and ate the various rations passed around.
Most of the men who played in the most important game of football ever played, are now almost all dead.
I don't know who won, no-one kept the score, but that one football game stands out for me as maybe something to look back on in these insane days.
Liverpool FC fans went to Turkey, a Muslim nation, (who are also in the Champions league though are not European) I wish we could go to Israel, but if you're running into bomb shelters, and Hizbollah are still very much at war with you - it cannot be. Safety of Liverpool Fans has to come first, However, Holland or Belgium might be better - maybe France, as there are plenty of Jewish football fans there.
When the Hiafa fans come to Liverpool, we have to welcome them just as we'd welcome any fans.
Anyone who has a bone to pick with Jewish people or Muslim or any race or creed in general, ought not to really be following Liverpool FC, which, despite the commercial aspect, has carried many a man and woman through dark days indeed.
Peace, Salem, Shalom.
Moses came forth, but Liverpool came first.
Eyes Higher
Meanwhile Blair orders Israeli atrocity photos banned
02.08.2006 18:48
Here is is near impossible for the depraved racists that support the mass murder of muslims, and the total destruction of their lands, to do anything but the most basic trolling. However, you see with the disgusting comments from 'rebbe' and 'dog leash' ('pirate's people have so many nyms), that they wait poised for better opportunities.
Blair KNOWS that the Israeli genocide of the Lebanese town a day or so back is the last time that scale of Israeli atrocity gets any significant coverage in the mass media (the so-called 'innoculation effect' that serves those engaged in the task of mass slaughter). Now Blair can work on the basis that the people of the West are becoming rapidly numbed to the extraordinary loss of life and property in Lebanon, just as they have to Iraq.
Meantime, Blair sends banning orders to all those media outlets he does not directly control. He points to the destruction of the Serbia TV station (with all the make-up girls and other ordinary workers murdered inside), the media gathering operations in Afghanistan and Iraq targetted and destroyed by US missile strikes, and the TV infrastructure of Gaza/West Bank/Lebanon exterminated by Israel using US weapons paid for by US and German taxpayers, and lets them understand THAT THIS WILL BE ***THEIR*** FATE if they fail to follow his command.
At the same time, Blair's racist scum that run the BBC/ITN/Guardian etc start a meme saying that images of Israeli atrocities work against Blair getting a 'ceasefire' and thus they should be 'banned'.
You should be aware that this tactic was also used to protect the nazis over and over again during the early days of Hitler's military campaigns.
-"that's old news"
-"seen it already"
-"publishing these images do more harm than good"
-"the terrorists want you to see these images"
-"these images are scaring the children"
Blair's agents will use the above and many more excuses. Like Hitler, Blair demands that you and your kids ONLY remember and see images from one atrocity in the past, where the above excuses suddenly, magically, don't apply. HITLER SAID THAT THE GERMAN PEOPLE HAD A RIGHT TO MASS MURDER BASED ON WHAT SOME LONG DEAD PEOPLE HAD DONE TO SOME LONG DEAD 'GERMANS'.
All of Channel 4 news coverage loving shows images of Israeli terrorist activity. All images showing atrocities HAVE BEEN BANNED. The racist ITN scum show Israeli footage (designed to look like racist extremist Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell computer games) from their attack against a hospital in Lebanon (Snow said that the attack was OK because Iran had paid to have this medical facility built). The images showing the people that Israel butchered during that raid have been censored out of existence.
No wonder Snow and his scumbag sidekicks are doing this show with the biggest smirks on their faces. Needless to say, this filthy racist bastard seemed to have forgot the word 'kidnap' when it came to the 5 Lebanese men kidnapped by Israeli terrorists in an operation that murdered at least 19, and destroyed, much to Snow's visible joy, another muslim medical facility.
SORRY, WHO IS IT HERE THAT IS BRAINDEAD ENOUGH TO CLAIM THAT SNOW- MAIN PRESENTER ON ***ITN*** (OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY THE MOST EXTREMIST ZIONISTS) FLAGSHIP CHANNEL 4 NEWS, IS 'LIBERAL'? Are people REALLY that stupid? Mind you, Snow's minders are active here. Last time I attacked this racist bastard, there was a certain amount of pro-Snow impotent rage in some comments.
Snow is considered as important as the Guardian in reaching the 'bleeding heart liberals' too lazy to read decent news sources. The net is too solitary an activity for those with families, so many tune into the racist filthy spewed by Snow as an easy option.
HOW THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE WATCH THIS EVIL SICKENING PROPAGANDA. I've had to switch it off. If Goebbels had been alive and watching, he would have said "tone it down, boys". But then again, Hitler was never in the dominant position that Blair occupies.
Biggest laugh before I had to switch off was the reference to the fictional 'arabist' foreign office group, and the suggestion that diplomatically, the UK is on bad terms with Iran. Remember, Iran agreed with Blair to act as the trigger to recent events (although the Holocaust that Israel has inflicted on Lebanon and Gaza was a year plus in the planning, and NOTHING to do with anything other than depraved Israeli 'master-race' doctrine). Blair baited the trap, but Iran had no choice but to take the bait. Now Channel 4 news and others are pushing the meme that Iran has an important role in helping with a 'ceasefire'.
