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Norwich demands Israel-Lebanon ceasefire

moreanon | 28.07.2006 10:52 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Cambridge

A packed meeting in Norwich last night (27th July) calls for the UK government to back immediate ceasefire in current Israel-Lebanon-Palestine conflict.


At a packed meeting at the Garage studios in Norwich on Thursday 27 July, people heard first hand accounts of the current sufferings of the people of Lebanon and Palestine, the historical background to current conflicts and political analysis of the UK government’s stance.

After two hours of discussion, the hundred people present decided to demand the UK Government back an immediate, unconditional ceasefire and support the formation of an effective peace-keeping force that could even handedly protect the Lebanese border and allow refugees to return home.

The meeting also expressed grave concern about uses of unacceptable weapons by the Israeli armed forces that constitute war crimes under international conventions.



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Noone asked me what I thought ...

28.07.2006 11:24

... and this is "reporting" à la North Korean regime's news agency. How does a small meeting of anti-semitic supporters of the "Palestinian Solidarity Campaign" (a detail you deliberately omitted from your report) represent the opinions of the population of Norwich at large?
Unsubstantiated bollocks about the IDF using "illegal" weapons as expected, yet deafening silence about the grave war crimes which Hezbollah are committing every single day, as a matter of routine i.e. abusing the Lebanese civilian population as human shields and indiscriminately firing hundreds of rockets at the civilian population of Northern Israel. But then to the PSC, Jews don't count as human beings. do they?

Alan Partridge

Six of one...

28.07.2006 13:57

...Half a dozen of the other.

I don't quite know where exactly the commentor above is coming from politically, but if they read the situation in a more pragmatic way, they'd realise that each side is as bad the other, each being provocative in their actions, with unarmed civialians in the middle on either side of the border.

However, it's worth pointing out that Israel has massively superior firepower, which is "probably" because they get not-so-covert Congress approved financial backing from the Zionists on Capitol Hill, and have done so since the formation of the current version of Israel (there have been a few down the centuries).

Basically, whichever you way you look at it, it's fundamentalists on both sides of the fence slugging it out, but the flames are being fanned quite considerably by external backers - the U.S. on Israel's side of the fence, with Saudi Arabia and Iran on the Palestinian/Lebanese side, each group equally entrenched in their views, convinced that they are 'right', and neither daring to swallow their false pride and accept compromise.

Playground politics, but with bombs.

However, none of this can ever justify bloodshed, so the sooner they stop playing with guns and and start talking to each other instead, the better for all of us, because the prospects of an international escalation of the conflict are far too scary to even think about.

Impartial Observer

Read the comments above, and then this

28.07.2006 18:18

Those of you that frequent true independent news sites (ie. not here) will have read about Israel's massive propaganda campaign across the net, deploying software to help automate racist spamming on behalf of Israeli CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

Now above, we have the BNP style ravings from a depraved racist posting under the nym 'Alan Partridge'. This racist posts the same message on this site under a different nym. The use of disposable nyms is a signature method of the crude racist spamming. Why? Because the REAL message is in the followup.

The second racist comment, and the more important, is from 'Impartial Observer'. Here the depraved moron even gives away his propaganda technique using the phrase I use to name this method- namely the SIX OF ONE AND HALF A DOZEN OF THE OTHER psyop.

This is the standard technique of the BBC, and Amnesty International. Namely equate the victim with the aggressor, and suggest that they are both as bad as each other. The entirety of the support that the nazis received during the early phase of their campaigns, from powerful forces in the UK and US, was entirely based on this BLACK PROPAGANDA method.

The above story illustrates how the state operates, in taking over the leadership of supposedly anti-government peace movements.

I have told you over and over again that the main anti-Blair, anti-war movements have been completely infiltrated by Blair's own people. I have explained that these people can be identified by their agenda.

1) they will seek to take leadership roles
2) they will seek to demand that protest action is as ineffective as possible
3) they will attack any group member that pushes for more effective and directed action.

BLAIR'S PEOPLE WILL DEMAND THAT NO EXPLICIT IMAGES OF BLAIR'S ATROCITIES ARE USED (how many of the images coming out of Lebanon have you seen on Indymedia UK?)

BLAIR'S PEOPLE WILL DEMAND THAT THE VICTIMS ARE ATTACKED AS LOUDLY AS THE AGGRESSORS. In the case of Lebanon, this means portraying the Israelis as victims, and insisting that the work done by Jack Straw in labelling EVERY muslim group of significance as 'terrorist' is maintained.

BLAIR'S PEOPLE WILL DEMAND THAT FIGHTING THE STATE-RUN DISTRACTION-OP, THE BNP, IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN FIGHTING TO STOP GENOCIDE IN GAZA, LEBANON, AND IRAN. (see the actions of 'pirate' on this site- an individual that directly links to the racist extremist self-styled pro-war 'left' movement of Straw, Reid, and Rice)


If you are taking in the news today, you have a duty to inform yourself of the common forms of propaganda used.


To Impartial Observer

29.07.2006 13:49

Both sides arent just as bad as eachother. While Hezbollah is responsible for the deaths of more Israeli soldiers than civilllians, and kidnapped 2 Israeli soldiers in lebanese territory, Israels attacks have resulted in more than 90% civillian casualty rate and the state of Israel has for years entered + occupied Palestinian and Lebanese Land; kidnapping and imprisoning hundreds of men women and children whilst holding them without charge. How can u say theyre both as bad with eachother?
