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Picket of Israeli Tennis Team, Sat 22nd July

sarah | 18.07.2006 07:20 | Anti-militarism | Indymedia | Repression | South Coast

Boycott Israel
Picket Israel’s tennis team in their Davis Cup tie with Britain
On Saturday 22nd July from 1.00pm
At Devonshire Park Tennis Club, College Road, Eastbourne, E Sussex, BN21 4JJ

Contact for info about transport from Brighton

As Apartheid Israel attacks the civilian populations and infrastructure of Gaza and Lebanon we cannot stand by and do nothing. Our government is failing to make a stand against these vile war crimes, so we have no choice but to act in whatever way we can to stop Israel’s bloody carnage.

Whilst Israel continues its onslaught against Gaza and Lebanon, disregards UN resolutions, International Law and Conventions, and continues its apartheid policies and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, we cannot allow them the luxury of visiting this country without being held to account.

By disregarding the Human Rights of those around them they have forfeited the right to engage with the rest of the world in sport, culture, academia or trade.

Make your voice heard in Eastbourne on Saturday 22nd.

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Hide the following 9 comments

and Hizbollah are innocent?

18.07.2006 12:12

hundreds of rockets indescriminately raining down on Israelis, families fleeing south and sleeping in bomb shelters and Israelis abducted and used as ransom.

Of course Hezbollah are the good guys.

Well at least they are in the eyes of Nazis like you - go ahead, for every boycott you try against Jewish goods, sport etc, we will support it ten times as much.

Jewish & Proud

Yes! Yes!..

18.07.2006 13:17

...And yet Israel is showwering Lebannon with thousands of DELIBERATELY AIMED bombs and still manages to kill 8 to 10 times more people than Hizbollah. I think this speakes volumes about the Israeli government's and military's intenetions.

Skyver Bill

Not a Game of Checkers

18.07.2006 14:25

"thousands of DELIBERATELY AIMED bombs and still manages to kill 8 to 10 times more people than Hizbollah."

You make it sound like a game of checkers.
What it means, is that Israel is being careful while to destroying hezbollah. Perhaps you would prefer that Israel play by "Hama Rules". Then your panties wouild get REALLY wet.

Hezbollah is targeting civilian areas, while firing their missiles FROM civilian areas. It's an old Arab trick, and makes great propaganda when the civilians get greased.


second coming

18.07.2006 15:01

fuck off zionterrorist back to your little green football mental shit and all you eurpoean terrorist invaders, irgun, stirn gang, league of fucking nations oil and arms bollocks.

comment son to be deleted as do not want to upset religous maniac bigots.


Please circulate the following news story to illustrate Israeli depravity

18.07.2006 15:53

How does one illustrate the true vile depraved nature of Israel, and its supporters (including our genocidal monster Blair)?

Most Palestinians in Gaza support the demand that Palestinian prisoners, in particular women and youths under 18, be returned in exchange for the captive Israeli soldier.

The case of 15-year-old Hibah Yaghmour may help to explain why. She was convicted of disobeying a soldier’s order and using physical force as she tried to enter a mosque.

According to the girl’s family, when the soldier tried to search her she pushed him and ran away. He shot her three times. When Hibah came out of a coma and went on trial, a female Israeli soldier who witnessed the incident agreed the teenager, then 14, had asked for a woman to conduct the search.

“She felt humiliated,” said Hibah’s father, a middle-class businessman. “She did not want a man to touch her.” She is now in Tel Mond prison, serving an 18-month sentence.
UNQUOTE (from The Times)

A child gunned down and then later dragged screaming to an Israeli rape factory, while her helpless people look on, speaks louder than a thousand "Schindler's List" films. Talking about the murder of an entire nation in Lebanon should make a difference, but the Human mind seems to switch off when confronted with such massive atrocity. However, the story above should be circulated as widely as possible, because it is a much more effective dagger to the black heart of anyone that attempts to defend the depraved state of Israel.


Oh I thought Israel was supposed to be a responsible state, not terrorists

18.07.2006 16:19

Funny how Israel apologists always resort to comparing themselves with terrorist groups when their policies are confronted. You make the point yourself with no trace of irony! The hilarious (if it weren't tragic) "They do it so why can't we?" argument.

No of course Hezbollah are not innocent - firing on civilian areas with the full knowledge there will be deaths is wrong regardless of who does it, and in response to what.

But by your own argument you resort to equating Israel with terrorist groups - exactly the point that moderates have been trying to make all along, which is that wantonly killing civilian populations is an international crime.

And the level of Israeli-inflicted civilian casualties both recently in Lebanon, and historically in the occupied territories is always many many times higher than their terrorist enemies.

Which only goes to show, as far as I can see, that while Hamas and Hezbollah are clearly terrorists with no respect for human life, Israel is much worse and is apparently proud of it. To be honest I thought we could expect better behaviour from a supposed democratic state which wants to be part of the international community and has signed up to international law, but apparently not.

Oh, and disagreeing with the acts of the state of Israel does equate to hating Jews, however much you might keep saying it. I know it's a convenient way of sticking your head in the sand and refusing to discuss things but it's really pretty pathetic and actually insulting to genuine victims of anti-semitism.

Mercury Kev

to the people of these shores

18.07.2006 17:19

now is the time to act like an international human
now is the time to act like an international human

an international brigade calls again 70 years on.

Save the people of The Lebanon from the murderous rage of the fascists.

an old abhorrence rising

The voice of madness

18.07.2006 18:03

'"thousands of DELIBERATELY AIMED bombs and still manages to kill 8 to 10 times more people than Hizbollah."

You make it sound like a game of checkers.
What it means, is that Israel is being careful while to destroying hezbollah. Perhaps you would prefer that Israel play by "Hama Rules". Then your panties wouild get REALLY wet.'

No, you brainless racial supremacist, what it means is that the Israeli Death Force is deliberately punishing Lebonese civilians for the heinous crime of living in zionist lebensraum and delaying the beginning of the thousand year Eretz Israel Reich.

By the way, as you make the common mistake of calling draughts "checkers" I assume you are american. If so can you please send us the terrorists who financed the IRA bombing campaigns of the 70's, 80's & 90's. If you're not willing to do this shut the fuck up.

Skyver Bill


19.07.2006 05:29

"If so can you please send us the terrorists who financed the IRA bombing campaigns of the 70's, 80's & 90's."

Don't you mean "financed the FREEDOM FIGHTER'S bombing campaign"?
Or, is it only when a terrorist kills a Jew does he earn the title "freedom fighter"?
