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Why on earth is Israel killing innocent civilians?

IsReal Sad | 19.07.2006 16:55

Today 50 or more innocent civilians killed by Israel

Sorry, but no excuses will let me asses this killings but as a terrorist act. Their precision bombs are bringing terror, murder and destruction to civilian areas and civilian houses, and we are not allowed to call it by its name. This cannot be permitted to happen by the international community and Europe should speak out, the sooner the better, loud and clear against these atrocities. Israel is not defending itself but attacking and killing innocent civilians, like you and me, in dense populated areas; this is against the Geneva Convention and human common sense.

If they want to distant themselves from the terrorists ways, this is certainly not the way. If they want to distant themselves from atrocities done to Jews in the past, this is certainly not the way. If they want to be part of the civilised world, this is certainly not the way.

They say they have some rough neighbours, so they become innocent civilian murderers themselves? and the worst neighbours possible in the process themselves.

Solana doesn't speak for me, Blair doesn't speak for me and Bush doesn't speak for me. Why are we not hearing other voices?

Is not ok, Israel, stop killing innocent civians now! not next week and not tomorrow, stop killing innocent civilians NOW!

IsReal Sad


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19.07.2006 17:14

The question should be why is a terrorist organisation funded by two foregn power firing indescriminate missles into civilian areas?

Why do you support Hezbollah and not the right of a peoples to defend themselves.


zionobot madness

19.07.2006 17:38

"The question should be why is a terrorist organisation funded by two foregn power firing indescriminate missles into civilian areas?"

Yes, why is Israel funded by US and EU firing indiscriminate missiles into civilian areas?

"Why do you support Hezbollah and not the right of a peoples to defend themselves."

I suspect the number of Hezbollah supporters on Indymedia is zero. Do you not see that Israel is in fact soimething which people need to defend themselves against?

How much is the state of Isreal paying you to sit here and post stupid comments to Indymedia?

We should be told.

zionobot madness

Nazi germany 1941 ??

19.07.2006 17:53

Nazi germany 1941 ??
or Lebanon 2006 ??

Only the dates have changed, genocide is genocide ! and the side commiting it usually control the media !


The "antisemitism" controvery (a comment on comments)

19.07.2006 22:54

I think I'm beginning to understand WHY some people get so outraged at being acused of being antisemites. It's so ingrained, so below the conscious level, they don't notice what they are doing. Take the one here that included .......

"How much is the state of Isreal paying you to sit here and post stupid comments to Indymedia?
We should be told. "

Implication -- a Jew is so degraded and mercenary he or she wouldn't defend is or her people unless paid to do so.

Now did the person posting the comment think about it one moment? I doubt it. Which is precisely the point I am trying to make. Didn't think about it, didn't have to think about it, automatic, below the conscious level -- and so understandable that the person would feel outraged being called on it.

But to answer the person who posted that -- any time you find me defending Israel it is NOT because I am paid to do so. Perhaps you needed the answer because you yourself are the sort of person when you have stepped in between your sister and some bloke who was beating her up you later send her a bill for services. Well I'm not that sort of person. Don't need to be paid to protect my own. But I guess it takes all sorts to make a world.

Mike Nivack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm

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19.07.2006 23:14


British citizen

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Genocide? Please...

20.07.2006 01:04

"genocide is genocide "


Muslims killed more people on a single day in London or Mumbai. Was that genocide? Or is it only "genocide" when Jews attack the very same terrorists.


antisemitism my arse

20.07.2006 06:59

How on earth do you know that the comment was written by a Jew? Maybe it was written by some fundy xtian nutter or some other right wing fuckwit. Its kinda hard to tell from a signature which consists of 2 dots.

You seem to conflate criticism of Israel's disproportionate response with a hatred of Jews.

No doubt you think that any Jew who was critical of what Israel is doing is "self hating"

Zionism is not integral to Judaism, and Israel's bully boy tactics are contrary to the the principle of Olum Tikkun.

Try harder mate.

zionobot madness


20.07.2006 18:43

a commentary on comments on comments

>Implication -- a Jew is so degraded and mercenary he or she wouldn't defend is or her people unless paid to do so.
Not so. Another implication is if your own personal views coincide with your states at a time when your state is launching a war of aggression then you should expect to have your own motives for posting questioned.

"But to answer the person who posted that -- any time you find me defending Israel it is NOT because I am paid to do so. Perhaps you needed the answer because you yourself are the sort of person when you have stepped in between your sister and some bloke who was beating her up you later send her a bill for services. Well I'm not that sort of person. Don't need to be paid to protect my own. But I guess it takes all sorts to make a world."

It takes all sorts to make a world war certainly. What Israel is doing to her sister Lebanon isn't intervening to prevent 'some bloke' ie Syria beating her up, it is more akin to a muslim 'honour killing' where a brother slaughters his sister for some supposed slight to the family honour. How can you defend the slaughter of hundreds of innocents as retribution for the kidnap of two ?


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