CIA/Plame/Robert Ellman Spied on Iran Nukes, Ellmann Recants
Richard Topham | 25.07.2006 06:35 | Globalisation | Repression | London
The other foot has dropped. Former CIA officer Jean Edwards has her resume -- including stints at the CIA and Valerie Plame's Brewster Jennings -- published on, and purported whistleblower Wayne Madsen writes a column (last week) saying the resume was a forgery. Now, comes lawyer Robert Ellmann, whose resume also appeared on, with his own version of cover. Ellmann says he had a friend post it on the Internet as hoax!
Ellmann admits he is a liar, so before looking at his blog attempt to recant on his resume, let's look at some facts about Robert Lawrence Ellmann, ex-associate of the famed Valerie Plame at the alleged CIA front company Brewster-Jennings Associates.
Two spies documented on Cryptome, two ways to cover: Ellmann's cover is slightly more clever. Also, there is less evidence on him that is beyond his control than there is on Edwards (she is on attendee lists at conferences at an IAEC (International Atomic Energy Commission) institute in Trieste, Italy, lists she doesn't control).
Ellmann's cover is a little suspect. For one thing, why is a Detroit lawyer in the Czech Republic making phantasmagorical films subsidized by the Czech state TV? One of his films, "Fiction," is about a real-life mad scientist, Steve Preisler of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Preisler is a real chemist who, under the name "Uncle Fester," publishes how-to books about making your own crystal meth or nerve gas - a WMD. How does Preisler get away with it?
Now consider Robert Ellman's resume at . Note what he was doing for a few years prior to 1996:
1993-1996 Eastern European University Teaching Project
Lecturer in Economics and Professor in law for Yale University based project
1992-1996 Brewster-Jennings & Associates Boston, USA
Contract administration
Ellmann's blog now says the Brewster-Jennings & Associates reference was a phony, a plant, a hoax. Of course, the blog also says he is a liar.
Ellmann now refuses to confirm the Yale University teaching project in Eastern Europe (coinciding with the Brewster Jennings stint). So does Yale. His uncle, the famous biographer Richard Ellmann, was a student there for eight years and taught there for three years. The elder Ellmann also was a spy for the predecessor of the CIA. The CIA and Yale have had a close connection for over 60 years.
ELLMANN'S NEXT PROJECT "Czech uranium and the Cold War, editor, 2006"
Brewster Jennings was supposedly active in counterproliferation beginning in the early 1990s, trying to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and materials. The book or report he is supposed to be editing does relate to uranium. One of the reasons Brewster Jennings was created was to prevent unanium and plutonium from nuclear weapons and decommissioned power plants in the Soviet empire, which was collapsing at the time, from falling into the hands of states and terrorists trying to obtain materials for nuclear weapons and dirty bombs.
According to the former NSA spy-agency analyst Wayne Madsen, the outing of Valerie Plame by Dick Cheney aide I. Lewis Libby (a member of the Israel Lobby) was not to get Plame so much as to stop the CIA's Brewster Jennings operation. Madsen says the CIA through Brewster Jennings was buying up Russian uranium and plutonium on the black market in Eastern Europe to keep them out of the wrong hands.
"October 25, 2005 -- Libby and Cheney links to global weapons smuggling cartel resulted in exposure of Brewster Jennings and Associates non official cover (NOC) network. CIA Leakgate also tied to AIPAC probe. CIA sources familiar with the Brewster Jennings and Associates NOC operation that worked for some ten years to counter the proliferation of nuclear weapons claim that the operation's cover was partially blown because of its success at removing Soviet era nuclear weaponry and materials such as high grade plutonium from the international weapons smuggling market.
Brewster Jennings and the CIA Directorate of Operations Counter Proliferation Division (CPD) had established a program to purchase a range of nuclear weapons components, including Inter-continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) parts, nuclear warhead nose cones, and high grade plutonium and uranium bomb cores from Russian sources who were also selling to members of Russian Mafia networks who were, in turn, selling to the A. Q. Khan network in Pakistan and other WMD smuggling operations." [END QUOTE]
