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Photos - Stop the War on Lebanon Demo - Manchester 22nd July

Richard Searle | 22.07.2006 19:10 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism

Photos from Stop the War on Lebanon demo
Manchester 22nd July
March from the BBC to rally in Albert Square
2000 attended

Larger selection of photos from demo on

Richard Searle
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SWP Political Fashists

23.07.2006 09:25

As per xxking usual the swp rabble are at the front of a demo with a steward bib on!!

Searle is the mst prolific political bandwaggoner I have ever seen

Uncle Joe


24.07.2006 04:03

I believe that's spelt 'fascists'.

Uncle Adolf

melling spistakes

24.07.2006 16:56

STW or is that spelt respect, but surely that’s spelt SWP?

The original poster did have a point I’ve seen this particular tosser try to get to the front of several ‘demo’s’ then lo and behold the next thing the dipstick has a copy of some shitty little paper in his hand.

– I note that the only contra view is to correct his spilling (te he) mistake. You should pick fault with the point not point out some shitty little spelling mistake.
