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Every civilian death is a tragedy, but some are more tragic than others.

jackslucid | 24.07.2006 19:30 | Lebanon War 2006 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism

A leading zionist legal expert muses on special and chosen victims:
"These differences and others are conflated within the increasingly meaningless word "civilian" — a word that carried great significance when uniformed armies fought other uniformed armies on battlefields far from civilian population centers. Today this same word equates the truly innocent with guilty accessories to terrorism."
Alan Dershowitz

... the bigger picture ...
... the bigger picture ...,0,7685210.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail

It's right disgusting.

I'll bet he doesn't equate sending of family members to military service in the idf ...or ... working in a tank factory in haifa ... with the 'guilt' of working in a Hezbolla funded school.

Hezbolla 'hides' in the civilian popualtion by being the population! Those who survive due to the tireless activities of Hezbolla are 'giving succor to the terrorists' ... israelis just 'pay their taxes' (as if they could survive off that ... $23000 each is what the usa pays).

This guy is screwed up ... but at least his open about it (and "an expert in both roman and noidic law" he says ... !!!)

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an aAerican justification for genocide

24.07.2006 21:31

Its a fact that the majority of Israeli citizens participate in the IDF in one capacity or another. The majority of Lebonese do not participate in Hesbollah .

Its a fact that the bombing of Lebanon and Gaza has killed several times more children and old people than the attacks by Hesbollah or the PRC's on Israel have killed children or old people there.

Its a fact that Israel has stated that it will kill ten people for every Israeli killed.

Its a fact that after the last prisoner swap Israeli did not keep its side of the bargain and did not release all the prisoners it agreed to release and Hesbollah gave warning reserved the right to take further prisoners in order to gain the release of these prisoners in Israel.

Its a fact that Israel was aware of the fact that a Gaza Palestinian operation was planned to take prisoners and yet Israel somehow failed to stop it happening.

Its a fact that Israel (the 'only democrarcy in the middle east' ) has taken Prisoner most of the elected representatives of the Palestinian Authority and imposed inhuman blockades of both Israel and Lebanon creating a humanitarian catastrophe.

Its a fact that the US Govt support for Israeli war crimes in Lebanon and Gaza makes them complicit in those war crimes.

Its a fact that the all Lebonese people have an inalienable right to use force to resist the invasion of a foreign military aggressor.

It is a fact that despite our own legal system attempting to silence words of support for this resistance with new powers aimed at the suppression of its 'glorification' we are obligated to speak up in support of those who take up arms against this monstrous invasion and mass murder.
