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June Protests - Innovative

D. Burbeck | 14.07.2006 18:52 | Anti-militarism

And totally ignored by the corporate media.

From "eleven members of the "Philadelphia
Grandmothers for Peace" attempted to
enlist at the military recruitment center....
The recruiters closed the office but the
Grannies remained inside until they were
arrested by Philadelphia police....."

to - the EXORCISM by BISHOP BARROWS at the White House.....

to - the 2,500th U. S. Death in the Iraq Occupation.....

to - a Methodist Church offering sanctuary for our troops who refuse to go
to Iraq.....

to - announcements "that Ukraine had canceled U.S.-Ukrainian military exercises
in the Black Sea near the Crimean Peninsula" because of massive protests,,,,,

to - a 50 city "naked bike ride".....

to - Houston calling attention to the terrorist acts of Halliburton in Iraq and other parts
of the world.....

to - the First U.S. military officer to publicly refuse orders in support of the illegal Iraq War.....

to - 300 protests around the nation against oil money in Congress.....

to - a mother of a 19 year old protests her son joining and signing a contract with the USA
War Machine by doing a hunger strike.....

the month of June was chock full of very interesting and novel demonstrations around
the world that the corporate media ignored in totality. Actually, there are soooo many
great actions that took place, that I cannot list them without listing almost the entire
70+ reports on the June page of the website "Protest News" - which see:

D. Burbeck