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Lebanon/Israel Ceasfire or Catastrophe?

peter offord | 26.07.2006 16:44 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism

Puyblic meeting -Norwich

Emergency Public Meeting and Press Conference on the Lebanese/ Israeli Conflict.

Lebanon/Israel- 'Ceasefire or Catastrophe'

More than 350 Lebanese civilians dead at the hands of Israeli bombs

At least 18 Israeli civilians dead at the hands of Hezbollah rockets

The US and UK blame Syria and Iran

Most Middle Easterners blame Israel

What is going on and how can we end the humanitarian disaster evolving in the Middle East?

Public meeting and discussion with:

Dr Ian Gibson MP- Dr Nicola Pratt (UEA), Naji Malak (Lebanon) and a Green Party Councillor

Venue: Studio 2, The Garage, 14.Chapelfield North,

Norwich NR2 1RY.

Thursday 27th July, 7 pm - 9 pm

Nearest parking: The Forum and Chapelfield

Details phone Peter Offord for Norwich Stop the War Coalition 07757 752 485

Nicola Pratt phone 07771-735613

peter offord
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Remember- the Green Party are anti-muslim racists

26.07.2006 17:54

Whenever you think 'Green Party', you had better make yourself aware of one or two facts.

-The Green Party is the party of Peter Tatchell, head of the extremist, pro-Blair, pro-Iran-war organisation Outrage. Race hate propaganda from Outrage appears on Indymedia UK on a regular basis, most recently with the contact details of an individual infamous for posting depraved race-hate propaganda against muslims on one of the internet's nazi-style anti-muslim sites (styles itself as pro-war left).

-The most powerful Green Party (and effective head of Green Party politics in Europe) is the German Green Party. The head of this party DEMANDED that 'valley of the wolves', a fictional Turkish movie portraying brave muslim action against US invaders in Iraq, was banned from Germany. The German Green Party stands with Merkel in her desire to see growing aggressive wars against muslims nations across the globe.

You will notice that the above press release minimises Israeli atrocities by refering ONLY to casualty figures (which are false, by the way, far more than 400 Lebanese have been murdered). Now, compare with anti-Serb propaganda during the Kosovo war. Despite the fact that the West had proof of very few Kosovo civilian deaths, the Serbs were portrayed as worse than nazis (which they deserved during the Bosnia war, but NOT Kosovo), because of their 'other' activities, including the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Kosovo citizens (a displacement actually due to NATO bombing).

Anyway, the true story of Lebanon is that Israeli atrocities have turned the whole of that nation into a DEATH CAMP. Every means of sustaining life, or collecting evidence of Israeli CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, is being destroyed.

Today, the Israelis also bombed the largest glass-bottling factory in the country, so the supply of fresh milk and juice will run out in a couple days.


When the racists debate Israeli atrocities in Gaza and Lebanon by attempting to show that Israel is also a victim, they are like people praising a rapist, because the rapist's victim managed to scratch his face during his attack.

Ian Gibson is a senior operator in Blair's New Reich Party. He boasts of having assisted (directly) in interrogations in Blair's rape and torture camps in post-invasion Iraq.

Nicola Pratt is a propagandist on behalf of Blair's supreme war crime, aggressive war in Iraq. She pushes the meme (as seen previously used in Afghanistan) that Blair invaded to improve the lives of women in Iraq (a nation that prior to Blair's genocidal attack, was a secular paradise for women compared to other Middle-East states).

As for Mr 'alternative medicine', well all I'll say is that traditionally, secret services target people who offer mystical or new-age therapies/advice to influential people of interest. The 'RASPUTIN EFFECT' has never gone away.

Once again so-called stop-the-war ends up looking more like START-THE-WAR.


Over throw The Extremists - Regime Change in Israel

26.07.2006 19:11

The only real way to end this is for the Israeli People to understand that their seats of power are currently occupied (and have been for decades) by violent Extremists, who act of their own self-interest alone. Once this Enemy has been acknowledged, it is up to Jews everywhere to demand Regime Change of their own - as this is a criminal, terrorist Regime, different from others only in that it is more violent, and that because of its willingness to shelter itself behind the Jewish Community - and Antisemitic Act if there ever was one - and reinvent Israel as a state for People of Consience, who will accept the past sins of its Extremists, and attempt to make amends.

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation