Operation Amethyst Collapse:"No trace of key child porn witness"
Jenny | 01.08.2006 19:23
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act - George Orwell. Writers and correspondents in New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia, Thailand, France, Holland, Belgium, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, and the US.
A headline on Page 2 of The Sunday Times in Ireland on 30 July 2006 read “No trace of key child porn witness”. That witness, already discredited by the Nemesis group, and reported here in our Operation Ore stories is Steve Nelson, the Dallas policeman who passed false evidence to police in the US, UK and Ireland.
For details of the frauds perpetuated by Nelson, and knowingly - that is, although known to be false or, in some cases at least highly suspect, used by UK and Irish senior police - see the Operation Ore and Landslide stories on the index page. The main fallout in the UK (and in Canada’s Operation Snowball) is the collapse of Operation Ore and in the court cases against police and prosecution now expected. There are also serious complaints lodged against several UK senior police, three complaints upheld so far by the IPCC. These are in fact described by the complainants as evidenced crime reports.
The fallout now in Ireland is equally dramatic. First the high-profile Judge Curtin case is undergoing a dramatic reversal as the parliamentary committee investigating him has learned about the findings by the Nemesis group and has been trying to examine the original evidence passed by Nelson to Ireland and the UK. But as we forewarned, Nelson has long ago done a runner, so the Irish parliamentary committee looking into the Curtin case can’t find him.
They have also learned about both the credit card fraud and the lies about the ‘Click Child Porn’ banner.
There is an irony in all this. The Irish Broadcasting Complaints Commission has had complaints against the recent RTE programme on Landslide/Ore/Amethyst on the basis that it was a one sided pro-police affair and ignored all the emerging evidence about the frauds used in Landslide and its spin-offs.
For Nemesis see index page. Inquisition21 is a contact point for Nemesis and one of its main publishers. Its persistent work is finally beginning to pay off.
For details of the frauds perpetuated by Nelson, and knowingly - that is, although known to be false or, in some cases at least highly suspect, used by UK and Irish senior police - see the Operation Ore and Landslide stories on the index page. The main fallout in the UK (and in Canada’s Operation Snowball) is the collapse of Operation Ore and in the court cases against police and prosecution now expected. There are also serious complaints lodged against several UK senior police, three complaints upheld so far by the IPCC. These are in fact described by the complainants as evidenced crime reports.
The fallout now in Ireland is equally dramatic. First the high-profile Judge Curtin case is undergoing a dramatic reversal as the parliamentary committee investigating him has learned about the findings by the Nemesis group and has been trying to examine the original evidence passed by Nelson to Ireland and the UK. But as we forewarned, Nelson has long ago done a runner, so the Irish parliamentary committee looking into the Curtin case can’t find him.
They have also learned about both the credit card fraud and the lies about the ‘Click Child Porn’ banner.
There is an irony in all this. The Irish Broadcasting Complaints Commission has had complaints against the recent RTE programme on Landslide/Ore/Amethyst on the basis that it was a one sided pro-police affair and ignored all the emerging evidence about the frauds used in Landslide and its spin-offs.
For Nemesis see index page. Inquisition21 is a contact point for Nemesis and one of its main publishers. Its persistent work is finally beginning to pay off.