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Reminder: Emergency Assembly against Israel invasion tomorrow

u | 31.07.2006 07:38 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Ecology | London




It has become clear that there is an overwhelming desire and need to do more than passively protest the massacre happening in Lebanon and Palestine. Currently over 400 Lebanese have been killed while the governments and populations of the world watch. At the same time the media is speaking about balance, to try to fool us into their 'neutral' coverage. The systems of power are attempting to silence any form of unconventional dissent. Once again, demonstrations have been called in which people march along proscribed routes and listen to planned, boring speeches. We've seen this play before with the run up to the Iraq war. We now know that these passive demonstrations alone are not sufficient to halt the war machine.

To combat this, we are putting a call-out for an emergency assembly to plan direct action against the Isreali invasion of Lebanon and Palestine. The assembly will take place on Tuesday, 1st of August at 6pm.

Venue: room H216, on the second floor of Connaught House, London School of Economics. Connaught House is on Aldwych; for a map and directions see

Please distribute this callout!



Hide the following 12 comments

Hezbollah is to blame for the violence in the Middle East.

31.07.2006 09:16

Many have pointed out that Qana — where, horribly, around 60 civilians including 37 children were killed after an Israeli air strike against Hezbollah — was used as the launch site for more than 150 rockets fired at Israel, including the hospital in Nahariya (which fortunately had been evacuated). People have also pointed out that, as has been the case throughout its strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israel gave warnings that Qana would be targeted and urged residents to flee; it is more than passingly strange that in such circumstances people remained there — and kept their children there, knowing them to be directly in harm’s way from an IDF air strike. For its part, the IDF insists that it had no idea civilians were inside building, only that Hezbollah was using it as base for firing rockets at Israel. Indeed, despite the uncontrolled venom being hurled at Israel now from the British media, it is clear from any fair-minded assessment of the available information (which itself may well provide only a partial and even skewed picture) that Israel’s attempt to destroy Hezbollah has been hampered — possibly fatally — by its attempts to avoid killing innocent Lebanese civilians, because Hezbollah — well aware that Israel will always try to avoid the taking of innocent life —has deliberately sited its rockets and armaments in civilian buildings, thus using the Lebanese as human shields.

Melanie Philips

Bullshitter Melanie Phillips

31.07.2006 11:38

Fucking hell! A Daily Mail Journalist posting her pro-israeli crap on Indymedia - she must be desperate!

Geneva Conventions

31.07.2006 12:26

Obviously, some people have a very poor understanding of the Geneva Conventions, which apply during war. Whatever the provocation, civilian lives are paramount. Israel has a responsibility, as the beligerent responsible for the bombing, for all civilians in the area. Just because they are provoked by Hezbollah does not give them the right to indiscriminately bomb civilian areas. Saying that they have told people to leave makes absolutely no difference to their obligations as a state with membership of the UN, and a signatory to the Geneva Conventions.

This is quite apart from the fact that some people cannot leave because of lack of transport, the fact that Israel has destroyed many routes out trapping people, and that even civilian convoys have been targeted.

Whatever, Israel is wrong to blame anyone else for people they have killed, injured and displaced. Yes they have been provoked, and they do have a right to take military action to defend themselves. But the agreements are very clear - action has to be proportionate, and the aggressor has total responsibility for the civilian population, no matter what the provocation or military goals.

Mercury Kev

Spineless hack

31.07.2006 13:49

Melanie Phillips please fuck of back to the shit rag paper you write for.
On your way may i suggest you read " Thought Control in Democratic Societies" by Chomsky.
I wish you the most sincere luck in freeing yourself from the indoctrination you have been subjected to ,perhaps as a newspaper hack you may have contact details for John Pilger. i hope you can find the courage to drop him a line for a chat about real news.

Good bye


good luck!

31.07.2006 14:25

Good luck with your meeting.
I hope the direct action you all decide upon is inspired.
i guess people must show the STWC how to do things right.


Were Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon?

31.07.2006 14:39

After Qana, what next? The media constantly tells us that the current conflict started when 2 Israeli soldiers were kidnapped – in Israel. Have you seen these conflicting AP reports from the same journalist Joseph Panossian? Were the Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon and if so what was Israel doing there? Maybe Melanie Phillips knows?

Hezbollah Captures 2 Israeli Soldiers, Associated Press
By JOSEPH PANOSSIAN, 07.12.2006, 05:41 AM
The militant group Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers during clashes Wednesday across the border in southern Lebanon, prompting a swift reaction from Israel, which sent ground forces into its neighbor to look for them.
The Israeli military would not confirm the report.

By JOSEPH PANOSSIAN, Associated Press Writer
Wed Jul 12, 4:13 PM ET

BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hezbollah militants crossed into Israel on Wednesday and captured two Israeli soldiers. Israel responded in southern Lebanon with warplanes, tanks and gunboats, and said eight of its soldiers had been killed in the violence.

Also, here is a good piece from LA Indymedia:

Best as ever, Paul O’Hanlon (Edinburgh Stop the War)

PS Here is a round up of Lebanon solidarity demos around the world last weekend:

Paul O'Hanlon
mail e-mail:

Given Ms Phillip's decision to come and address us on Indymedia

31.07.2006 18:12

Would she care to answer the folowing four questions regarding the Qana attack?

1. Given that by Israels own addmission is a civilian militia and as such has no buildings or bases of its own wouldn't she agree that the desicion to locate in civilian areas is more down to the lack of a feasible alternative rather then a deliberate attempt to use civilians as human sheilds as Saddam Hussien did during the first gulf war?

2. As Israel itself has displayed surviellence videos of the building that was attacked showing a high degree of civilian activity does she not find hard to believe that Israel did not know that civilians were using that building?

3. As Israel has released videos shot from the weapon targeting systems of it's own aircraft of Hizbullah missiles being launched. Can she please explain why they chose to target the building itself rather then fulfilling its obligations under the Geneva convention and targeting the rocket launchers themselves?

4. Considering that in the Bosnian conflict the Bosnia Serbs often employed horrific attacks on Muslim civilians in order to scare them into running a way and therefore facilitate the ethnic cleansing of the region. Does she not find that Israels tactic of carpet bombing civilian areas coupled with leaflet drops urging people to leave and their decision to embed a UN representative within their high command in order to facilitate the removal of Muslims from the region to be erieely reminiscent of the Serbian tactics?

mail e-mail:

melanie phillips - cretin

31.07.2006 18:28

I suggest we leave our friend Mel's comment as an example of just how truly stupid and hysterical the Zionist/islamophobe movement is. Thank you Melanie, you shopwed us what a cretin you really are, now go back to the daily mail you stupid, racist old woman!


Not She of the Mail

31.07.2006 20:46

Oh come onnnn! Of course it isn't MP. What on earth would she be doing wasting her time coming here? She'll be too busy enjoying the trappings of being ohhh soo important somewhere in a trendy part of London dahling. It's just some twit pretending. Come on, we all do it sometimes.

Oh good grief!

MPIs a Hag

31.07.2006 21:52

If it is MP then she it a total bitch and needs to read by book " propaganda and control of the public mind" to educate herself.
And please Mr Blair stop.

Noam Chomsky

Melanie can't spell her own name

01.08.2006 00:26

`Melanie Philips` ? Or Melanie Phillips? (Her surname has two `L` s in it) Assuming she can spell her own name I think we have an impostor - is `Noam Chomsky` the real article?
What is real enough is the awful carnage in Lebanon - here's a dispatch from Dahr Jamail who is currently in Beirut:

Dahr Jamail | "Supporters of Hezbollah"
Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon announced, "All those in south Lebanon are
terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah. In order to prevent
casualties among Israeli soldiers battling Hezbollah militants in southern
Lebanon, villages should be flattened by the Israeli air force before ground
troops move in." Writing from Beirut, Dahr Jamail shows us these so called
"supporters of Hezbollah," in the hospitals of Sidon.

Stop the bombing now!

From the real Paul O'Hanlon.

Paul O'Hanlon
mail e-mail:

lead on OHanlon

01.08.2006 23:48

If you are the real Paul O'Hanlon then why haven't you your normal yellow text on the photo ?
Do you have any proposals how we could stop the bombing beyond just calling for it to be stopped ?
Does the SSP phrase 'We are not going to stand here passively, we are going to march to the parliament' not sound slightly weak now ?
