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School Students Picnic for Peace!

Lewis Coyne | 09.07.2006 15:45 | Anti-militarism | Liverpool

On Saturday 8th July, 10 school students from around Liverpool met in a city center park, to picnic for peace! The picnic, which was organised by newly set-up Liverpool School Students Against War (SSAW), began at 1pm and was based around the slogan "Hands up for Peace".

Discussion and Banner Painting
Discussion and Banner Painting

"Hands up for Peace!"
"Hands up for Peace!"

The young people, aged between 13 and 16 painted a banner, listened to music and talked while picnicing. Amongst the discussion was how school students could contribute to the year long blockade of Faslane and the "Time to go" demonstration at the Labour Party conference.
A member of Liverpool SSAW, said after the picnic, "Today has gone very well, we have had 5 new members join today, which is a great achievement."
Following the peace picnic, Liverpool School Students Against War have organised a meeting. This will be held in the Egg Cafe, Newington, off Bold Street, on Monday 24th July, at 6.30pm.

Lewis Coyne
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No nonces I hope

09.07.2006 18:51

Is the CND sign supposed to worn like a swastika on the upper sleeve like that? The traditional difference between exreme left and right is meaningless these days anyway, thanks to the satanic alliance with the Islamists.
Hope those adults working with children were vetted just in case any are on the paedophile register or that way inclined?
Obviously, you won't get any numbers of school pupil "peace activists" unless you hold your meanings during school time and illegally incite them to skive off lessons, like back in 2003.

Register checker

picnics are the new samba!!

10.07.2006 01:00



but pinics are better...

10.07.2006 12:29

... you don't have to have to be able to keep in time and you get to eat.

...this afternoon looked brilliant. Hope to read lots more about what you get up to here in the future....

in solidarity


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