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NEWCASTLE Lebanon/Gaza Emergency Demonstration this Saturday

Phil - Newcastle StWC | 18.07.2006 20:10 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles

Just to let you know details of the Stop the War Coalition Demostration in Newcastle this Saturday at 1pm at Grey's Monument in the city centre

Newcastle: Saturday 22nd July
Assemble Grey's Monument 1pm
Nearest Metro: Monument

•Hands off Lebanon
•Freedom for Palestine
•Don't Attack Syria
•Don't Attack Iran

Organised by Tyneside Stop the War Coalition and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Mob 07914 606 452

Phil - Newcastle StWC
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Wow, solidarity from Newcastle

19.07.2006 11:27

I'm sure the poor Arabs will be pleased to know you care.

Of course, the Israeli embassy is in London in case you did not know.

Far be it from me to tell you how to take coal to Newcastle and all that.

Let's hope you manage to smash up a few Jew syanagogues, like you normally do.

Plant Pot

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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

Is there no end to the SWP's attmpts to cash in?

19.07.2006 11:30

All the usual SWP types in cardigans and their Muslim friends being antisemites as usual.


Trot sloganising hits new heights

20.07.2006 15:34

Well, someone really has been swotting up on Lyndsey German's 'Trot sloganising for social workers' seminal master piece. I wonder if anyone can come up with something even more cringe-worthy? A years subscription to Socialist Review awaits the winner.


Somethings speak for themselves

24.07.2006 15:22

Notes From The Borderland
Notes From The Borderland

The Next Front Cover of NFB:

Larry O'Hara
- Homepage: http://nfb@mi5/zioniast.orguk

Larry, I'm not surprised.

26.07.2006 00:56

Larry makes up hi sstories and slanders his prey.

Was that sticker from the girl you slapped in Wrexham boyo?

Of course, the SWP/Searchlight mole that is LO never mentions Wrexham, does he?

Red & Black, Give Moles the Sack.


retread of the undead?

01.08.2006 23:55

Never been to Wrexham in my life--as I think I've said before somewhere. Interestingly, the person I seem to remember making this bizarre claim before was Tim Hepple/Matthews. Got bored with Nazi Line-Dancing have you, thug??

Larry O'Hara
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