Robert Ellmann's resume at age 40 includes this entry:
1996-2002 Vana, Pergl & Partners Prague, Czech Republic
Attorney - counsel on deals in excess of USD 50,000,000.00
The resume at age 41 has a similar entry:
1996- 2002 Vana, Pergl & Partners Prague, CZ
Attorney in national and international cases and negotiations and for US import deals in excess of USD $14,000,000 ....
Apparently Ellman had arranged "US import deals" for many millions of dollars, according to his resumes. This activity seems strange for a lawyer in the Czech republic. It is possible, however, that what was being imported was contraband uranium and plutonium, for Brewster Jennings and the CIA, to get them off the black market in Eastern Europe.
Libby and the neocons may have deliberately blown this antiproliferation activity. According to Madsen that was done in cooperation with Israel to put WMD -- not enough to be a serious threat to Israel -- into the hands of Iran and other Muslim states to give an excuse to war on them.
Ellmann's uncle, Richard Ellmann, the biographer, was an OSS spy in London for three years during World War II. The man was famous as a literary light, and the OSS detail is well known. The OSS was of course the predecessor of the CIA. The great biographer died at Oxford in 1987.
The obituary of Robert Ellmann's father shows that the famous Richard was Robert's uncle. Go to the long obituary list at and do an Edit-Find for Ellmann. Note it calls spy Robert's father the "brother of Erwin (Stephanie) Ellmann and the late Richard Ellmann" (biographer and OSS spy).
Also, Robert was at Oxford when his uncle died there and he has participated as a "bi-annual/family representative in Richard Ellmann Lectures at Emory University," according to one of his websites. Maybe Robert got the idea of his "hoax" from his association with his famous spy uncle. Robert's blog expesses a knowledge that CIA pensions are lucrative (they are hush money). Maybe he got that from his uncle. The folks at Emory in Atlanta can certainly verify Robert's devotion to his uncle.
Note that Robert Ellmann was at Oxford in England when his famous uncle died there in 1987
1986 - 1987 Oxford University UK
Visiting Student - Economics, offered admission to PPE
A final example of Robert's obsession with the spy/biographer is his editorship of his uncle's book:
Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellmann, editor, 1987
Robert Ellman, in his blog at , now claims that the Brewster Jennings references on his resumes were part of a hoax. It is all, he says an internet research project to test "efficient market" theories about the effects of investor knowledge on markets. He promises a Phase 2 of the project with these words:
"It will further examine the internet as an information mechanism available for ab-use, and the ethics of the same - that last part being a real laugh, I know, coming from a liar like me."
That alone makes the disavowal suspect.
To raise the ante for Phase 2, I call on Robert to put his resume back up, clearly marked as a hoax. Dare you, Robert. I wonder if you will even dare to keep your blog post up:
There is no proof one way or the other on Ellmann's resume (Jean Edwards' is a different matter), but I think it is likely that he was observing criminal activities relating to Russian uranium, one way or another. I hope he really was doing it for the legitimate interests of the U.S. instead of someone else.
Two spies documented on Cryptome, two ways to cover: Ellmann's cover is slightly more clever. Also, there is less evidence on him that is beyond his control than there is on Edwards (she is on attendee lists at conferences at an IAEC (International Atomic Energy Commission) institute in Trieste, Italy, lists she doesn't control).
Ellmann's cover is a little suspect. For one thing, why is a Detroit lawyer in the Czech Republic making phantasmagorical films subsidized by the Czech state TV? One of his films, "Fiction," is about a real-life mad scientist, Steve Preisler of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Now consider Robert Ellman's resume at

