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Daniel Ellsberg Says Government May Have Carried Out 9/11

Kevin Smith & Alex Jones | 19.07.2006 21:01 | Anti-militarism | World

I can't help wondering if one of the ships being used to ferry foreigners from Lebanon won't be the target of an "Iranian" missile. Would make great Propaganda ...

Pentagon Papers Author Daniel Ellsberg Says Government May Have Carried Out 9/11
Predicts Bush Regime Will Stage Terrorist Attack to Provide Pretext for Iran, Syria Invasion, And Justify Internment Camps for American People

Infowars | July 19, 2006
By Kevin Smith & Alex Jones

Daniel Ellsberg is a former American military analyst employed by the RAND Corporation who precipitated a national firestorm in 1971 when he released the Pentagon Papers, the US military's account of activities during the Vietnam War, to The New York Times. The release awakened the American people to a systematic program of organized deception carried out by the Pentagon against the population to continue the Vietnam War.

Daniel Ellsberg, speaking on air to GCN radio host Jack Blood, stated his concerns that criminal elements of the US government were psychologically capable to have carried out 9/11. He warned that within days after a US military strike on Iran that Bush's handlers would probably stage some type of terror attack in the West to legitimize the new war.

"If there’s another 9/11 or a major war in the Middle-East involving a U.S. attack on Iran, I have no doubt that there will be, the day after or within days an equivalent of a Reichstag fire decree that will involve massive detentions in this country."

- Daniel Ellsberg
Author, Pentagon Papers

Ellsberg went on to state that another major Reichstag-like state-sponsored attack would be followed by a martial law scenario which might include detention camps for American dissenters.

Ellsberg said that he worked with individuals at the highest levels of government who staged war provocations several times to whip up pro-war sentiment in the US. Daniel Ellsberg now joins the ranks of hundreds of prominent engineers, physicists, economists, military officers, pilots, high-level intelligence analysts, and cabinet ministers who are exposing the 9/11 hoax.

Each day more and more respected professionals are going public with their questions about the official 9/11 fable. The 9/11 cover-up dam is breaking under the weight of these truthseekers' efforts and the perpetrators of 9/11 are watching them in horror while wondering who will be the next to speak up.

Here is a partial transcript of the interview:

Jack Blood: Have you had a chance to take a look at a lot of this information coming from America’s leading scholars, physicists, engineers, etc. Who have taken a look now at 9/11 and are now, not only questioning what might have happened on 9/11, but really being very direct including a number of high level …

Daniel Ellsberg: Actually, I have looked at a lot of that, and I’ll tell you without going into it all which would take a lot of time, I find some of it very implausible and other parts of it quite solid, and there’s no question in my mind that there’s enough evidence there to justify a very comprehensive and hard hitting investigation of a kind that we’ve not seen, with subpoenas, general questioning of people, and raising the release of a lot of documents, there’s no question that (D.E. chuckles) put it this way, very serious questions have been raised, about how much they knew beforehand and how much involvement there may been. Is the, is a administration capable, humanly and physiologically of engineering such a provocation?

Yes, I would say that, I worked for such an administration myself, Johnson, ah, President Johnson put destroyers in harm’s way in the Tonkin Gulf not only once, but several times, with the, with a lot of his people hoping that it would lead to a confrontation and claiming that it had. And could have resulted in the lost of many lives in the course of it. And what I’m saying now, by the way though is this, and here there’s a very strong analogy, to this day there is a controversy gone back and forth historically, as to who caused the Reichstag fire, the burning of their parliament, the Reichstag, on February 27 th 1933. Goering, at one point, the number two man in the Nazi regime, said “I set that fire”, later he denied that at Nuremberg, and I’ve noticed that the latest history suggests, that it wasn’t the Nazi’s. The point is that all this time later is there is still a controversy about that. But, what there’s no controversy about is the use the Nazi’s made of it, that very night and the next day.

J.B. Cui Bono, who benefits

D.E. February 28 th, there was a Reichstag fire decree that ended freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of association, all in the Weimar Constitution, and privacy of the postal system and of communications and of telephone, what ended here to, more than we knew four years ago right after 9/11. If there’s another 9/11 or a major war in the Middle-East involving a U.S. attack on Iran, I have no doubt that there will be, the day after or within days an equivalent of a Reichstag fire decree that will involve massive detentions in this country, detention camps for middle-easterners and their quote “sympathizers”, critics of the President’s policy and essentially the wiping-out of the Bill of Rights.

J.B. I know your walking very carefully here Daniel Ellsberg, but that’s pretty strong medicine and we have to look at the history of the world, governments do this, as you mentioned, governments are liars, governments are murderers, they, this is not above them, I’m sure your familiar with the Northwoods Document.

D.E. Ah yes, indeed. Yeah talking about a manufactured provocation which could have involved even the shooting down of an American or some other airliner, with American support. Yes I would say by the way, that Americans definitely play this game, I’m sure that it’s happening now.

We, I expected by the way, Bush to manufacture a kind of Tonkin Gulf incident before he went into Iraq and then I decided well I’d been wrong they didn’t feel they needed that. It is interesting that the memos that came out, in conversations between Blair and Bush, (aka The White House Memo), show that Bush was pressing for the possibility of sending over a U-2 and getting it fired on and using that as an excuse.

J.B. A U-2 painted like a U.N., ah, a United Nations airplane.

D.E. Yes, but they couldn’t do that again for sure. But, what is happening right now is that Israel is clearly seeking a generally provocative act by both Hammas and Hezbollah, which I think were not wise acts some people are applauding those in the Middle-East passing out sweets and so forth, very short-sighted I would say, a lot of innocent people are going to die as a result.

Kevin Smith & Alex Jones


Hide the following 9 comments


19.07.2006 22:32

Another shitty bit of PrisonPlanet spam


Prison Planet Purtians

20.07.2006 05:19

Well said, Inactivist. The Prison Planet editorial stance is anti-feminist, gay-bashing nonsense. The more the pretend left peddles this sort of nonsense, the more removed it becomes from the overwhelming majority of people.


when does one and one make three

20.07.2006 08:23

bah, so you claim that these prison planet dudes are sexist and anti gay, but your either to lazy or incapable of
posting any proof, which makes one wonder if any actually exist, I have never been on prison planet.
Your style seems to be very similar to that used against stories about Israel, don't attack the article attack the writer and the web site that it's posted on.
These guys may very well be gay/woman bashers but the main point here is wether or not the article is accurate like is it what went down. Alex Jones and co are undoubtedly busy publicising themselves but isn't
that the norm these days ?



20.07.2006 09:00

it's on PrisonPlanet you can safely assume it's dubious bollocks of some description. I never bother reading PP cuat & pastes these days. I have learnt the hard way that it's just not worth it.

It's commercial spam.

Pots & kettles: go look for yourself.



20.07.2006 17:30

It's interesting to note the amount of effort the Plant (who now seems to have taken to cheerleading his own Distractions) spends posting Disinformation, instead of the still-missing compelling and independently-verifiable evidence which would exist - and be forthcoming - if the Conspiracy Theory he's here protecting, the singular event upon which the Neo-Fascist LIARS have feigned justification for their deadly, illegal agenda, were true.

It's nearly been five years, after all ...

Put up or shut up, Plant.

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad

Proof of the official story

20.07.2006 18:04

If 911=Shit for brains expects us to provide proof of an official story we don't believe and aren't interested in, let him first produce proof that the moon is made of cheese, as he has been challenged to do before.

Your irrational post doesn't merit a rational response. Prove you are doing more than flooding this wire with your non-news or fuck right off and leave us activists the last activist site open to us.


That's What I Thought ...

20.07.2006 19:04

It's interesting to note the amount of effort the Plant (who now seems to have taken to cheerleading his own Distractions) spends posting Disinformation, instead of the still-missing compelling and independently-verifiable evidence which would exist - and be forthcoming - if the Conspiracy Theory he's here protecting, the singular event upon which the Neo-Fascist LIARS have feigned justification for their deadly, illegal agenda, were true.

It's nearly been five years, after all ...

Put up or shut up, Plant.

911=PNAc, CIA, Mossad

... the words ...

21.07.2006 09:54

... it can't happen here (or there) can it? ...
... it can't happen here (or there) can it? ...

... in this article are those of:

Daniel Ellsberg.

Of the 7 comments allowed through so far:

3 have attacked [a] website where the words of Daniel Ellsberg have been reported;
1 has attacked a poster defending the providence of this INFOMATION;
3 have asked reasonable questions relating to the INFOMATION in the words of Daniel Ellsberg and the DISINFOMATION of the previous listed.

Ho Hum.

Thus we see the gradual - and painfully slow - paradigm shift in microcosom.

Meanwhile another force moves in the world ... more like an earthquake: shattering paradigms as it shatters bones and blood vessles OVERWHEALMINGLY of the untetmenche.

The pedagogy of the oppressed is the culture of silence and the fear of freedom.

We HAVE voices.
We HAVE the best freedoms the human race has ever seen ... the freedom from starvation, from disease, from ignorance from violent and deadly oppression (at the moment!) ...

So what is stopping us?

I think some people have trouble identifying the bars to their prisons ... and others have identified too many.

Maybe I am one or both.

Either way, it doesn't matter. What matters is that people use their VOICES and their FREEDOM.

There is INFOMATION to be had in the strangest - sometimes the weirdest, most unseemly places. Prison planet, rense, icke et al are all valuable sauces of INFOMATION.

It's up to you to discriminate (an ACTIVE and PERSONAL choice).

It is no good simply castigating, without criticisning rationally, or asking readers to avoid INFOMATION on the basis of loose and semantically challanged emoting.

Yes there is an awful lot of crap on them ... like every other INFOMATION outlet that has ever existed (except my own pure exclusive one[sic]).

If you can take the time to be here and read enough of a thread to ACTIVELY hit those switches to reply ... why not go the whole way and address the INFOMATION.

I'm sure most of you would have something interesting and perhaps vital to contribute then ...

If you do a metaseach (ie one incorporating many search engines and not just using the biased algorhythms of g***g**) for Daniel Ellsberg, you will find a lot of INFOMATION ... from a man I judge to be honest rational and experienced in what he speaks of ... but then I'm a loony.

What we must do.

1.Abandon all that has gone before at the same time embracing the experience of it (see W.S.Burroughs ... The Revolutionary’s Boy Scout Manual) wiping the slate clean ... shake off all paradigms ... do the honest Hegel thing ... integrate thesis & anti-thesis into meta-thesis
2.Learn to speak, think and live in e-prime (
3.Other stuff.

mail e-mail:

I must also

21.07.2006 10:15

either learn to spell or type slower ... I don't know which!

mail e-mail: