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Are there still people that believe that violence works?

sunirmalya | 16.07.2006 08:10 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression

While we watch the latest round of appalling violence and mayhem spilling across our screens it is worth stepping back and looking at the process a little more simply

Appalling violence and mayhem!
Appalling violence and mayhem!

Trillions of dollars and thousands of hours of media time are being spent in the spiralling escalation of brutality on a number of fronts, but the real problem is not the Israelis or the Lebanese or the Palestinians or the Syrians, it is us!

We have accepted violence as a satisfactory means of enforcing peace. Through fear-based propaganda we turn our human family into ‘terrorists’ and ‘devils’ that understand nothing but a gun.

And we have allowed the propaganda to turn us into a scared and violent lynch mob, capable of anything.

We have watched as the UN has been de-toothed by those countries and corporations with vested interests in weapons and war, and we have let them make a mockery of the only tool we have currently for dialog.

Still we can pontificate to our children that they should not fight in the playgrounds. Or that they should not bully and use violence against each other in sharing their toys. It is as though we are drunk on alcohol while telling ours not to drink.

It is time for people to get real simple and realise that violence and aggression does not bring peace, at home, on the streets and definitely not between countries.

Some of these countries have become like the nerd who is mocked all his life and finally comes back to school a crazed maniac with a gun, shooting indiscriminately but killing only innocents.

Does anyone really in the 21st century believe that lasting world peace is going to come from war? That conflicts are magically fixed by a gun. How is this generation of Iraqi’s are ever going to get along with Americans again? Or Israelis with Palestinians? There is only one hope and that is what we tell our kids, dialog.

The closer we get to each other the more we realise we are just sisters and brothers of one human family, while we shout at each other from miles away we can make up anything inside our heads about how devilish these ‘terrorists’ are.

Anyone that has come close to resolving the constructed hatreds of war has done so only by coming close to their so-called enemies, and having a simple conversation. How many times have we seen that combatants are exactly the same, in their wants and needs and their capacity to love? World War II veterans speak of meeting their Japanese tormentors years later and finding in them lifelong friends. Or Vietnam, or Korea; once we realise our common humanity lasting peace springs forth.

Visionaries across the globe have to simply insist on mechanisms for dialog. The UN needs to stop accepting lies, in exchange for money. It has to be beyond reproach. Most people understand that ‘diplomacy’ is another word for ‘how many lies can we get away with’, there needs to be much plainer penalties for lying, and above all as soon as there is conflict, we need to put down our weapons and speak to each other openly and plainly, like real brothers and sisters of one human family.


additional information: please contact Sunirmalya Symons
World Peace
Society of Australia



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I do

16.07.2006 09:41

All evidence suggests that might makes right. The only real question is who has the might. Since weapons have always been expensive (requireing resources like iron, energy, research and development etc) the rich have always had more weapons and those with the most weapons have always had the most wealth (since they can take it from those with less weapons). It is obvious to anyone, I believe, that force is used to resolve issues and that it does work. Parents use violence or the threat of violence, the authorities use the same threat, civilisations entire system of law and order is based on might makes right. I find it funny that while making threats of violence against the likes of Iran etc, the state pushes a line that violence is wrong. Funny, but obvious, of course the state wants a population that believes violence is wrong (apart from when carried out by the state). Any state that didn't push such a view would eventually find itself looking down the wrong end of a gun barrel as it's citizens rose against it.


Peace ?

16.07.2006 09:53

This article has a great sentiment and in an idealogical way i completely agree however the practicalities of engaging in a meaningful dialog with the main instigators of world violence, ie the US, Irael and British Goverments, Multinational companies (Note* especially the ones who produce weapons ) mean that the opportunities to talk and resolve world problems are very limited ,They do not want a dialog , War is the military wing of the globalisation process what they can not acheive by financial means and bribery the try to achieve by brut force.

as an activist(and being an activist is as far as im aware the only way to change any thing) apposed to war brutality oppression and exploitation I would say that the best way to get to the place called peace is to get involved with others who are actively opposed to the main cause of violence (global capitalism) it is people acting together who change things even big things...

Cat Mackay Edinburgh


16.07.2006 12:05

well it's not exactly news, even though it seems there is no limit to what Israel can get away with now, war has always been a good little money spinner.
But aren't we forgetting some one rather important namely the banks, I am not so sure that the british, US and Israeli governments count for much. Surely no one believes that the chimp is capable of much more that un zipping the odd banana, they are all just front men, puppets, they do what they are told to do by the people who control their purse strings.
No coincidence that Phoney baloney has a cabinet minister married to a money laundering programmer.
Money laundering is what really oils the wheels of capitalism. they tell me that Italy has too many banks,
I wonder how they get by ?

three times great