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CASMII Iran meeting - today 6.30pm

CASMII | 11.07.2006 10:19

Activist Planning Meeting, 6.30pm, Tuesday 11th, National Film Theatre, South Bank.

CASMII, the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran, is stepping up its efforts to bring pressure on the British and US governments not to take military action against Iran. The so-called ‘Iran Crisis’ might have slipped off the front pages in the last few weeks, but all this is about to change.

The Americans have demanded that Iran make a full reply to their proposals regarding Iran’s nuclear enrichment programme before the G8 Summit on July 15th. Iran however has said they will give a response in the second half of August. It is likely that the G8 summit will be used as an opportunity to refer Iran to the UN Security Council for the passing of a Resolution which will in turn be used to justify military aggression against Iran.

Condoleezza Rice’s announcement that the US would be willing enter into direct talks with Iran about its nuclear program was predicated on one major condition; namely that "the Iranian regime fully and verifiably suspends its uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities." Iran, which has insisted on its right to enrich uranium, was being asked to concede the main point of the negotiations before they started. Do the US Administration expect the Iranians to agree to this precondition, or are they laying the diplomatic groundwork for future military action?

CASMII believe that now is the time to mobilize and step up pressure on our elected representatives to shelve the plans for military action in Iran. At this meeting our current strategies will be discussed and Professor Abbas Edalat, recently returned form Tehran, will give an update on the political current political situation in Iran.

The meeting has been moved from the House of Commons to the NFT bar on the South Bank in order to make it more accessible for interested members of the public to stop by.

6.30pm, National Film Theatre Bar, Waterloo Bridge, South Bank, London SE1

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No-one is considering the backlash to his Genocide of Iran more than Blair

11.07.2006 16:50

Blair's war with Iran is almost here. Blair anticipates massive initial public opposition. Blair is already funding multiple activities in readiness for the coming storm.


Is this hard? Well, considering we had multiple morons here suggesting that Jack Straw, the racist architect of much of the current destruction of muslims in Iraq and Palestine, should lead an anti-Iran-war movement, I would suggest that Blair considers this task anything BUT difficult.

Ordinary people aren't exposed to endless 'lord' this, and 'sir' that by accident. People MUST be conditioned to permit a certain type of person to take leadership of them at times like these. When obvious members of the 'elite' are not a good fit, pseudo 'anti-elite' types can be used instead, like Benn, Livingstone, and Galloway. A nice dweedle-dum dweedle-dee strategy.

Complicating matters beyond all belief is the fact that Iran was the major partner of the US during the invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq, but knowledge of this is hidden from the vast majority of people. Iran is currently ramping up levels of 'sectarian' violence in Iraq to an all time high, and is co-ordinating with friends in Pakistan (for Afghanistan) and North Korea to create political 'issues' designed to deflect mainstream political attention from Iran.

Blair, and the various psycho individuals in control of the US, will NOT take their eye of the ball. However, the common-or-garden racists that form the majority of powerful politicians in the West are very vunerable to distraction, and Iran knows that their support is required for any action by Blair.

So doesn't Blair take a risk with operations like CASMII. Not really, for they have the side-affect advantage of making war with Iran seem like a foregone conclusion, taking advantage of the self-fullfilling prophecy strategy.

Better, Iranian involvement with anti-Iran-war movements neatly eliminates the ability of such groups to make explicit reference to the worst events currently happening within Iraq, since these events are mostly the responsibility of Iran, now Iran has total effective control of that nation.

Blair has persuaded Iran to take a bath in the blood of innocents. What happened to Saddam after HE was persuaded to do the same thing by the West all those years ago? Or Milosevic and Serbia?

Iran can't stop the war. Only ***WE*** can stop the war.

Stopping the GENOCIDE of Iran can only be achieved by stepping out of Blair's verbal battlefield, and making people see the big picture. What do I mean? Well, how do people today see Hitler's (and Stalin's) invasion of Poland? ANSWER: as a stepping stone in Hitler's utterly evil plan of European conquest, designed to ultimately allow him to exterminate or enslave the slavic peoples of Russia. BUT HOW DID PEOPLE SEE HITLER'S PLAN TO INVADE POLAND ***BEFORE*** IT HAPPENED?

Millions and millions of words were written and spoken about this by the same type of pundits that broadcast about Iran today. How many of these words spoke the truth about Hitler's plans? Almost none. The problem with the truth is that it didn't need but a handful of words- namely "Hitler is totally evil, and unstopped he will murder tens of millions of innocent humans". Ask someone today about WW2, and they'll have no problem in summing up the truth as succinctly as this.

For the majority of people at the time, Hitler wasn't HITLER until long after it was to late to stop him without horrific loss of life.

Hitler would have ran a CASMIP (notice the last letter) if he had thought it would help him. Indeed, Hitler DID run many such similar operations, to attempt to manipulate various opinions, including in the target nations.

How will the people of the future regard us, with respect to Blair's genocide of Iran? Well, they'll see the BILLIONS of useless words that analysed every 'aspect' of the 'Iranian questions' but they'll look mostly in vain for the words that described the simple truth- namely:

"Blair is totally evil, and unstopped he will murder hundreds of millions of innocent humans"

How genuine are the people within CASMII ? Well, if they don't act as if their GREATEST priority is ending the regimes of Blair, Bush, (and then Clinton), and seeing these leaders tried for crimes against humanity, then I would suggest they are NOT genuine in the slightest.

If these people are NOT demanding immediate action to end the presence of WMD in Israel, then these people are most certainly NOT genuine.

If these people say anything to suggest that Iran CAN be attacked, if Iran is working towards nuclear weapons, then these people are NOT genuine.

If these people refuse to demand LOCKERBIE LEVELS OF COMPENSATION for people murdered by Blair and Bush, these people are NOT genuine.

Above all, if the actions of CASMII are not clearly designed to hurt Blair and Bush at a political level, on a near daily basis, then you can dismiss it. Fighting Blair's program of AGGRESSIVE WARS is not something that can be done passively.
