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Yorkshire MEPs Remain Reticent on the Yorkshire Ripper Cover-Up

Peter Newman | 20.07.2006 22:47 | Repression | Social Struggles | Sheffield

While awareness continues to spread among the general public that something is horribly wrong with the Yorkshire Ripper case, the region's representatives in the European Parliament remain strangely bashful and reticent on this vital life-or-death issue.

For the information of everybody in Yorkshire and everybody who takes
an interest in legal / police matters in England, the following are
copies of my two recent emails to the members of the European
Parliament for Yorkshire.

We've had twenty-five years of pretending and running scared on the
Yorkshire Ripper case.

It's time we had the guts to straighten this thing out now.

-Peter Newman, Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Copy of email dated 20 July 2006, to Yorkshire MEPs
, , , , ,

Mesdames et Messieurs,

I append below a copy of my email of 4 June 2006 addressed to
MEPs for Yorkshire. No reply has been received, apart from a
note from Mr Edward McMillan-Scott MEP stating that he is
referring the matter to his fellow Conservative MEP for
Yorkshire, Mr Timothy Kirkhope MEP, because Mr Kirkhope is
party spokesman for matters of this nature.

The Yorkshire Ripper cover-up is the ultimate 'hot potato,'
meaning nobody wants to touch it. It's too embarrassing. The
current fiasco regarding the cover-up of the Jean Charles de
Menezes case by the Metropolitan Police is alerting many more
people in this country to the realities of how police forces
operate. As Noel O'Gara said to me a long time ago:
"The police exist to benefit themselves."
The Yorkshire Ripper cover-up is infinitely worse than the de
Menezes case, because it was not a mistake, it was a cold,
calculated decision by senior offiers of the West Yorkshire
Police in 1981, viz. Ronald Gregory, Jim Hobson, Dick Holland
and George Oldfield (the last one reluctantly
- see the expression on Mr Oldfield's face at that infamous
press conference following Peter Sutcliffe's arrest) .... what
I started to say is that they were not making a mistake, but a
calculated decision to leave the real Yorkshire Ripper free to
go on killing women in England, by pretending that Peter
Sutcliffe committed all of the Yorkshire Ripper killings......
the implications are mind-bollgling....
National politicians are running away from this issue, although
the truth is spreading relentlessly via the internet and
through Mr O'Gara's advertisements. The present state of
affairs is not helping anybody. It is further destroying what
was left of any trust we had in the English police.
Perhaps the MEPs for Yorkshire, with their wider perspective,
will have the insight and the courage to confront this
difficult case.
At the very least, I would like to see MEPs pressuring the Home
Office into establishing beyond doubt, with believable
independent verification, what Peter Sutcliffe's blood type is.
If Peter Sutcliffe's blood type is proved beyond doubt to be
other than B, we can take it from there.

As your constituent, with a wife and daughter endangered by
corrupt West Yorkshire Police who left the Yorkshire Ripper
free to go on killing, I have the right to ask the MEPs for
this region to take action on this sad and highly embarrassing


-Peter Newman, Harrogate, North Yorkshire;
Telephone 01423-546746

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:]
Sent: 04 June 2006 18:59
To: , , , , ,


1. Linda McAvan MEP Labour Party
45 Ashfurlong Road
S17 3NL
Tel: (01709) 875665
2. Timothy John Robert Kirkhope MEP, Conservative Party
Beechwood Farm
North Yorkshire
Tel: (01937) 574649
3. Diana Paulette Wallis MEP, Liberal Democrats
1 Stratton Park
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU14 3NN
Tel: (01482) 609943
4. Godfrey William Bloom UK MEP, Independence Party
108 Main Street
Near Selby
North Yorkshire
Tel: (01757) 630116
5. Richard Graham Corbett MEP, Labour Party
22 William Henry Street
BD18 4PP
Tel: (0113) 2458978
6. Edward Hugh Christian McMillan-Scott MEP, Conservative Party
Wick House Farm
WR10 3NU
Tel: (01937) 842157


Mesdames et Messieurs;

I am respectfully writing to you as members of the European
for Yorkshire, to inform you of an unprecedented police
scandal which is about to become known generally and will make
all over the world.

