Leeds PSC: Visit Palestine Film Night 19th July
Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign | 11.07.2006 14:47 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Social Struggles
Join us at the Common Place Leeds from 7pm for a presentation from an activist about life in the Tel Rumeida area of Hebron and resistance to the illegal wall from Palestinian villagers. THEN see the amazing film "Visit Palestine".
Light refreshments provided!
Light refreshments provided!
Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign Presents:
Film Nights at the Common Place Cinema
Join us for a fortnightly film and discussion night
At the Common Place, Wharf Street (off Kirkgate) Leeds City Centre
Wednesday 19th July 7 pm:
Food & a presentation from an ISM activist about the work of activists in Hebron and villages cut off from their land by the illegal wall.
7:30pm film: “Visit Palestine”
What drives a young, well-educated Westerner to volunteer as a “peace activist” in the Middle East?
Caiomhe Butterly is one of a growing number of volunteers who risk their own safety to intervene in the long-running and bloody conflict between Israel and Palestine. Several internationals, including her, have now been injured. Some have died.
This film offers an insight into a brave, honest, determined yet self-critical woman who takes direct action to the limit, with no quest for glory. The film gives us a rare chance to see what she calls “the spaces of beauty and joy” created by a people under occupation.
To get involved or for more info contact:
or call Suzanne on 07816 842708
For more information about PSC see
Film Nights at the Common Place Cinema
Join us for a fortnightly film and discussion night
At the Common Place, Wharf Street (off Kirkgate) Leeds City Centre
Wednesday 19th July 7 pm:
Food & a presentation from an ISM activist about the work of activists in Hebron and villages cut off from their land by the illegal wall.
7:30pm film: “Visit Palestine”
What drives a young, well-educated Westerner to volunteer as a “peace activist” in the Middle East?
Caiomhe Butterly is one of a growing number of volunteers who risk their own safety to intervene in the long-running and bloody conflict between Israel and Palestine. Several internationals, including her, have now been injured. Some have died.
This film offers an insight into a brave, honest, determined yet self-critical woman who takes direct action to the limit, with no quest for glory. The film gives us a rare chance to see what she calls “the spaces of beauty and joy” created by a people under occupation.
To get involved or for more info contact:

or call Suzanne on 07816 842708
For more information about PSC see
Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign