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more straw bale progress at eco works

karl | 09.07.2006 09:46 | Ecology | Free Spaces

More progress on the straw bale building at eco works in Nottingham.

last weeks rendering
last weeks rendering

last weekends work 1
last weekends work 1

last weekends work 2
last weekends work 2

placing a bale
placing a bale

placing another bale
placing another bale

filling the gaps
filling the gaps

progress being made
progress being made

the apple trees view
the apple trees view

more progress
more progress

preparing the stakes
preparing the stakes

days progress 1
days progress 1

days progress 2
days progress 2

staking the bales 1
staking the bales 1

staking the bales 2
staking the bales 2

staking the bales 3
staking the bales 3

staking and level checking
staking and level checking

The pictures show the work done previously and the work done on Thursday. As you can see the walls go up fairly quickly as we only had a team of four, and had to deal with curved walls which required splitting and shaping of the bales. The stakes being hammered in are what gives the structure its rigidity.

for all previous articles on our progress see:-
