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IRAN MEETING: The G8 - Paving the Path to War

CASMII | 14.07.2006 15:59

Iran’s Security Council referral will be condemned by
academics, MP’s and Foreign Ministers in a public meeting in the House of Commons on 17th July

In a meeting in the House of Commons, Middle East experts will condemn the decision by the Foreign Ministers in Paris and the G8 leaders in St Petersburg to refer Iran to the UN Security Council. They will claim that decisions by the foreign ministers of the Security Council permanent members and the leaders of the G8 nations pave the road not just to sanctions but to military action against Iran.

The meeting organised by CASMII, the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran, will be addressed by a number of parliamentarians and Middle East experts including Iranian academic Professor Abbas Edalat, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Paul Ingram (British American Security Information Council) and Alys Elica Zaerin (Action Iran). CASMII have also extended an invitation to Jack Straw whose opposition to military intervention was reportedly the cause of his demotion from his role as Foreign Secretary earlier this year.

Earlier in the day, a delegation will deliver a declaration to the Prime Minister containing the signatures of foreign ministers of 56 nations and stating that "the only way to resolve Iran's nuclear issue is to resume negotiations without any preconditions and to enhance cooperation with the involvement of all relevant parties".[1]

Professor Abbas Edalat said today;
“The G8 powers have painted a picture of an Iran defying the reasonable demands made by “the rest of the world”. In fact Iran is exercising its legal and inalienable right to pursue civilian nuclear technology. There is no evidence whatsoever that Iran has any nuclear weapons programme. What’s more, the demands of the leaders of the G8 nations represent neither the views of their populations nor the views of other world leaders. They certainly do not represent the 56 nations that signed the Baku Declaration which we presented to Tony Blair today.”

CASMII are concerned that by referring Iran to the Security Council, the stage is being set for imposition of sanctions which will only pave the way for military action against Iran.

Professor Edalat said:
“The Americans demanded that Iran concede the main point of the negotiations before they have even started. This was always going to be rejected by the Iranians and has provide a pretext for a referral to the Security Council which in turn could lead to miltiary action against Iran. The US government must reconsider its confrontational apporach and enter into direct negotiaiotns without any preconditions with Iran while recognising Iran's right for a civilian nuclear technology including uranium enrichment up to fuel grade as granted to Iran by the Non Proliferation Treaty. “

Event timetable:

5.30pm 17th July - Delegation to Downing Street
A high level delegation will deliver a statement signed by Foreign Ministers of 56 nations together with a petition calling on the Prime Minister to resume negotiations without any preconditions.

6.30pm 17th July – Meeting in the Commons
Committee Room 21a, Palace of Westminster, SW1. Meeting with Jeremy Corbyn MP, Professor Abbas Edalat, Paul Ingram and Alys Elica Zaerin. Jack Straw (to be confirmed).
Contact: CASMII Press Office on 07799650791or 0207 2292375 or 07999693893
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[1] The Baku Declaration signed on 20th June 2006, by the Foreign Ministers of 56 Nations:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangledesh,,Benin, Brunei, Burkino Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrghyzistan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen

CASMII was started in the UK and US and now has a network of groups active across the world. It is an entirely independent campaigning organisation committed to opposing military attacks against Iran.

Action Iran is a British-based campaign.

BASIC is an independent research organization that analyzes government policies and promotes public awareness of defense, disarmament, military strategy and nuclear policies in order to foster informed debate.


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Why CASMII loves Blair's zionist enforcer, Jack Straw

14.07.2006 23:36

What is the probability that members of CASMII are unaware of the depraved atrocities currently being carried out against millions of civilians in Gaza and Lebanon? Atrocities given the green light by Blair during his recent meeting with top Israeli terrorists.

Now, who was the New Reich monster charged with creating the circumstances most favourable for Israeli CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Why, its CASMII's most beloved son, Jack Straw (not his real name, of course, any more than Stalin was a real name either). Straw's mission for Blair, as the previous minister-for-murdering-muslims, was to ensure that the EU described as terrorist all significant social and political movements in the muslim lands around Israel.

You see, Blair wanted that his press could use the phrase "fighting terrorism" every time Israel terror bombed a hospital, power-staion, water-treatment plant, school, bridge, airport, village, town , or city. THE AVERAGE PERSON ONLY LISTENS TO THE HEADLINES. Blair wanted his headlines to be identical in nature to those found in nazi Germany, when the nazis were engaged in THEIR racist slaughter.

So Straw successfully headed the political actions to demonise all muslim groups within the vicinity of Israel at official EU level.


Hey, but is that likely to bother the members of CASMII, supposedly fighting Blair's coming genocide of Iran, but actually set up to in order to anticipate opposition to Blair's plans, and neutralise that opposition from a mock-leadership position. Well, CASMII is hardly supposed to be a 'RESPECT' style psy-op, but it is designed to soak up the 'activism' of a certain category of could-be dangerous (to Blair) individuals.

Jack Straw was replaced as minister-for-murdering-muslims, NOT as a demotion, but so he could move to enforcing support for Blair's genocide of Iran in the House of Commons, while a 'voter-friendly' female face was given to the position of foreign secretary. (ASIDE- why do you think the US has Condoleezza Rice and we have Margaret Beckett in the same role? Psychological research shows that the use of females forces many people to drop their guard, and lower their fear of imminent war.)

Be aware that Blair has convinced Iran at this time that Israeli violence in Gaza and Lebanon massively complicates the ability of the US to strike Iran. Iran has been working hand in glove with the highest levels of Blair's government since long before the invasion of Afghanistan. Blair attempts to walk Iran into a trap, and the Iranians attempt to benefit to the max from their "nazi-USSR"-syle pact, without falling into that trap. However, all the time, Blair is increasing the background momentum for war, even when the Iranians do manage to 'box smart' and gain more short term advantages. Adolf Hitler also had many opponents that danced cleverly, and we all know what happened to them.

Blair has drawn the Iranians close for the self-same reason Hitler did the same with the Russians- namely in readiness for the day when he can deliver the deadly blow.

Iran's strategy of 'distraction' in Gaza and Lebanon has been given to them by Blair in the hope that the situation ends up becoming parallel to the plot that had Israeli-supporting forces in the West encourage Saddam to invade Kuwait, so that an excuse to destroy Iraq would be generated. Blair hopes, once again, that having lit the fuse, the biggest explosion will occur in Iran.

Why does Iran work with Blair? Why did Stalin work with Hitler? Same answer. Neither felt they had any other choice, and thus sought to gain maximum advantage from the 'alliance', while buying as much time as possible. Iran would rather be attacked with Iranian forces controlling Iraq (as now) and Iranian forces controlling much of Afghanistan (as now) than attacked when Iraq was a powerful enemy of Iran, and Afghanistan was in the control of Pakastani forces.

Of course, those of you with memories will recall the 'domino principle' being applied by the Right to the period after the fall of the Shah, with the promise that unstopped, Iran's new 'etremist' religious regime would take over neighbours (like Iraq and Afghanistan). Today, no-one seems to consider it odd that Blair and Bush (the most extreme-right-wing leaders ever seen in the US or UK) work tirelessly to allow the dominoes to fall.

CASMII sits nicely in the hands of both Blair, and the leadership of Iran. Thus, CASMII can happily describe those directly responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of muslims as friends, so long as those same people having seemingly helped enlarge the political power of Iran.

Remember, the leadership of Iran daily instructs its agents at the top of the quisling government in Iraq to carry out the most sickening acts of sectarian violence, in the hope that the pain of Iraq will put the West off from backing a war against Iran. Once you are responsible for commanding the absolute misery of such massive numbers of innocent Humans, the stain of blood on your hands can never be washed away.

AND BLAIR LAUGHS AT ALL THIS. The more monsters Blair creates, the closer he is to his ultimate goal, World War. (Blair wants World War for the same reason Rose West wanted young women tortured to death in her home- if you could truly understand why, you would be a monster like them- but a lack of understanding does not give you the right to pretend monsters don't exist, or seek to do nothing to stop them).

While Blair remains in power, the war against Iran CANNOT BE STOPPED. However, today, Blair is more powerful than at any earlier time in his life,and there is not the slightest possibilty of anyone removing him from power soon enough (whoops, I forget that the dribblers have been told by Blair's own propagandists that the 'Levy' affair threatens Blair- yes it's the never ending 'OPERATION JAM-TOMORROW'- keeping hope alive in the minds of the sheep).

Which plan of Blair's will finally get the job done? Who knows, but Hitler wasn't stopped either by the idiots that attacked Hitler's critics with the words "if you are so certain about this Hitler fellow, you would be able to tell us when and where and how he will do this evil deed you keep talking about". Hitler's enemies saw Hitler plan and prepare for AGGRESSIVE WAR, and knew that unstopped, AGGRESSIVE WAR would murder millions. However, I will say that Blair works ever harder to make the blaming of a massive false-flag on Iran as convincing as possible with the general public. 911 worked so very well, that Blair is NOT going to give up his dreams of using this tactic again.

If the big false flag stays too dangerous, Blair can always try to persuade the Israeli butchers to use a smaller false-flag, to give them 'justification' to strike Iran. Is Israel really capable of being this stupid. Well, never underestimate the stupidity of racists- racism is a cancer of the brain, and no matter how self-aware of this fact, even the smartest racist is in constant danger of doing something stupid.

And if no specific plan comes to fruition? Well, Blair knows that the temperature has been raised once again, and at some point he'll reach the heat at which the Earth spontaneously bursts into flame.

Lower down in the 'newswire', someone asked what one would say to Blair if given the opportunity. The most sadistic evil Humans love questions, and no good person can hurt such a monster this way. However, I do hope that Blair does not escape Human justice the way Adolf Hitler did, and that after Nuremberg II, and just before the execution of that judgement, I live to hear the final words that this bastard will ever utter in his current Human form.
