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Stop Guardian reviving Salman Rushdie backing Monica Ali attack on community

The Author / CDCEEL 2006 | 21.07.2006 09:40 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Indymedia | London | World

What or which is the single most pernicious ‘mainstream British media factory’ for legitimising racist falsification? It is not the London Daily Mail. We know that is what the Daily Mail wants to do. It is the Guardian which denies the accusation but does it daily. Closer examination of the Guardian’s staff composition shows that more of them follow the agenda of the racist Daily mail than would admit to doing. The Guardian’s latest crusade against the community in the East End of London has brought to the fore the latest version of a pro-racist phantom image which the Guardian then uses as the tool to enable the likes of Salman Rushdie to get back to doing what they are paid and given platform to do – justify racism under any pretext at any time. The community has been defamed by the likes of the Guardian for more than 50 years in the Eats End of London. Now they are resuming that assault via their composite

Salman Rushdie's recruitment [Guardian letters, Thursday 20 July 2006] by the Guardian in a new version of the attack on the community in the East End of London merely confims the existence of the agenda of racist vilification which the so-called liberal Guardian has been party to throughout the past 56 years.

And nowhere is this Guardian racism more explicit than in the fact that the news organisation deliberately created a phantom entity it has now sought to use to give the plausible pretext to Salam Rushdie et all to mount their latest attack on the image of the people concerned.

The Guardian was given the full set of facts and the opportunity prior to its publishing any of the racist attack pieces against the community. But the Guardian repeatedly failed to speak to the campaign and misrepresented and misquoted the campaign and falsified the statement and its impact.

The campaign organiser had issued the detailed reasoning and constitutional arguments against the latest bid to use Monica Ali to justify the new attack on the community.

The Guardian chose to ignore the facts and went ahead to publish the lies that it published on 17-18 and 20 July 2006.

The Campaign against the Defamation of the Community in the East End of London today [Friday 21 July 2006] announces the next programme of actions it is taking to defend the embattled area from the organised attacks by big business forces that are operating in accordance with the socially exclusive and racist agenda to undermine the legitimacy of the community. Those forces are doing this by defaming the community, by vilifying it and by using all manner of tokens so that the area is ripe for the takeover that the agenda has been set up to facilitate.

The community is real as is the community’s right to take what legitimate and lawful actions are appropriate to defend itself

Those actions include the options to put the facts on the record and to warn all concerned against the operation of phantom entities that are foisted on the community as part of a ploy to show the community in worse light than would be the case if the community’ real concerns were given the space and the platform that have been denied us by the Guardian and by the others who have ignorantly imitated the racist lies and fabrications propagated by the Guardian.

The Campaign against Defamation of Community in the East End of London has been collecting signatures to the campaign petition which can be accessed by following the link below

The Author / CDCEEL 2006
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Display the following 22 comments

  1. Web page link address — The Author / CDCEEL 2006
  2. Could you spell out exactly what your objections to Ali's book are? — Curious
  3. Campaign reasons against the 'Monica Ali' ' book' attack on the East End — The Author / CDCEEL 2006
  4. Bonkers — Norville B
  5. An additional point — Norville B
  6. To the Guardian-backing ‘Bonkers' - YOU get a grip! THINK! — ©The Author / CDCEEL / CBRUK 2006
  7. village idiot — kabir
  8. 'Kabir' has proved the case against the 'Monica Ali' 'book' 'film' & their lies — The East London Villager
  9. use of commas — kabir
  10. Camapgn against the Defamation of the Community in the East End of London — The Author / CDCEEL 2006
  11. Monica Ali 'book' ''Brick Lane' was tool for political violations, — The Author / CDCEEL 2006
  12. Campaign against 'Monica Ali book film' widens from East London — Campaign Against the Defamation of the Community in the East End of London
  13. Clarification — Norville B
  14. reply to village idiot aka "author' — Kabir
  15. Every community has the right to defend itself. That is the first word — Webseer
  16. Campaign statmen against Monica Ali 'book' - CORRECT web address for access — CDCEEL
  17. East End initiates UK-wide education programme on 'literature' — The Author / CDCEEL 2006
  18. death of the author — kabir
  19. 'Kabir' - we offer donation for its treatment — The Finance Secretary, CDCEEL
  20. You've still not answered — Norville B
  21. Crossrail collusions confession by Tower Hamlets Council — ©CBRUK2006
  22. Guardian invents Brick Lane phantom book burner to suppress truth — guardian - an observer