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large lebanon protest at downing street 5pm tomorrow

rikki | 27.07.2006 18:27 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Repression | London

stop the war coalition have called an emergency demonstration at downing street from 5pm - 7pm on friday 28th july

as it's a 'stop the war coalition' demo, they will have kowtowed to the police and notified and authorised it, so there will be no risk of arrest if you follow police instructions, stay in any 'free protest zone' barriers, and leave nicely at the end of it.

the demo is calling for an unconditional ceasefire now, and people are urged to sign a letter to tony blair - (that should do the trick!) - which is available on the stop the war website.

anyone moving outside the barriers, attempting to cross the road to the gates of downing street itself, or in any other way demonstrating their frustration at the lying genocidal bastards who are responsible for the current outrage, will of course risk arrest, a possible beating at the hands of the met, fines and imprisonment.

all are welcome.
