Don’t Attack Iran – CASMII Meeting
CASMII | 09.07.2006 14:39
CASMII, the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran, is stepping up its efforts to bring pressure on the British and US governments not to take military action against Iran. The so-called ‘Iran Crisis’ might have slipped off the front pages in the last few weeks, but all this is about to change.
The Americans have demanded that Iran make a full reply to their proposals regarding Iran’s nuclear enrichment programme before the G8 Summit on July 15th. Iran however has said they will give a response in the second half of August. It is likely that the G8 summit will be used as an opportunity to refer Iran to the UN Security Council for the passing of a Resolution which will in turn be used to justify an attack on Iran.
Condoleezza Rice’s announcement that the US would be willing enter into direct talks with Iran about its nuclear program was predicated on one major condition; namely that "the Iranian regime fully and verifiably suspends its uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities." Iran, which has insisted on its right to enrich uranium, was being asked to concede the main point of the negotiations before they started. Do the US Administration expect the Iranians to agree to this precondition, or are they laying the diplomatic groundwork for future military action?
CASMII believe that now is the time to mobilize and step up pressure on our elected representatives to shelve the plans for military action in Iran. At this meeting our current strategies will be discussed and Professor Abbas Edalat, recently returned form Tehran, will give an update on the political current political situation in Iran.
The meeting has been moved from the House of Commons to the NFT bar on the South Bank in order to make it more accessible for interested members of the public to stop by.
6.30pm, National Film Theatre Bar, Waterloo Bridge, South Bank, London SE1
The Americans have demanded that Iran make a full reply to their proposals regarding Iran’s nuclear enrichment programme before the G8 Summit on July 15th. Iran however has said they will give a response in the second half of August. It is likely that the G8 summit will be used as an opportunity to refer Iran to the UN Security Council for the passing of a Resolution which will in turn be used to justify an attack on Iran.
Condoleezza Rice’s announcement that the US would be willing enter into direct talks with Iran about its nuclear program was predicated on one major condition; namely that "the Iranian regime fully and verifiably suspends its uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities." Iran, which has insisted on its right to enrich uranium, was being asked to concede the main point of the negotiations before they started. Do the US Administration expect the Iranians to agree to this precondition, or are they laying the diplomatic groundwork for future military action?
CASMII believe that now is the time to mobilize and step up pressure on our elected representatives to shelve the plans for military action in Iran. At this meeting our current strategies will be discussed and Professor Abbas Edalat, recently returned form Tehran, will give an update on the political current political situation in Iran.
The meeting has been moved from the House of Commons to the NFT bar on the South Bank in order to make it more accessible for interested members of the public to stop by.
6.30pm, National Film Theatre Bar, Waterloo Bridge, South Bank, London SE1
