Government document details measures to combat peaceful campaigning
NETCU Watch | 30.07.2006 22:32 | Animal Liberation | Repression | World
Blair and co have released a diatribe against animal rights activists called “Protecting people from animal rights extremists: A progress report”.
This illustrates how much the present government detests anyone who questions it’s attack on liberty and on animals and the environment.
It also commends NETCU on arresting those who have held banners and handed out leaflets and just possibly has attempted to influence imminent trials. A reference is even made to how police are trying to eliminate letter writing campaigns and “pop-up” demos!
Writing a polite letter to Huntingdon Life Sciences asking them to desist from torturing innocent individuals is an action which is condemned by Tony Blair, thus he and his friends are openly attacking democracy.
It is the duty of all decent folk to seriously question ANYONE in public office who is attempting to lock up those who have peacefully protested and written polite letters regardless of views held on animal experimentation.
Even 'Pro-test' the pro vivisection pressure group appear uncomfortable with such assaults on civil liberties and of course anyone who wishes to peacefully protest or lobby on any issue could be at risk in the future.
Furthermore the government is stating by vilifying animal rights activists and condoning savage sentences that it regards actions (which at worst constitute property damage) as worse crimes than rape or child abuse.
We are outraged by this disgusting piece of pharma’ industry propaganda and condemn the failure of the government to answer our questions regarding what now constitutes legal protest against vivisection. A more detailed response will follow within the next few days.
You can access the “Protecting people from animal rights extremists: A progress report” document which is linked here
It also commends NETCU on arresting those who have held banners and handed out leaflets and just possibly has attempted to influence imminent trials. A reference is even made to how police are trying to eliminate letter writing campaigns and “pop-up” demos!
Writing a polite letter to Huntingdon Life Sciences asking them to desist from torturing innocent individuals is an action which is condemned by Tony Blair, thus he and his friends are openly attacking democracy.
It is the duty of all decent folk to seriously question ANYONE in public office who is attempting to lock up those who have peacefully protested and written polite letters regardless of views held on animal experimentation.
Even 'Pro-test' the pro vivisection pressure group appear uncomfortable with such assaults on civil liberties and of course anyone who wishes to peacefully protest or lobby on any issue could be at risk in the future.
Furthermore the government is stating by vilifying animal rights activists and condoning savage sentences that it regards actions (which at worst constitute property damage) as worse crimes than rape or child abuse.
We are outraged by this disgusting piece of pharma’ industry propaganda and condemn the failure of the government to answer our questions regarding what now constitutes legal protest against vivisection. A more detailed response will follow within the next few days.
You can access the “Protecting people from animal rights extremists: A progress report” document which is linked here
Hide the following 14 comments
1+1=reap what you sow
31.07.2006 00:55
Your worse than the animals you protect.
Well you know what they say
31.07.2006 02:00
the first poster is right...
31.07.2006 08:13
Michael Morris
The Tragedy Is
31.07.2006 10:28
By Doing the things they have SHAC have harmed not only the animal rights cause but the wider activist movement. It is time for those involved in animal rights to seriously examine their methods and to accept wider responsibility for the inevitable outcome of their activites.
Taboid and TV drones!
31.07.2006 11:09
The "grave robbery" was done by agent provoctuers of the State and the "research" industy,the people who the tabloid and tv media say confessed to it, "didn't."But it doesn't matter what the truth is because the "truth" is decided by the collective mainstream media who are a mouthpeice of their advertisers and owners.
You also set a hypothetical of animal rights activists "kidnapping children," which was inspired by the tabloid and tv media recently sensationalizing "animal rights activists target nursery" which implies by the word "target" that bombs were dropped and violence was done;but what was the reality? I think it was just a bunch of e-mails,letters and maybe a useless protest.
The first "Daily Mail" message,yes that would be you,are tv and tabloid embodying DRONE!
Think and question abit maybe your psychosis mind,will expand!
Fuck Tim and his dumb arguments
31.07.2006 12:15
Well fuckwit it means that your are the kind of people who are so low on the evolutionary scale that your are eating your own shit and fighting like dirty animals.
The "grave robbery" was done by agent provoctuers of the State and the "research" industy
Oh I see now its backfired on you it was someone elses fault, guess all the people you have victimised and who live in terror were some one elses fault as well.
See you never tried to deny the mindless violence that terrorises families across the country, I hope the police hunt you down like the rabid animal you are.
"Are the mice and beagle dogs and primates creating the nuclear weopens?" [sic]
31.07.2006 13:25
Great Ape
31.07.2006 13:49
I blame both your parents and your lazy sorry arsed selves for keeping yourselves in the dark when it comes to learning about universal harmony.
Try a little harder.
clean living
31.07.2006 13:53
that gay bashing animal sadist is back again
31.07.2006 17:39
I dislike animal rights extremism and have never taken part in any protest, however I do feel that vivisection is flawed and has catastrophic consequences for human health, the evidence for this is absolutely overwhelming and can only be denied by people who live in caves or who are plain stupid (Shaquila comes to mind again here!)
The facts about the negative consequences of animal research ought to be widely disseminated in the media so as to give anti vivisection proponents a fair and balanced hearing, not only the speakers but also the many doctors,surgeons and other medical people who oppose it but whose opinions are never given an airing in the (biased) media.
Two six dildo ought to reflect upon this fact as well as the fact that the New Labour Government promised in its election manifesto to undertake a royal commission into the scientific usefulness of vivisection (so called 'New Labout, New Life'), but when getting into power they broke that promise,and have subsequently thrown their weight and a lot of taxpayers' money behind the full support of the pharmaceutical companies. Why is that?
For Concerned
31.07.2006 23:53
The reason that they come under such pressure from the police and government is because of their success in achieving their aims rather because they have outraged public opinion. To say they should change their tactics to avoid coming under attack by the state is like saying that we should always avoid achieving our goals because once those goals have been achieved the state will retaliate.
for concerned and badger
01.08.2006 02:36
In contrast, animal rights "extremists" have killed nobody. Some people injured Brian Cass, an action that was quickly condemned by even the Animal Liberation Front, a group that is probably the most "extreme" in the movement. So far all the violence, the bashings, the killings and the deprivation of liberty has been against animal campaigners. At least 3 campaigners have been murdered to my knowledge. And in one particularly despicable operation, US surgical used a gullible, mentally unstable woman to gain sympathy for their cause. They had no interest in the suffering they would cause this mentally ill woman by having her locked up, any more than they had any sympathy for the animals they torture in the name of "science". There is no proof that the grave robbery was by vivisectors wanting to discredit the animal rights movement, but it would not surprise me if it turns out to be the case. Such unscrupulous behaviour is not above them, in the same way the sea is not above the clouds.
And that is only counting the violence against humans. When you consider all the terrorist attacks on defenseless animals who have never done them any harm, then it is quite obvious who the violent terrorist extremists really are. To me, one of the sickest things about vivisection is that vivisectors prefer pound animals (ie somebody's well loved pet) because they are easy to handle. In other words, these animals have learned to trust humans, and these sick perverts are deliberately betraying that trust.
Michael Morris
To Michael Morris (Dancer)
01.08.2006 10:14
To Dancer
07.08.2006 00:27
michael Morris