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Call for a motion of no confidence and a General Election NOW!

Matthew D Edwards | 28.07.2006 14:05

Sign our pledge ( or write directly to your MP ( to demand a vote of no confidence and a General Election.

The last time a motion of no confidence brought down a Government and brought up a General Election was 1979. Another democratic world is possible.

This campaign is non-partisan. We do not espouse that any particular party forms a new Government - we just urge, at the top of our lungs, at volume 11 through a megaphone in Parliament Square, that this current Government vacate the premises as quickly as possible.

Want the end of the New World Disorder? Enjoy the party - democracy's coming home!

Matthew D Edwards
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28.07.2006 16:44

Thats really going to work in changing the way things are going.....

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Sorry but..

28.07.2006 19:56

Mr Blair is busy at Bohemian Grove right now but he'll get back to you..

July, California

This catastrophe must end

28.07.2006 21:49

Dear Sir

This is the first time that I have written to something like the "Indymedia". However, I will sign the pledge. The current government is dangerous and out of control.
We cannot lose faith in the democratic process: we must strive to be all that we can be. Mr Blair has outlived any usefulness and must step aside. He is unwilling to go, so he must be voted out, by that same democratic process with which he came to power. He has become a liability for us all.

I pledge my complete support behind this campaign.

Yours truly

Gooli Berripte

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Hold 'Em To Account

31.07.2006 13:53

If you're interested in democratic accountability and your MP is a Blairite Sycophant, the attached website may be of interest. I urge you to use it - to reclaim democracy and hold 'em to account!

Power To The People
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