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Enlightening GW Congressional Hearing on C-span Last Night

messenger | 28.07.2006 19:16 | Ecology

At midnight last night, C-span aired a hearing that took place yesterday
in DC about global warming. They had four experts and scientists and one guy, Mr. Wegman (a government hack), who has been refuting the
scientist's work for years.

After allowing the scientists to explain that Mr. Wegman's
testimony was wrong in a very well done, point by point discussion, a republican Senator showed the hand of the republican mind-set. He stated in a slow diatribe that he doesn't see any sense in spending money to try to slow global warming when all the evidence indicates that it is going to occur and is occuring, whether caused by man's burning of fossil fuels or not.

That's what we are up against, people. They (the neo-cons) know very well that the earth is warming, but they want to spend the countries money on the illegal war in Iraq and forget about the environment. It makes perfect sense to these criminals......."we must have oil......Exxon says so......and they pay my bills".

It was poetic justice that this hearing happened on the day that Exon/Mobile announced a $10 BILLION quartely profit.......the most of any company...... EVER!

C-span will most likely re-air the hearing over the weekend.