For Blair, this strategy is a 'long game'. Each move merely has to bring Iran one stage closer to disaster. Iran relies on the rules containing some element of fairness, but with each move, the fairness fades. Israel and Blair's Holocaust of Lebanon will face its final test with the major demonstrations coming up very soon. If Blair rides these protests out (and you know that he will), interest and concern about Lebanon will fall to unimportant levels. Blair's next genocide will then be that much more easy.
the death match
02.08.2006 21:54
"what is it about israel that riles everyone when china, sudan, azerbaijan, armenia (nagorno-karabakh) are also having daily battles? I am from tokyo so am slightly un knowledgable
Your pay slip is showing Rebbe.
Eyes Higher, with the greatest respect to Liverpool one corporate English club playing an corporate Israeli club is hardly the same as the match between the trenches of soldiers. None of those soldiers wore sponsorship on their shirts for a start. Liverpool FC never travelled to apartheid South Africa nor would they have. Principles before points an profits. A worthy football game for peace comparable to the world war one match could be a match between Palestinians and Israelis, or Lebanese and Israelis but not Liverpool versus Haifa. You say you don't want the Liverpool players getting hurt in Haifa but given the Israelis these international sporting events risks the lives of Lebanese and Palestinian footballers.
Maccabi Haiffa were part of the Palestinian Football Association when it joined FIFA in 1928. The Israeli Football Association replaced the Palestinian Football Association in 1948, and to pretend sport is somehow separate from politics is to ignore the rather violent and political realities that caused that swap in FIFA membership. The Palestinian FA was only reestablished again in 1998 after 50 years due to arab football association pressure. Liverpool playing Haiffa just now only hands a propaganda victory to an unjust an unbalanced war, and made lead to the disappearance of both the Palestinian Football Association and the Lebanese Football Association for the next 50 years. Halting the match could show the Israeli public that their recent violence is deplored. The players union should force a boycott of this game as their Palestinian and Lebanese members are at daily risk of death. Never mind the hypocracy of the Israeli FA carrying the 'Kick racism out of sport' logo on their website. The IFA should be out of UEFA and forced to play their neighbours, even if it meant to empty stadiums. At least if they had to play in Gaza then they may not bomb the power-stations that week. At least if an Israeli team played in Beruit then aid convoys could get through that night and Red Cross vehicles wouldn't be used for target practice.
I think
I'm not saying don't be perfectly hospitable to the Israeli fans, just stop the match from happening if you think you know. British clubs - even Liverpool or my team - should be boycotted abroad by civilised nations due to our invasion of Iraq.
A salutory lesson from wikipedia, this is inspiration for the arthouse movie 'Escape to Victory' , and so Pele, Bobby Moore, Michael Caine, Osvaldo Ardiles and Sty Stallone know soccer is intrinsically related to politics.
The "Death Match"
The story is often told of how the Dinamo team, playing as "Start, City of Kyiv All-Stars", was executed by firing squad in the summer of 1942 for defeating an All-Star team from the German armed forces by 5 goals to 1. The actual story, as recounted by Y. Kuznetsov ([1]), is considerably more complex.
After the Nazi occupation of Ukraine began, the Dinamo team found employment in the city's Bakery No. 3, and played football on wasteland, where they were spotted by Germans and invited to play against an army team as "Start". "Start" comprised eight players from Dinamo (Nikolai Trusevich, Mikhail Sviridovskiy, Nikolai Korotkykh, Aleksey Klimenko, Fedor Tyutchev, Mikhail Putistin, Ivan Kuzmenko, Makar Goncharenko) and three players from Lokomotiv Kyiv (Vladimir Balakin, Vasiliy Sukharev and Mikhail Melnik).
In July and August 1942 "Start" played a series of matches against German and allied sides. On July 12 a German army team was defeated. A stronger army team was selected for the next match on July 17, which "Start" defeated 6-0. On July 19 "Start" defeated the Hungarian team MSG Wal by 5-1. The Hungarians proposed a return match, held on July 26, but were defeated by 3-2.
At this stage it appeared that "Start" were ready to be beaten, and a match was announced for August 6 against a "most powerful" "undefeated" German Luftwaffe Flakelf team, but despite the game being talked up by the newspapers, they failed to report the 5-1 result. On August 9 "Start" played a "friendly" against Flakelf and again defeated them. The team defeated Rukh 8-0 on August 16, and after this the players were arrested by the Gestapo, tortured – Nikolai Korotkykh dying under torture – and sent to the nearby labour camp at Siretz.
In February 1943, following an attack by anti-German partisans, one-third of the prisoners at Siretz were killed in reprisal, including Ivan Kuzmenko, Aleksey Klimenko, and the goalkeeper Nikolai Trusevich. Three of the other players, Makar Goncharenko, Fedor Tyutchev and Mikhail Sviridovskiy, who were in a work squad in the city that day, escaped and hid in the city until it was liberated.
Anfield To Dangerous
03.08.2006 14:05
The saftey of Haifa fans must be put first.
An action is planned...
06.08.2006 14:57
Ann Field