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Adam Johannes, Secretary, Cardiff Stop the War Coalition | 21.07.2006 19:53 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism

All-Wales March for Peace and Justice in the Middle East:

Saturday 29 July, Assemble 1 pm
Cathays Park (opposite City Hall/National Museum)

Last week, Bush and Blair prevented world leaders from calling for a ceasefire in the Middle East, instead they have allowed Israel to inflict collective punishment on the people of Gaza & Lebanon and commit crimes against humanity.

In Lebanon, a whole country torn to shreds:

* More than 300 civilians killed
* 500,000 people have fled their homes
* All major roads, 55 bridges and 7 airports destroyed, no supplies reaching many areas
* Hospitals, apartment buildings, churches, mosques, factories, petrol stations bombed,
* Lebanon's largest dairy farm, pharmaceutical factories, food supply depots destoryed
* Desperate need for water, medicines and sanitation for those fleeing Israel's bombardment.

Israel says that all this is justified because 2 Israeli soldiers have been taken prisoner, willfully forgeting that over 9,000 Palestinians & Lebanese are held captive in Israeli prisons, many without any criminal charges being made.

Emergency demonstration called by Stop the War Coalition groups in South Wales. Supported by Palestine Solidarity Cymru, Palestinian Society of Wales and many other organisations and individuals. To add your name or organisation to the list of supporters e-mail

Please publicise this demo to as many people as possible - as soon as possible!


ANDREW COOMBES, evacuated from Lebanon by the British embassy this week will give an eyewitness report of Israeli brutality. Read Andrew's online account of Israel's destruction of Lebanon on the BBC website:

Other speakers:

ZAHERA HARB, Lebanese journalist who reported on Israel's massacre in Qana, in South Lebanon, in 1996, and is currently researching the media war between Israel & Lebanon.

MOHAMMED ISSA, Palestinian doctor from Gaza.

JONNY JONES, President of Swansea University Stop the War Group.

Tuesday 25 July at 7 pm
Riverside Community Centre
Brunel Street (off Ninian Park Road)

Adam Johannes, Secretary, Cardiff Stop the War Coalition
- e-mail:


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All Welsh activists are ZIO-NAZI racist filth financed by Israeli drag acts

22.07.2006 18:29

Cymedithas yr Iaith, Plaid Cymru, the Welsh Labour Party, Gwent Anarchists, the Welsh Communist Party and CND Cymru are all secretly financed by the racist filth operating in Tel Aviv who are trying to DERAIL the great coming of the true revolutionary PURE regime in Tehran. Like all minorty and democratic ZIONAZI groups, the Welsh language will be DESTOYED, CRUSHED by the great true revolutionary group Fathers4Justice, who will destory the Jewish-homosexual-vegetarian-secular-Train Spotting conspiracy that I KNOW is organising the WORLD, especially INDYEMDIA - ZioNazi racist FILTH - from a vegan squat in Chester, where FALSE REVOLUTIONARIES such as Annie Sprinkle - a zionist Stooge - preach their racist FILTH to an audience of WOMEN. Imagine that - nngghgh! women. How terrible.


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