You will probably be surprised to hear that this refers to the
case of
the Yorkshire Ripper, referring to a series of brutal murders
of women
which terrorised the north of England during 1975-1980. The
public have been brainwashed through the media to imagine that
Sutcliffe is the Yorkshire Ripper. I have to inform you,
Mesdames et
Messieurs, that Peter Sutcliffe is NOT the Yorkshire Ripper and
that the
West Yorkshire Police made a conscious decision to pretend that
Sutcliffe is the Yorkshire Ripper and to allow the REAL
Yorkshire Ripper
to go free to continue killing, which he did, as the record

I understand that you are busy, so I am trying to be brief;
there is so much to say that one has to try to fit in the major
facts of
this amazing case of deliberate deception on a grand scale by
the West
Yorkshire Police.

A major debate is now raging on the internet regarding the
Ripper cover up. There are a number of dedicated and
intelligent and
competent activists who are committed to breaking the
silence which has shrouded this scandal for the past twenty-
five years.
We are not going to stop and this case is about to break
through the
barrier of police corruption and media silence, to become major
news all over the world.

A case under the Human Rights Act is going to be brought
against the
West Yorkshire Police, the Home Office and Lady Thatcher (who
had a role
in forcing the cover up, and had ultimate responsibility as
minister of the day), on the ground that the said respondents
violated the right to life of every woman in England by
participating or
acquiescing in the phoney Peter Sutcliffe trial and allowing
the REAL
Yorkshire Ripper to go free to continue killing women in
England, which
he did, as the record shows.

As Yorkshire MEPs, you have the right to be informed of this
development, Mesdames et Messieurs, as you may wish to
demonstrate to
your constitutents that you have taken an interest in this
police corruption scandal, not only when you were forced to do
so as the
story breaks all over the world, but when you were initially
about it and had the opportunity to show that you care NOW
about those
unfortunate women constituents of yours who were murdered by
the REAL
Yorkshire Ripper AFTER the phoney Peter Sutcliffe trial in
1981, and
their grieving families, women who were refused protection by
corrupt senior officers of the West Yorkshire Police who
allowed the
REAL Yorkshire Ripper to go free to continue murdering your

I will finish by referring you to some helpful links:


I am
your constituent,
with a wife and daughter still endangered by the REAL Yorkshire
because of corrupt West Yorkshire Police,
who are culpable and complicit and are accessories in the
murders by the
REAL Yorkshire Ripper after the phoney Peter Sutcliffe trial;
from: Peter Newman, Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Telephone 01423-546746

Peter Newman


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Wot no Helliwell

21.07.2006 08:59

So how come Keith Helliwell, Blair's great "Drugs Tzar" and the man who couldn't catch the Yorkshire Ripper, Sutcliffe or not, isn't involved?

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peter sutcliffe is the yorkshire ripper

21.07.2006 09:06

last december i met and spoke in some detail with a former psychiatric nurse who in a professional capacity regularly visited sutcliffe in prision around 1988/89.from all the evidence and the history of the case and these conversations i had with *mrs X iam totally convinced of sutcliffes guilt.he did it fullstop and in prison is where he belongs.sure the police bungled the investigation in the age before computer technology was available to assist their investigations...they looked stupid and hapless with records kept that would have shamed any decent librarian but they got the right man so why you want to invent a conspiracy theory centred around this man's conviction is anyones guess....let it rest sutcliffe is the yorkshire ripper.

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Mr Maf....aka Peter *the nut* Newman....from Harrogate

21.07.2006 22:26

Peter the puller is the nut from Harrogate who advertises his services on tel: 01423546746, Peter the Nut is well aware that the homosexual midget Noel Ogara fell out with his macho boyfriend William Tracey and named him in a fit of spite as the true Yorkshire Kipper.

Peter will do anything for a fee eh peter, even befriend a delusional nut like O'Gara.

ps: Pete are you the guy advertising as Pete the puller, in homosexual wild life mag.

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History was rewritten when Sutcliffe was arrested

25.07.2006 13:41


Peter Sutcliffe's killings

Nobody disputes that Peter Sutcliffe committed four of the
series of murders known as the Yorkshire Ripper killings. It is
likely that he killed or attacked other women too during that
period. Most prominent among Sutcliffe’s victiims were Yvonne
Pearson, 1978, and Margo Walls and Jacqueline Hill in 1980. We
all agree that Peter Sutcliffe killed those three women. Yet,
in the days following all three murders, the West Yorkshire
Police were emphatic in saying these were not Ripper killings.

All that changed in January 1981 when Peter Sutcliffe forced
the police to arrest him by displaying fake number plates in a
red light district outside the West Yorkshire juridiction. The
police knew Sutcliffe was not the Ripper, but faced with the
prospect of never being able to catch the real Ripper, and with
the deranged idiot Sutcliffe willing to confess to all the
murders, the West Yorkshire Police took the easy way out and
made a deal with Sutcliffe for his confessions, allowing the
main Ripper to go free and continue killing, which he did, as
the record shows. A man like the Yorkshire Ripper will not stop
killing until he is captured or killed.