1993-1996 Eastern European University Teaching Project
Lecturer in Economics and Professor in law for Yale University based project
1992-1996 Brewster-Jennings & Associates Boston, USA
Contract administration
Ellmann's blog now says the Brewster-Jennings & Associates reference was a phony, a plant, a hoax. Of course, the blog also says he is a liar.
Ellmann now refuses to confirm the Yale University teaching project in Eastern Europe (coinciding with the Brewster Jennings stint). So does Yale. His uncle, the famous biographer Richard Ellmann, was a student there for eight years and taught there for three years. The elder Ellmann also was a spy for the predecessor of the CIA. The CIA and Yale have had a close connection for over 60 years.

ELLMANN'S NEXT PROJECT "Czech uranium and the Cold War, editor, 2006"
Brewster Jennings was supposedly active in counterproliferation beginning in the early 1990s, trying to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and materials. The book or report he is supposed to be editing does relate to uranium. One of the reasons Brewster Jennings was created was to prevent unanium and plutonium from nuclear weapons and decommissioned power plants in the Soviet empire, which was collapsing at the time, from falling into the hands of states and terrorists trying to obtain materials for nuclear weapons and dirty bombs.
According to the former NSA spy-agency analyst Wayne Madsen, the outing of Valerie Plame by Dick Cheney aide I. Lewis Libby (a member of the Israel Lobby) was not to get Plame so much as to stop the CIA's Brewster Jennings operation. Madsen says the CIA through Brewster Jennings was buying up Russian uranium and plutonium on the black market in Eastern Europe to keep them out of the wrong hands.
"October 25, 2005 -- Libby and Cheney links to global weapons smuggling cartel resulted in exposure of Brewster Jennings and Associates non official cover (NOC) network. CIA Leakgate also tied to AIPAC probe. CIA sources familiar with the Brewster Jennings and Associates NOC operation that worked for some ten years to counter the proliferation of nuclear weapons claim that the operation's cover was partially blown because of its success at removing Soviet era nuclear weaponry and materials such as high grade plutonium from the international weapons smuggling market.
Brewster Jennings and the CIA Directorate of Operations Counter Proliferation Division (CPD) had established a program to purchase a range of nuclear weapons components, including Inter-continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) parts, nuclear warhead nose cones, and high grade plutonium and uranium bomb cores from Russian sources who were also selling to members of Russian Mafia networks who were, in turn, selling to the A. Q. Khan network in Pakistan and other WMD smuggling operations." [END QUOTE]

Robert Ellmann's resume at age 40

1996-2002 Vana, Pergl & Partners Prague, Czech Republic
Attorney - counsel on deals in excess of USD 50,000,000.00
The resume at age 41

1996- 2002 Vana, Pergl & Partners Prague, CZ
Attorney in national and international cases and negotiations and for US import deals in excess of USD $14,000,000 ....
Apparently Ellman had arranged "US import deals" for many millions of dollars, according to his resumes. This activity seems strange for a lawyer in the Czech republic. It is possible, however, that what was being imported was contraband uranium and plutonium, for Brewster Jennings and the CIA, to get them off the black market in Eastern Europe.
Libby and the neocons may have deliberately blown this antiproliferation activity. According to Madsen that was done in cooperation with Israel to put WMD -- not enough to be a serious threat to Israel -- into the hands of Iran and other Muslim states to give an excuse to war on them.
Ellmann's uncle, Richard Ellmann, the biographer, was an OSS spy in London for three years during World War II. The man was famous as a literary light, and the OSS detail is well known.

The obituary of Robert Ellmann's father shows that the famous Richard was Robert's uncle. Go to the long obituary list at

Also, Robert was at Oxford when his uncle died there and he has participated as a "bi-annual/family representative in Richard Ellmann Lectures at Emory University," according to one of his websites. Maybe Robert got the idea of his "hoax" from his association with his famous spy uncle. Robert's blog expesses a knowledge that CIA pensions are lucrative (they are hush money). Maybe he got that from his uncle. The folks at Emory in Atlanta can certainly verify Robert's devotion to his uncle.
Note that Robert Ellmann was at Oxford in England when his famous uncle died there in 1987
1986 - 1987 Oxford University UK
Visiting Student - Economics, offered admission to PPE
A final example of Robert's obsession with the spy/biographer is his editorship of his uncle's book:
Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellmann, editor, 1987
Robert Ellman, in his blog at

"It will further examine the internet as an information mechanism available for ab-use, and the ethics of the same - that last part being a real laugh, I know, coming from a liar like me."
That alone makes the disavowal suspect.
To raise the ante for Phase 2, I call on Robert to put his resume back up, clearly marked as a hoax. Dare you, Robert. I wonder if you will even dare to keep your blog post up:

There is no proof one way or the other on Ellmann's resume (Jean Edwards' is a different matter), but I think it is likely that he was observing criminal activities relating to Russian uranium, one way or another. I hope he really was doing it for the legitimate interests of the U.S. instead of someone else.
Richard Topham
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