Selecting Your Symbols
The biker | 13.07.2006 09:36
Nearly FIVE years after the horrendous events of September 11th, the politically correct memorial "politburo" is still deciding the design for memorial to the victims of United Flight 93 that was crashed into a field in Pennsylvania by Islamic terrorists. It seems the design has already been agreed upon and the designers are waiting until public attention isn't focused on that design to go ahead with construction. The decision was made last year to award the design to architect Paul Murdoch
Paul Murdoch Architects. The Murdoch design includes the following feature -- quoted from the designer's website "... embraces the place and memory of Flight 93 with a curving arc of maple trees along a walkway through the Bowl, with a focus on the Sacred Ground. " Sounds lovely, right? The only problem is that the curving arcs of Maple Trees shown in the proposal are RED and form a perfect red crescent -- the symbol of Islam. Now, I'm not the most sensitive guy to other peoples' feelings, just ask my wife, but I'm pretty sure that the Miss Manners for dealing with the bereaved widows and orphans of a terrorist attack ISN'T building a shrine to the very religion that inspired the killers. Note that, in addition to creating the largest Islamic shrine in the US over the bodies of the victims of Islamic terror, the plan is also to include the names of the Flight 93 terrorists among those of the honored dead. Creating, if you will, "The Tomb of the Known Terrorist" in Pennsylvania. Imagine, if you can, a Holocaust memorial in the shape of a Swastika, with the names of Herman Goering and Adolph Eichman listed among the victims, or an AIDS memorial showing two consenting adults having un-protected sex and sharing a needle. How about a memorial to the victims of serial killer John Wayne Gacy in the form of a giant TV Dinner? What sort of person is this Paul Murdoch anyway; who believe the best way to honor the victims of Islamic terror is to create a giant homage to their killers?
The biker