The following reports from the period detail police statements
following Peter Sutcliffe’s three most prominent murders. The
police insisted these were not Ripper killings...... until the
time came to rewrite history.

Daily Mail, 28 March 1978 /
"Yvonne 'a victim of the carbon-copy Ripper
by Stephen Oldfield
A second Ripper was being hunted by police last night.
The crazed killer is thought to have set himself up as a rival
to the man who has already killed seven girls.
So far he is known to have murdered Yvonne Pearson whose
battered body was found in Bradford on Sunday.
A pathologist who examined all the good-time girls murdered by
the Ripper told police yesterday: "She is not his eighth

Yorkshire Post, 19 November 1980 /
re Jacqueline Hill murder:
"Another Maniac At Large
Police doubt Ripper link in student's murder
Police last night feared a second maniac was at large in West
Yorkshire, the stalking ground of the infamous Yorkshire
Ripper, after the murder of a 29-year-old student in Leeds.
Ripper Squad detectives were called in when the body of Miss
Jacqueline Hill was found with extensive head injuries on waste
ground at the back of the Arndale Centre, almost within view of
her home in a students' hall of residence.
A post mortem was postponed until late last night but Ripper
detectives said they had found no evidence to connect her death
with the 12-times killer whose last victim was Bradford
University student 14 months ago.
One police theory gaining strength was that Miss Hill, a
student of French, could have been the victim of the same man
who attacked another woman in Headingley two months ago.
On September 24, Dr Upaehya Bandara, 34, who had come from
Singapore on a World Health Organization scholarship to study
at Leeds University was attacked at Chapel Lane, Headingley.
She was left for dead with severe head injuries in a pool of
blood but survived. Police have not ruled out the possibility
that Dr Bandara's attacker was the same man who murdered Miss
Margo Walls, a middle-aged civil servant, late at night in a
garden of New Street, Pudsey, in August.
Det. Supt. Alf Finlay, who is leading the inquiry into Miss
Hill's death, said: "There is no evidence at the moment to link
this death with the so-called Yorkshire Ripper. We have not
ruled him out yet, but we have nothing to suggest it's him.
Earlier in the day, Det. Chief Supt. Peter Gilrain head of the
Ripper inquiry, visited the murder scene and said later: "This
is not my investigation. Someone else is handling it.""

Margo Walls:
For details of contemporary police and media reports following
the Margo Walls killing, see


The evidence assembled by Noel O’Gara is cumulative in its
effect on the reader. The more one examines it, the more
everything points in the direction of a massive cover-up of
unprecedented proportions, which demands a complete re-
evaluation of the nature of policing and of how we organise our


The killings have not stopped:


Peter Newman

MEPs !!!!

25.07.2006 22:09

Anyone who thinks that an MEP is going to be any use on any matter has got to be a total nutcase.


Latest Updates on the Yorkshire Ripper cover up.

27.12.2007 13:46

The above account of this massive police cock up and cover up is an accurate summary of a very complex series of events and summarised in a professional manner.
I am not a journalist or writer but I did know the identity of the real Ripper and I was left with no option but to write a book about the cover up because the police refused to put it to rights.
As time progressed it became more and more septic and it uncovered many other serious stitch ups of innocent people who were in jail for the murders committed by Sutcliffe, namely Stefan Kiszko and Anthony Steel. Now in 2005 John Humble has been framed as the hoaxer and the latest part of this cover up is the stitch up of innocent Ronald Castree for the murder for which Stefan Kiszko spent 16 years in jail for.
Because this murder has the fingerprints of Peter Sutcliffe on it, it had become necessary for the police to solve it once and for all. So they stitched up Ronald Castree in October 2007.
What the Ripper case overshadows is a web of police corruption and when they are prepared to allow such a murderer to go free in order to save face that is a measure of how the police operate and how they solve crimes to support the lie that serve and protect the public.
It exposes senior police and judges who knew what happened and turned a blind eye.
The internet has enabled this corruption to be exposed to the general public and they are the victims and the paymasters of these corrupt policemen and judges.
Ripper murders have taken place since the conviction of Sutcliffe but the police will not link them to him. They talk about new Ripper or copycat Ripper murders.
This is an article published by the Sunday Times in 1995 and lists 28 murders carried out in a five year period.

Noel O'Gara
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